A love-interest of mine said:


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This guy was hitting on her while she was making copies... she said "he was balding too!! I mean come on!!! balding... give me a break"

Looks like shes not a keeper.


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PS: I've been on Propecia for 10 hours and I can see a noticeable improvement in by inner beauty.


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hairschmair said:
Man that's annoying. Women are pigs. Why can't they see our inner beauty?

works both ways......

....do you see the 'inner beauty' of a short fat girl with a moustache? or do you ignore her and concentrate on chatting up the tall good looking blonde ?


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The problem is that balding is not a signal of poor health like being overweight is...

Balding does not have to be ugly.


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His point still stands thought, most guys regard ugly girls just like how this girl regards balding guys. I can't hate on her when I know I've been just as shallow judging people just from their looks.


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Zen2Bald said:
The problem is that balding is not a signal of poor health like being overweight is...

Right on man. While there is a small mnority of people who are overweight and perfectly healthy due to their body structure and genetics; this again is a tiny minority. The hoards of fatties out there are due to laziness and overeating crappy processed foods.

I've been all over the world - on 5 continents and I've noticed that people in N.A. are overweight (even the young) and in the UK as well. Other countries you rarely see an overweight person except if they are advanced in age. This is not genetics - I've seen a million and one photos of my ancesttors as well as the ancestors of many friends from all sorts of races and rarely do you see a fat person.

OK rant over.


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I am determined to shave my head before it is obvious that I am balding. I would rather be "that mean looking guy with the shaved head and a nice body" than "that balding guy who works out to try to make up for his cue ball head"


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Me too, but i'm unsure whether he was actually joking or not. :/

not me!

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springroll said:
Zen2Bald said:
The problem is that balding is not a signal of poor health like being overweight is...

Right on man. While there is a small mnority of people who are overweight and perfectly healthy due to their body structure and genetics; this again is a tiny minority. The hoards of fatties out there are due to laziness and overeating crappy processed foods.

I've been all over the world - on 5 continents and I've noticed that people in N.A. are overweight (even the young) and in the UK as well. Other countries you rarely see an overweight person except if they are advanced in age. This is not genetics - I've seen a million and one photos of my ancesttors as well as the ancestors of many friends from all sorts of races and rarely do you see a fat person.

OK rant over.


In America, something like 45% of the adult population is considered overweight. Now, let's compare that with China, Australia, Nigeria, and the Netherlands (is that a good enough mix for you?)

Noone can blame it on a certain race of people since America is such a mix of races so it is purely a societal thing. We are a nation of fat asses.

Hense, back to the original point: if you look at someone with a weight problem with a little disgust, then it IS different than someone looking at you with the same disgust because of your hair loss. Hair loss IS heredetary and cannot be helped. The propensity for weight gain can be hereditary in that it is easier for some to become tubby than others, but in the end it IS preventable.

Therefore, a person that is losing their hair MAY ACTUALLY be doing something about his/her hairloss in vain and nothing may be working (weve all read posts by these poor souls) but someone that is constantly overweight has noone to blame for thier weight problem but themselves (or maybe their parents for instilling their awful eating habits in them).

Now, would you rather date someone that refuses to better themselves when there are options (an overwieght person) or someone that consistently tries and fails (through no fault of his/her own) to regrow their hair in vain?

Wow, what a rant.


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Zen2Bald said:
The problem is that balding is not a signal of poor health.......

The is not entirely true.

Balding is considered a sign of age, guys on this forum who find themselves loosing the roof at 18 and 19 are not so much fighting plain old baldness but premeture baldness. male pattern baldness normally shows it's ugly head in later years within the general population.

Most signs of age are considered signals to the opposite sex that the person before them has passed their sexual peak.

Females do not consciously think "hey that bald guy can't give me kids" the programming is much deeper, much more ingrained than that, they simply find bald guys less attractive, but the underlying reasons can be loosely thought of as being health reasons.


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Zen2Bald said:
This guy was hitting on her while she was making copies... she said "he was balding too!! I mean come on!!! balding... give me a break"

Looks like shes not a keeper.

Can you really blame her? If she was bald, I doubt you'd pay any attention to her.


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Yes I can blame her... and believe it or not I have seen a few VERY attractive bald women (think buddhist).

Also it is thought that balding may have come about through evolution as a signal to say "this man is ready to settle down". So I really think "bald = ugly" is a societal viewpoint...not ingrained from birth.

Also the thing is... if a woman goes bald she can wear a wig and that is perfectly acceptable. Why is that???

But OHHHH if a man goes bald... god forbid that he wears a toupe


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Thinning said:
Dump the b**ch after you tell her what a superficial pig she is.

Wait, if he has put the legwork in already.... sleep with her first, THEN dump her :) lol


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Are you sure that she was even talking about you?? I mean unless your a total cue ball, which I doubt you are, why would she say something like that. Maybe she was talking about the fatty bald 40 year old that just hit on her like 15 minutes ago. :wink: Don't let this stop you from going after her because she may not have been talking about you. If she was then f*** her and move on. You don't want to associate with her anyways. Or just ask her to go out for a couple of drinks with you as friends. When your out with her act like you don't give a damn what happens, without being an a**h**. By the time the nights over she will have her panties down around her ankles. After all most girls just wanna get banged. :D


social_drinker said:
springroll said:
Zen2Bald said:
The problem is that balding is not a signal of poor health like being overweight is...

Right on man. While there is a small mnority of people who are overweight and perfectly healthy due to their body structure and genetics; this again is a tiny minority. The hoards of fatties out there are due to laziness and overeating crappy processed foods.

I've been all over the world - on 5 continents and I've noticed that people in N.A. are overweight (even the young) and in the UK as well. Other countries you rarely see an overweight person except if they are advanced in age. This is not genetics - I've seen a million and one photos of my ancesttors as well as the ancestors of many friends from all sorts of races and rarely do you see a fat person.

OK rant over.


In America, something like 45% of the adult population is considered overweight. Now, let's compare that with China, Australia, Nigeria, and the Netherlands (is that a good enough mix for you?)

Noone can blame it on a certain race of people since America is such a mix of races so it is purely a societal thing. We are a nation of fat asses.

Hense, back to the original point: if you look at someone with a weight problem with a little disgust, then it IS different than someone looking at you with the same disgust because of your hair loss. Hair loss IS heredetary and cannot be helped. The propensity for weight gain can be hereditary in that it is easier for some to become tubby than others, but in the end it IS preventable.

Therefore, a person that is losing their hair MAY ACTUALLY be doing something about his/her hairloss in vain and nothing may be working (weve all read posts by these poor souls) but someone that is constantly overweight has noone to blame for thier weight problem but themselves (or maybe their parents for instilling their awful eating habits in them).

Now, would you rather date someone that refuses to better themselves when there are options (an overwieght person) or someone that consistently tries and fails (through no fault of his/her own) to regrow their hair in vain?

Wow, what a rant.
I think you're missing the point. Regardless of whether someone's weight issues are something they're struggling with or glibly accepting, the fact of the matter is that you're qualifying your right to judge someone as ugly based on a physical trait you find unacceptable. Whether someone is proactive about their weight, or their male pattern baldness, matters little -- as it is impossible to visually ascertain this -- when you're just taking one look and judging. How is a girl supposed to distinguish between the guys who are taking propecia and not responding and the guys who have accepted it? How are we supposed to distinguish between the girls with a thyroid problem and those who eat too many fried foods? And, just as you wouldn't --in the end--give a crap one way or another, why should they? You can't just expect the universe to judge you based on your elaborate set of physical justifications and then throw it out the window when it's your turn to judge.


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viper, I think you missed the point. I'm pretty sure he was saying that she WAS talking about somebody else, but her viewpoint about balding is simply unacceptable in his mind, as he knows he himself is balding.