A summary of most products (helpful info)


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This was posted by a veteran poster (bot sure of his nick)
I think it covers most products available and will be extremely helpful especially for newbies

What causes baldness?

Follicles are organs, and like transplanted organs, they can be seen by the immune system as foreign bodies and get rejected. This generally happens when the follicle is bound by too much DHT. Fighting DHT helps, but isn’t necessarily enough. Another effective means of combat is are an anti-inflammatory to soothe the skin and decrease the rejection factor.

Treatment Options

Prices are calculated by buying discount at reasonable bulk. Effectiveness is subjective. Treatments may have side effects not mentioned here.

DHT Inhibitor Internals
-Finasteride: $6/month (generic) $20/month (Proscar), effective, moderate potential impact on libido

-Dutasteride: $75/month(?), more effective, higher potential impact on libido

-Saw Palmetto: $1-2/month, Inhibits the DHT type that Finasteride doesn’t. Can create mood swings and contribute to decreased libido. I tried taking some on top of finasteride, and noticed both of these nasty side effects.

Other Internals

-Grape Seed Extract: $2/month at 100mg/day. Antioxidant fights free radicals, which helps irritation. Heres a thread on its side effects

-Green Tea Extract: $?. Similar effects as Grape Seed, it does not seem to be as effective/popular

-L-Arginine: $4 at 1000mg/day This supplement has many uses. It promotes HGH, Nitric Oxide (both apparently help hair and muscle growth) and helps the mojo. Oxhide, “The Man Himselfâ€, suggested in an old thread here working from 1000mg up to 3000mg/daily over the course of three months.

-L-Lysine: $?/month. While also an effective supplement, it appears to have an antagonistic relationship with L-Arginine, so taking both will be less effective then taking just one. Knowing that and L-Arginine’s impressive benefits, I haven’t bothered looking far into L-Lysine, but apparently it helps prevent outbreaks of cold sores.

I have also seen L-Arginine and L-Lysine used in topicals, such as the notable but dangerous Oz’s Brew

-MSM: $2 at1000mg/Day. This Suppliment does not improve follicle health in any way. It does, however, make hair (and nails) grow faster. If you are regrowing hair, this will help it fill in faster, though considering the slow rate of improvement, its unlikely to be terribly significant. It will, however, allow you to have longer hair. 1000mg/day wont provide a very significant change in growth rate. Funkster advised taking 3000mg in the morning and 3000mg for noticeable difference. MSM can also be used in topicals.


-Minoxidil: $5-$10/month (Kirkland). Growth Stimulant. Moderately effective, but proven and widely used.

-6-Bap: ?$. Growth Stimulant. New/rediscovered treatment. Its very affordable, well hyped, good in theory, but I have not encountered any physical evidence of its effectiveness. I haven’t even found out how to mix the stuff yet.

-Zix: $2/month. DHT Inhibitor? Many people swear by this homemade topical. Sometimes requires double/triple strength for results. Zinc buildup/absorption may be a risk factor. Funkster mentioned rotating Copper Peptides (Folligen) may help balance this out.

-Spironolactone: $10/month. Antiandrogen. Most commonly used Antiandrogen, some claim they did not experience any regrowth until they added this to their regimen. Relatively inexpensive and effective (though not as effective as other Antiandrogen). Some complain systemic absorption has led to 'feminizing' side effects.

-Fluidril: $36/month. Antiandrogen? Am I right to classify this as such? If so, it is supposedly a more powerful antiandrogen then spironolactone, but there is little evidence to attest to this, as this drug was difficult to obtain until Funkster recently tipped us.

- RU 58841: $? Not openly obtainable. Antiandrogen? If so, the most powerful antiandrogen. If this drug becomes available and affordable, it seems it would easily replace spironolactone/Fluidril.

-17a Estradiol – $30/month. Converts testosterone into some form of estrogen? For some, apparently works better then spironolactone.

-Dutasteride (Topical): $?/month DHT Inhibitor. I was not even aware of this as a possibility until HLH's Farrel brought it up in their forums recently.

-Cyclosporin (Topical): $?/month. This drug can totally supress the immune reaction, allowing follicles to return to a strong, healthy state. Aparently this drug grows hair very well, though can be hard to absorb topically as its a large molecule. But the real reason this drug is not commonly used for hair loss is that it is VERY DANGEROUS! Systemic absorbtion can disable your immune system, which can lead to you getting very sick, and possibly even dying.

-Folligen: $20/month. SOD/Anti-Inflammatory/Growth Stimulant. Commonly used and accepted as a solid addition to a regimen.

-Aloe Vera: $1/month. Anti-Inflammatory/SOD?

-Emu Oil: $1/month (1,2). Anti-Inflammatory. I believe there was a study that showed emu oil could kick temple hair into the growth cycle, but otherwise it is simply a very effective Anti-Inflammatory. Applied after other topicals it creates an occlusive layer after you have applied all other topicals..this helps in absorption of these topicals

-Glucosamine Sulphate: I’ve read some positive posts about this, but I cant really find much on what its supposed to do.


-Nizoral: A must.
-Nano: Expensive, this shampoo claims to double as a growth stimulant.
-TGel: Coal based shampoo that helps promote scalp health
-Head and Shoulders: This shampoo supposedly increases Nizoral's effectiveness.


Dermaroller:$37, Roller that punctures skin ‘without pain’ to increase topical absorption.

In conclusion

For DHT Inhibiting Internals, I’m going to stick with Finasteride. It seems like some serum DHT is a good thing to keep little Flux in working order, and the price of Dutasteride would break me if I wanted to add anything else. Saw Palmetto’s side effects are not worth it.

For Supplemental Internals, Grape Seed Extract is a sure thing. With L-Arginines many benefits, this seems like a sure winner. As for the others listed, Green Tea Extract seems like overkill.

Topicals: This is the killer. Having regrown some hair with minoxidil, and with its price so low, I would be hard pressed to give this up. 6-Bap is looking very good and I may just add this as well! It seems that a solid regimen should include either spironolactone, Fluidril, RU, or 17a. Considering prices, I think I will throw in spironolactone, perhaps rotating in Fluidril or 17a. Zix is almost too cheap not to use, but with some of the vague warnings I’ve heard, and how little documentation there has been on it, I think I will use it sparingly. Folligen is also in, though perhaps not at full dosage to help keep it affordable. Emu Oil is another highly affordable throw in, as it is a very effective anti-inflammatory.

As for shampoos, I dont think I can afford Nano, I already have nizoral and Tgel, but perhaps I'll pick up a bottle of Head and Shoulders.

I'm not sure if I should buy a Dermaroller or not. I'd ask if anyone would suggest it, but I really doubt anyone who knows would have read this far.

All in all its quite a regimen, but if that’s what it takes to get my hair back, I am all for it.
All in all it shouldn’t be too expensive, and quite do-able.

So lets see how I did

finasteride $6
GSE $2
L-Arginine $5
Min $7
6-Bap <$5
spironolactone $10
Zix $2
Folligen $15
Emu $1
= $53/month


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This should be cleaned up, links added and made into a sticky.


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what is 6-Bap never heard of it before??


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*Although 6-benzyl aminopurine has been approved for use in humans, the exact mechanism behind its efficacy remains unclear.

1) Recognizing the ability of 6-benzyl aminopurine to rapidly increase hair growth promoting signals
DNA array analysis has revealed over 51 recognizable genetic changes that occur in experiments in which 6-benzyl aminopurine is added to cell cultures with intact DPCs. Of these changes, an increase in the level of expression of BMP and ephrin has been determined as the crucial factor in achieving hair growth. In other words, 6-benzyl aminopurine was seen to encourage activity during the growth stage of the hair growth cycle, and to effectively boost the level of hair growth promoting signals present during the growth cycle.

2) The ability of 6-benzyl aminopurine to suppress hair depilation signals
When 6-benzyl aminopurine is introduced into human hair follicle keratinocyte cultures engineered to simulate conditions during hair loss, the chemical effectively suppresses hair depilation signals. This evidence suggests that 6-benzyl aminopurine discourages the loss of hair follicles, helping to return the stunted hair growth cycle to its rightful state. Renewed hope for a cure for baldness was born.

This research makes it clear that the development of new hair loss treatments must include two elements. The first was already known: using the hair depilation signal to take the hair growth cycle beyond the hair loss stage. The second element, which has been identified for the first time through Lion's groundbreaking research, is the need to prevent a decline in the level of growth promoting signals, which are needed to advance to the growth stage, thus ensuring that the hair growth cycle functions smoothly.

i got this from genhair


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Reading all that makes me think maybe its easier to just be bald! Are we expected to take a wheelbarrow to the drug store and spend 2hrs a day taking supplements and applying topicals.


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s.a.f, not trying to put any one off treatments. It can give people a list of what treatments are out there, brief summary and approximate price.


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I was only joking! But looking at some posters regimen it seems that their not far off that!


I am missing Tricomin. And what about general supplements such as Zinc, Biotin, Silica, etc. ?


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Head and Shoulders: This shampoo supposedly increases Nizoral's effectiveness

I thought it was T-Sal, because of the salicylic acid, the one who increases Nizoral's effectiveness.

Green Tea - It also reduces dht (a potent inhibitor of type 1 alpha-reductase).

Other natural DHT inhibitors:
Pygeum, Nettles, Pumpkin Seed Oil, Emu oil.

Lysine - Bio Sciences Ltd., in English bio-tech firm was recently issued a patent for the use of oral l-Lysine in combination with either topical minoxidil or Propecia as separate “hair growth kits.â€￾

According to the data they presented, the simple addition of L-Lysine to either compound dramatically improved the efficacy of both.

Glucosamine Sulphate- Glucosamine is a natural substance formed in the body. Found largely in the cartilage, Glucosamine is an important factor in the structure of bone, skin, nails, hair and body tissues.
It is essential for healthy cartilage ... to help maintain healthy joints and pain-free mobility.


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Strat54 said:
Green Tea - It also reduces dht (a potent inhibitor of type 1 alpha-reductase).

I've never seen any scientific evidence that DRINKING green tea reduces DHT levels in the body. Doesn't it seem like if that were really true, it would have been noticed by doctors and scientists long long ago??

On the other, there is some evidence that a topical application of green tea (or perhaps more precisely, an extract of green tea, or one of its polyphenols like EGCG) can reduce DHT and/or maybe even function as some kind of androgen receptor blocker or inhibitor.

Strat54 said:
Lysine - Bio Sciences Ltd., in English bio-tech firm was recently issued a patent for the use of oral l-Lysine in combination with either topical minoxidil or Propecia as separate “hair growth kits.â€￾

According to the data they presented, the simple addition of L-Lysine to either compound dramatically improved the efficacy of both.

Yeah, and I think those people are lying through their teeth. I don't believe that claim for a second.



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I have no idea why it would work. copper peptides help, but the same compound, which has lysine, but no copper, does not help. not that this proves lysine does not work. I'd like to see their evidence, but would not believe unless there were an independent study. I doubt there will be one. Not unless these people convince others of this. but why would someone test it when there is already a patent?


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Bryan wrote:
I've never seen any scientific evidence that DRINKING green tea reduces DHT levels in the body. Doesn't it seem like if that were really true, it would have been noticed by doctors and scientists long long ago??

I guess you’re right. It’s just that I’ve read it so many times on the internet that I’ve come to believe it.

I just found this:

...A final study in mice with green tea indicated drastic increases in both testosterone and DHT from green tea treatment, but levels of both were synergistically inhibited when it was adminstered along with soy phytochemicals [86]. In vitro, EGCG inhibits type I 5AR [2, 87], which is partially responsible for the conversion of testosterone to DHT (for this reason, it has been proposed in the topical treatment of acne and hair loss [2]), while in rats, green tea is an aromatase inhibitor, which (in theory) would be responsible for an increase in tesotsterone levels [85].

So, how does one make sense of this mess of contadictory data? It should first be noted that 5AR inhibition has only been shown in vitro [87], while it has not been observed in live animals – in fact, drastic increases in DHT have been found - and it seems that other constituents of green tea counteract the 5AR inhibition [88]...

Complete article on Green Tea: http://www.ironmagazine.com/review50.html

In a few years they will tell us: Stop drinking Green Tea or your hair will fall, and by the way, you may also get cancer because……

Lesson #1: Don’t believe everything you read on the internet because a lot of information is spread by word of mouth.


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Goingat20, What is your source for the spironolactone? I assume thats tabs to make your own. But I cannot find somewhere that does not require a prescription?
Does anyone know where I can obtain the pills...I live in the US.


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wait, can topical spironolactone application give you systematic effects such as male boobs?


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travbedaman said:
Goingat20, What is your source for the spironolactone? I assume thats tabs to make your own. But I cannot find somewhere that does not require a prescription?
Does anyone know where I can obtain the pills...I live in the US.

Im actually not using spironolactone at the moment. Try http://www.unitedpharmacy.com you can get spironolactone from there. Also make sure you use spironolactone as a cream. You can get it already made or make your own.


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LostWind said:
wait, can topical spironolactone application give you systematic effects such as male boobs?

no. not even if you apply it to half your body.


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some compounds in green tea have been tested in vivo, and did very well.

I'm bothered by it being an aromatase inhibitor, though, for topical application reasons. I do eat a lot of soy protein, so I'm not worried about getting too much green tea. sounds like pine oil and maybe corn oil may be the best sources of a beta sitesterol, which turns testosterone into estrogen. Is that as good as the 17 stuff?


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Goingat20 said:
travbedaman said:
Goingat20, What is your source for the spironolactone? I assume thats tabs to make your own. But I cannot find somewhere that does not require a prescription?
Does anyone know where I can obtain the pills...I live in the US.

Im actually not using spironolactone at the moment. Try http://www.unitedpharmacy.com you can get spironolactone from there. Also make sure you use spironolactone as a cream. You can get it already made or make your own.

Are you sure that is the right site? I mean it`s just one of those advertisement sites for other places.