A success story ..... but

abu sabreen

New Member
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Heloo everybody , How r u doing ?

This is my story :

Iam 17.4 years old and i was shedding since i was 16 , i used my

regimen( propecia daily , minoxidile 5 % twice a day and rexcol shampoo )3 months a go.

first month i noticed a huge shedding then shedding became slowly less day by day

and now ( after three months of regimen) i had little and natural

shedding in my hair.

i was wondering if i can quit using minoxidil cause it really bothers

me and make my hair doesnt look so good after putting on my hair.


Idaho X

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I think HairLossTalk.com has a sticky somewhere that says this, but the rule of thumb is to pick one treatment and stay with it for a minimum of one year (two years is probably better). Hair grows slowly and it takes a long time to properly assess the results of your regimen. This way you can try one treatment, like finasteride, and give it some time to work. Maybe that one treatment is all you need and you save yourself a bunch of money. Maybe you need to add another product. At least you know which treatments work for you and which don't.

This advice holds as long as you don't need to grow a ton of hair (e.g. fill in a bald spot). I'm guessing since you are so young and haven't been losing your hair for too long you don't need to regrow too much hair.As to quitting Minoxidil, I can't really tell you what to do. If it were me I would stick with the finasteride and save the minoxidil for the future when I really needed it

abu sabreen

New Member
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"Idaho X" thank u very much u were so sweet with me.

i think i will go with ur advice by quit using mino and going on using

finasteride , but how could i know that finasteride works well with me?

if i shed again , what should i do?

thanks for ur great cooperation. :p


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abu sabreen said:
i think i will go with ur advice by quit using mino and going on using

finasteride , but how could i know that finasteride works well with me?

WHAT? Is that how you interpreted indaho's advice? To quit minoxidil?

Major mistake. Your initial shed was a large number of follicles entering a new cycle due to minoxidil. Expect another shed if you stop and of course reduced regrowth if any on finasteride alone.


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If you are under the age of 18 you should NOT use Propecia.

abu sabreen

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Major mistake. Your initial shed was a large number of follicles entering a new cycle due to minoxidil. Expect another shed if you stop and of course reduced regrowth if any on finasteride alone.

but does propecia keep new hair grown by mino?

and another question plz : i wash my hair everyday , can i use nizoral
shampoo everyday or it will affect badly on my hair?

If you are under the age of 18 you should NOT use Propecia

I already used it and i think it worked with me and i havent seen side effects so far



Senior Member
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abu sabreen said:

but does propecia keep new hair grown by mino?
Nope. Do not quit minoxidil.

and another question plz : i wash my hair everyday , can i use nizoral shampoo everyday or it will affect badly on my hair?
I use it almost everyday but I would not recommend it. If you do(I repeat I do not recommend it) make sure you do not leave it for too long every day.

I already used it and i think it worked with me and i havent seen side effects so far
Ok, it was probably a mistake starting that early, but mistakes are ethically relative. If you are on it with no sides, stay on it.

abu sabreen

New Member
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I mean it to show how big and good is ur heart :lol:

special thank u very much for ur nice help and for everyody else replied

in this post.

I hope u all success .
