About to drop meds..


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Well propecia at least... tomorrow will offically be 365 days of the stupid little $2 pill.

the only thing that it's done is lightened my wallet.

question... should i drop it cold turkey or should i ease off of it?!?? I want my poor hormones to function how they should.


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I strongly suggest you ease off from it. Start taking it every other day for a week or two, then every three days and so on.


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Keep using the stuff.

It can be a bad thing having it, but it is much worse not having it.


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that sux ..im going to start off by taking small doses of finasteride.5mg hopefully this will reduce side effects, im sure in the long run its the best thing to do im 32 i dont want to have liver disease when im an old man.i ll take this finasteride for a very long time then at 50 or 60 who cares if im bald..lol...and im single and i dont want a wife and family anyway my brother had kids thats good enough for me .DONT GET MARRIED IS WHAT I HEAR FROM EVERY MARRIED MAN SO I LL HEED THE WARNIG..LOL GOODLUCK . JUST FIND SOMEONE TO HAVE SEX WITH .


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htownballa said:
jeffsss said:
htownballa said:
Why are u quitting propecia?

propecia doesnt work for everybody.

80% my ***.

has ur hairloss gotten a lot worse since starting propecia? were u consistent with it?

yes as a matter of fact it's gotten much worse. not only that.. but i didnt used to have scalp pain and now i do.

consistent?? every morning i popped a pill.

-mods- why did this get sent to " dealing with sides"?


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I remember when my hair started to thin and I was like, "damn, I cant see myself taking a pill EVERYDAY! wow thats just crazy but I guess I have to do it. Now, my attitude is ...I'll take 20 pills a day if thats what it takes. Not sure what this has to do with the topic but yeah, I agree propecia is defenitly not the miracle I thought it was going to be. What a damn shame.


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ang_99 said:
I remember when my hair started to thin and I was like, "damn, I cant see myself taking a pill EVERYDAY! wow thats just crazy but I guess I have to do it. Now, my attitude is ...I'll take 20 pills a day if thats what it takes. Not sure what this has to do with the topic but yeah, I agree propecia is defenitly not the miracle I thought it was going to be. What a damn shame.

It hasnt worked for you either huh?


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Propecia aint no magic bullet...

I am on month 5 and I don't see any difference, not that I expected to...

For those in which such inhibitors like Propecia have no effect, you need to come to the realisation that DHT alone is not the sole cause.

You need to address other areas, such as lifestyle, diet, stress.

The root of all problems stems from stress, whether its phsyical or emotional(biological). No matter the source, stress is the ultimate product which causes most of our problems, illness, disease, hair loss, etc.

People today are not finely tuned human beings. They are not in touch within themselves and certainly they are far from "healthy" both in body and mind.

You need to take stock of your self and address multitude of areas within your life. Keep up with the Propecia, but it won't work alone.

But I bet everyone knows all this anyway?


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So said:
Propecia aint no magic bullet...

I am on month 5 and I don't see any difference, not that I expected to...

For those in which such inhibitors like Propecia have no effect, you need to come to the realisation that DHT alone is not the sole cause.

You need to address other areas, such as lifestyle, diet, stress.

The root of all problems stems from stress, whether its phsyical or emotional(biological). No matter the source, stress is the ultimate product which causes most of our problems, illness, disease, hair loss, etc.

People today are not finely tuned human beings. They are not in touch within themselves and certainly they are far from "healthy" both in body and mind.

You need to take stock of your self and address multitude of areas within your life. Keep up with the Propecia, but it won't work alone.

But I bet everyone knows all this anyway?


stress may contribute but genetics is where ALL of us are screwed.

my lifestyle??

i'm active, I frequent the gym at least 5 X a week. I never eat fast food. I always take a multivitimin. and my job is pretty low stress.


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Same here. Eat very well, exercise loads, very stress-free and yet thinning. male pattern baldness is caused by your genes not by your stress. stress can only make your genetics worse.


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Jeff, ever consider going on proscar or finpecia or something, to save you some money? Maybe it'll be worth the money to give it a little longer. You obviously know yourself better than us but it'll be a very inexpensive way to keep giving it a shot.


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I would advise you guys to stay on the propecia or move to dutasteride...once u give up these meds uve basically given up the fight against male pattern baldness imo


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EasyEd said:
Jeff, ever consider going on proscar or finpecia or something, to save you some money? Maybe it'll be worth the money to give it a little longer. You obviously know yourself better than us but it'll be a very inexpensive way to keep giving it a shot.

well it's not the money.. if i could keep my hair I'd pay $500 a month.

i have about a months worth left.. i'll finish it up.. mabye towards the end.. go every other day.


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htownballa said:
I would advise you guys to stay on the propecia or move to dutasteride...once u give up these meds uve basically given up the fight against male pattern baldness imo

i see you've been on propecia 1 month.. come back in 11. and when it's done nothing for you, you'll be singing a different tune.