A Weird Case Of Diffuse Pattern Hair Loss.


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Hello everybody, I'm a 22 year old male from Italy.

When I was 15 and a half I experienced hair loss all over my scalp, with no temples or hairline receding, and no bald spot in the crown area, so I'm still a NW0.

The excessive hair shedding has stopped since a few years ago, I can't remember exactly when, however my hair hasn't gone back to the state it was in prior to the hair loss, it's also worth mentioning that I have had scalp acne since my hair started shedding abnormally, and although the abnormal hair loss has now ended, I still have acne all over my scalp.

One year ago I started undergoing a PRP treatment, and while I was able to somewhat thicken my hair, it never went back to its original density.

As I've said, the way I lost my hair resembles female pattern hair loss, rather than the male one, which is weird since I'm a boy, does anybody else here suffer from the same condition?

And what would you suggest as a treatment?

I'll upload some pictures too.
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I have the same type of hairloss, which i got from my mother, she has female pattern baldness. The treatments are the same as for normal hairloss, finasteride and minoxidil.


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Hi! I have similar hair loss pattern as well. I'm 21 and I started noticing that I'm losing hair about half of year ago. But I didn't experience much hair loss. I lose 20-30 units per day, and as I know it's the normal number.

My dad went bald pretty early but he had ordinary male pattern baldness.

Do you have other symptoms? Like itch.