A Venting Session From A New Guy...


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Well, first and foremost, thanks everyone for listening to my venting session...I haven't been able to do this with anyone, and right now I could really use it.

Before I get into my current loss, I'd like to share a little backstory of me, I guess.

When I was a child, my parents grew my hair out. It was so long, people would often mistake me for a little girl, lol. My parents had a warped sense of raising kids. My parents would blow money on expensive cars and house renovations, but dress my 2 siblings and me in goodwill clothes and old shoes. When I was 8 my mom got the bright idea to cut my hair. I hated it. She said I had to start becoming a man. Nobody will hire a guy with long hair. Even worse, she would cut it in a glorious bowl cut with wierd designs and sh*t on the side. All this to save 10 bucks to go to a stylist. To make matters worse, my face was kinda goofy as a kid. Consequently, I was bullied constantly. Even what most would consider the "good kids" would poke fun at me. I would hide in the library all the time as a result. No girls would take interest in me as well (duh). When I was 15 I started listening to rock and metal and started rebelling. At 16, I went to a slylist and got my hair cut into a swept, somewhat shorter gothish haircut. I took really good care of it, styling it and straightening it every day. When I first got it cut that way, my mom was furious. She told me if I didn't let her cut my hair, I wouldn't be allowed in the house. I slept in my car at different local parks for three days before she let me back. It wasn't like I was a lazy kid either, I worked alot at a hardware store in highschool, prepping to pay for college in a few years. Funny enough, my 60 some year old military vet monster of a boss thought it looked wicked :) I bought a few decent sets of clothes myself as well and around 18, my face sorta "grew in." I started actually getting complements, and even getting flirted with. Unfortunately, I was too stupid to realize I was getting flirted with and not made fun of. It probably didnt help that my few friends were aware of this, but didnt tell me! When I was 19, I got into my first relationship with sort of an emo party girl with alot of issues. She would get drunk every weekend, and I'd take care of her when she got sick. I had that relationship for two months before being cheated on with a drug-dealing steletor fuckboy. I should've expected it, I rarely drink and don't do drugs, but it didn't keep it from tanking my confidence all over again. She did also mention my gut at some point during our relationship (I was 20lbs overweight as well) so when we broke up I went on an insane diet. Id take diet pills, lift and run an hour a day, and eat strictly 700 calories a day for 3 months. I later came to my senses and started training sanely.

Now to the hair loss part. My hair started thinning all over on my 20th birthday. ALOT of hair. For awhile I thought I had telogen effuvium. But its been a year and a half now, and the crown is starting to thin as well as the front receding. In this time, I've turned from the guy with the really cool hair and being soo close to being who I always wanted to be, to being that guy who wears a hat all the time and has gross hair. From my family history, I was even more blindsided. Literally every man on my fathers side has a full head of hair at every age. My moms side has a few men whos hair started receding in their mid 30s, but no full balding.

I just feel defeated. I had about two years which were the best of my life. I didnt think appearance mattered much to how one was treated by others until I actually looked decent. Now I feel like I'm slipping back into that hole. It's not enough when I can't look or act my age. I feel like my identity has been stripped I now look at future treatements frantically everyday hoping the cure will come, and everyday I am disappointed. Everyday I find myself more secluded from the world and I dont know how to get back.

Looking back at how much I typed, I didnt realize just how much was there. Sorry if I somehow broke a rule or something, I just really needed to vent my story before I exploded. Feel free to share your story or advice.

Thank you for your time.


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soo close to being who I always wanted to be,

And this is the worst part of balding.
Losing your identity.
Now I don't want to sound like the bear in "Hairtrocity", but what if I told you some of us did not have two years in which they looked like whom they wanted to be, because their hair started going South before they became adults?


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Well, first and foremost, thanks everyone for listening to my venting session...I haven't been able to do this with anyone, and right now I could really use it.

Before I get into my current loss, I'd like to share a little backstory of me, I guess.

When I was a child, my parents grew my hair out. It was so long, people would often mistake me for a little girl, lol. My parents had a warped sense of raising kids. My parents would blow money on expensive cars and house renovations, but dress my 2 siblings and me in goodwill clothes and old shoes. When I was 8 my mom got the bright idea to cut my hair. I hated it. She said I had to start becoming a man. Nobody will hire a guy with long hair. Even worse, she would cut it in a glorious bowl cut with wierd designs and sh*t on the side. All this to save 10 bucks to go to a stylist. To make matters worse, my face was kinda goofy as a kid. Consequently, I was bullied constantly. Even what most would consider the "good kids" would poke fun at me. I would hide in the library all the time as a result. No girls would take interest in me as well (duh). When I was 15 I started listening to rock and metal and started rebelling. At 16, I went to a slylist and got my hair cut into a swept, somewhat shorter gothish haircut. I took really good care of it, styling it and straightening it every day. When I first got it cut that way, my mom was furious. She told me if I didn't let her cut my hair, I wouldn't be allowed in the house. I slept in my car at different local parks for three days before she let me back. It wasn't like I was a lazy kid either, I worked alot at a hardware store in highschool, prepping to pay for college in a few years. Funny enough, my 60 some year old military vet monster of a boss thought it looked wicked :) I bought a few decent sets of clothes myself as well and around 18, my face sorta "grew in." I started actually getting complements, and even getting flirted with. Unfortunately, I was too stupid to realize I was getting flirted with and not made fun of. It probably didnt help that my few friends were aware of this, but didnt tell me! When I was 19, I got into my first relationship with sort of an emo party girl with alot of issues. She would get drunk every weekend, and I'd take care of her when she got sick. I had that relationship for two months before being cheated on with a drug-dealing steletor fuckboy. I should've expected it, I rarely drink and don't do drugs, but it didn't keep it from tanking my confidence all over again. She did also mention my gut at some point during our relationship (I was 20lbs overweight as well) so when we broke up I went on an insane diet. Id take diet pills, lift and run an hour a day, and eat strictly 700 calories a day for 3 months. I later came to my senses and started training sanely.

Now to the hair loss part. My hair started thinning all over on my 20th birthday. ALOT of hair. For awhile I thought I had telogen effuvium. But its been a year and a half now, and the crown is starting to thin as well as the front receding. In this time, I've turned from the guy with the really cool hair and being soo close to being who I always wanted to be, to being that guy who wears a hat all the time and has gross hair. From my family history, I was even more blindsided. Literally every man on my fathers side has a full head of hair at every age. My moms side has a few men whos hair started receding in their mid 30s, but no full balding.

I just feel defeated. I had about two years which were the best of my life. I didnt think appearance mattered much to how one was treated by others until I actually looked decent. Now I feel like I'm slipping back into that hole. It's not enough when I can't look or act my age. I feel like my identity has been stripped I now look at future treatements frantically everyday hoping the cure will come, and everyday I am disappointed. Everyday I find myself more secluded from the world and I dont know how to get back.

Looking back at how much I typed, I didnt realize just how much was there. Sorry if I somehow broke a rule or something, I just really needed to vent my story before I exploded. Feel free to share your story or advice.

Thank you for your time.
Does a shaved head suit you?

(welcome to the forum)


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Shave your head for just one time and use cap,while using treatments .
Slowly test how you look with shaved look or later assess how you look with buzz hairs.
It will give good perspective to your mindset about hairloss.


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Did anyone read this post all the way through?


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Actually treating your hair loss is the way out of this nightmare. I strongly advise against waiting for future treatments


New Member
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And this is the worst part of balding.
Losing your identity.
Now I don't want to sound like the bear in "Hairtrocity", but what if I told you some of us did not have two years in which they looked like whom they wanted to be, because their hair started going South before they became adults?

As far as losing it as a teenager, that thought has crossed my mind. I actually had a friend who started losing it at around 15-16. Looking back, I cant believe it didnt register to me he was losing it. He used to have really long hair, and then he went with a mohawk before shaving it all off before graduation. We all sorta thought it was just a choice, but looking back, it clearly wasn't. I also couldnt understand why another friend stayed with his abusive, cheating girlfriend. He would tell us he doubted he could do ever do better, and we looked at him like he was crazy. Looking back, I realized he was starting to lose his hair too. Man this sucks. A part of me wishes I wouldve focused more on love early and got married, but then have my wife no longer attracted to me and cheat (like every balding relative I have) not to mention spreading this disease to my kids.


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Actually treating your hair loss is the way out of this nightmare. I strongly advise against waiting for future treatments

I had taken action to try and combat it. I took finasteride for 2 weeks and then my dick went completely numb. It took a week off to get back to normal. Tried at .25, same result. I guess I'm just unlucky :( ive been using nizoral, and next week starting minoxidil foam to see what that does. Also, my head looks like an egg shaved.

g.i joey

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Op I f*****g feels with you, I was 300 pounds in highschool but still did fairly well with girls as a teen and always had a big group of friends despite being fat, I too had emo styled and died hair which warranted straightening everyday cause my hair was so damn thick and curly LOL.

Fast forward from 16-18, I started developing facial hair, my jaw line came in and managed to drop to 190 right in time for prom, I looked super slim and luckily lost the weight at a young age so didn't deal with much excess skin at all. At this point I was getting complimented left and right and I'll never forget a night that two girls literally fist fought over me at a club, one of them was my ex and one was a girl I knew since I was a kid. I took a smart pretty girl to prom to who I took for granted and didn't pursue. Had a f*****g amazing 3-4 years of loving life and just having fun while male pattern baldness was silently doing its work, then when I hit 21-22 sh*t went downhill asap.

The mental anguish that came with me realizing I was losing and lost hair changed me, to this day I don't feel as easy going as I used to be and it's understandable considering I'm self conscious about my hair 80% of the day. I mean I'm
Able to cope and luckily have some other things going for me in different aspects of life but I'm aching for some sense of reassurance of finasteride doing it's work, until then I don't think I'll be at ease.

@Roberto_72 i know what you mean about people never having that "2 years" but I honestly think having a taste of it, knowing it's true and real and then having it taken away fucks you up mentally way more than when you know no other way.


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Op I f*****g feels with you, I was 300 pounds in highschool but still did fairly well with girls as a teen and always had a big group of friends despite being fat, I too had emo styled and died hair which warranted straightening everyday cause my hair was so damn thick and curly LOL.

Fast forward from 16-18, I started developing facial hair, my jaw line came in and managed to drop to 190 right in time for prom, I looked super slim and luckily lost the weight at a young age so didn't deal with much excess skin at all. At this point I was getting complimented left and right and I'll never forget a night that two girls literally fist fought over me at a club, one of them was my ex and one was a girl I knew since I was a kid. I took a smart pretty girl to prom to who I took for granted and didn't pursue. Had a f*****g amazing 3-4 years of loving life and just having fun while male pattern baldness was silently doing its work, then when I hit 21-22 sh*t went downhill asap.

The mental anguish that came with me realizing I was losing and lost hair changed me, to this day I don't feel as easy going as I used to be and it's understandable considering I'm self conscious about my hair 80% of the day. I mean I'm
Able to cope and luckily have some other things going for me in different aspects of life but I'm aching for some sense of reassurance of finasteride doing it's work, until then I don't think I'll be at ease.

@Roberto_72 i know what you mean about people never having that "2 years" but I honestly think having a taste of it, knowing it's true and real and then having it taken away fucks you up mentally way more than when you know no other way.
You know how the bottom looks, you get up just to get slowly locked in the pit of baldness.
I had it kind of rough at first. I was youngest guy in a class of 26 boys and 4 girls. During highschool is the age gap of one year and some year and half really evident. I was one of the smallest, skinny and with female like face. Also puberty hit me longer so I was like a boy on a visit in a class of maturing guys. Luckily the puberty changed my face pretty well and I started to grow really fast. I was still skinny but saw the difference in a girl reaction when I talked to them. I was insecure about my shitty ectomorph genes so I gave up on hobbies and social life and started to build myself. It was full time commitment of gym,yoga and food. After about year I had already a good results. Almost two years into fitness and I was chosen to represent Spain on a european culture evening. I have southern look so I learned some things about spain and as an imput I chose to sing. I bought a tan cream and learned manos al aires from nelly furtado. So this topless session with singing and playing guitar changed everything. The same night I got several messages from girls. Next evening at bar a girl, that did not even used to talk to me suddenly came to me, touching me under tshirt and being fully into some f*** session. I left disguised. Instead of enjoying all the female attention I was kind of blackpilled for a time, how the behavior towards me changed. After some time I calmed down and started to value peoples personality more and started to enjoy life. Life decided to f*** with me. I started to bald extremely fast. In the same time a fell for the first time in love, but I was rejected. So I decided to fight baldness and started finasteride and minoxidil. But in the same time I was losing sense in my fingers so I went to doctor. After several tests I was told I have autoimmune disease and probably some sclerosis, but until today they do not now what exactly it is. After these two years I can say, that the illness sucks, but somehow I feel like the baldness is worse. Baldness kills you. It kills the person you was and you become completely new person. Hair is getting really slowly worse and because of my weird top of skull I cant just shave it. So I gave up on everything and decided to save some money abroad for hair transplant (I am from post commie country - no chance of saving some money in shorter time). Next week I am moving away leaving everything behind. I will come back in a year. Either with hair transplant or with brotzus potion in my hand.