a standoff between the name brands and generics.


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I used propecia for a long time, 9 years to be exact. Propecia help me maintain and grow hair in the front and the crown. During those nine years on Propecia, I occasionally substituted in finpecia. It seemed however, each time i did so, I either began a shed or started to lose more hair again. The generic i used didn't seem to work like the real stuff.

For those of you who use a generic Propecia (finasteride), what have your experiences been with them? I think that the Cipla finpecia and proscar may be the most popular. What about others?

Did they work well for you?



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I had been taking propecia for over 2 years and I did notice the change. However, I got lazy and didnt want to go for my yearly check up at the derm. I ended up ordering finasteride from the link on here. I just finished my second month and I am getting scared. I notice that my hair is not the same as before, not as thick and not as manageable.

I think I am going to go back to the derm. and get back on propecia.

Anyone else have any thoughts on the matter?


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Many people on this site have been using generic brands for years with great success, including myself. If you think it's not working for you, switch back to name brand finasteride from Merck. As far as I'm aware, there is no scientific evidence of Propecia being superior or inferior to a generic brand of finasteride.


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I've used both and there's no difference. One works just as well as the other in my experience.


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Hey Cassin,
Do you have to be a health care professional to order from Teva? I went onto their website but was unsure about ordering info.


Cassin said:
I use legit generic from a US pharmacy. From Teva