Aaah, nothing better than a little quality time...

The Gardener

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Tonight I actually had a nice stress-free evening all to myself. Got home from work at a decent hour, and actually did not have any homework to take home and finish up on my laptop for a change. Changed and got to the gym early, and had a fantastic workout. Today was chest and triceps day, and got in a good 2.5 miles of running in 30 minutes, including the warm up and cool down.

Didn't even have to cook, I had leftovers from a great meal I cooked yesterday that I was able to heat up and eat! Only a few dishes to clear and load, and then showered. A nice, niiiice loooong Nizoral shower where you really let the sh*t soak in while frolicking in the warm water. Caught the end of The Apprentice, while the spironolactone set a bit, and applied the minoxidil.

On evenings like this where I gots nowhere to go and nobody planned to see me, I get a bit messy with it. A nice, sloppy, 1.7ml dousing of my transitional temples, and my little "Isthimus of Panama" shaped hair strip in the middle of my forehead.

Right after that, I do the "minoxidil Walk" over to the kitchen to pour a nice goblet of red wine while the computer boots up. The "minoxidil Walk" being that super-slow, keep your head steady so it doesn't drip down the forehead walk that we all do right after applying minoxidil. And now I am here, enjoying a nice glass of good vino with a full stomach, clean-smelling body, exercise-tightened muscles, endorphins still running through the blood, and a scalp bathing in that precious nectar we call minoxidil. I love that slight 'sting' of the alcohol in the minoxidil after a nizoral shampoo job. Aaah, yes. And to top it all off, while I wait for it to dry, soak in, and rejuvinate my follicles for the evening I sit here and enjoy my favorite pastime while my minoxidil dries, I partake in some quality time. Life is good.

Nope, no sex tonight... The girlfriend is up in San Jose on a business trip. But that's cool, for tonight. Women, when they 'pamper' themselves on alone nights get their nails manicured, or take a bubble bath, or watch some rerun chickflick on Lifetime. Not me. Quality time for me is a Nizoral shampoo, a glass of wine, a scalp full of minoxidil, and good ol' The only icing on this cake might be a nice long and uninterrupted masturbation session. With the girlfriend practically living here, that is one simple pleasure that I haven't had in at least a month. Ah, and that's the thing that would put me right to sleep, like a baby. I think I'm going to have Beyonce tonight and oh hell yeah, I'm gonna be slappin' that *** and she's gonna be lovin' it...