A hair transplant at 19? PICS inside

Last blade

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Im 19 and id say im currently norwood 2.5 with sum diffuse thining over the top.Iv tired propecia and it didnt work it for me;side effects.And im now weighing up my options.

The first i attempted was-accept the baldness.
Accordingly i shaved my head bald.Unfortunately this tactic hasnt worked as planned,i look about 45 yrs old.As a result now even more determined to find a means to combat male pattern baldness

The second im considering is a hair transplant-now before you all jump on me about ethical doctors and the like is it that clear cut?I mean if fue is minimally invasive and i approach a good surgeon and explain my goal is damage limitation (i dont expect a norwood 0) does that still rule this option out at this age?

The Third and most unattractive is that of the dreaded wig.Despite the stereotype about this option im considering it.I dont see how putting this thing on my head is really any different to spending 45mins trying to style your hair to cover up your hairline when its longer or simply wearing a hat 24/7 to hide it when its shaved.

I'd appreciate it if you guys could provide offer some objective feedback,cheers!


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Fue would be the only way to go for someone your agE. I had my first hair transplant, a strip, in 1997. Bd idea. I was 20 then, and wayyy too young. Shave your head, get on propecia, and use minoxidil.


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zackb said:
Fue would be the only way to go for someone your agE. I had my first hair transplant, a strip, in 1997. Bd idea. I was 20 then, and wayyy too young. Shave your head, get on propecia, and use minoxidil.

Why is fue a better option?

what is the drawback in doing a strip? is the depletion of donor area that way?


You may greatly dislike what I'm going to say but I'm going to say it anyway because it will save you MUCH grief in the long run.


Any guy at 19 who is already at Norwood 2 is a profound indication of much more progressive loss in the years to come. I know that's hard to swallow but it is the truth. I do not know anything about your family history but if I was a betting man I'd bet there's men in either side of your family history that are Norwood class 6-7. Otherwise you would not be sustaining this yourself at such a young age.

Try other forms of meds if Propecia gave you the side effects. See a dermatologist who is very experienced in treating hairloss with non-surgical means. Stay away from surgeons or you will regret it.

Sorry if I am coming across blunt and to the point but there are enough crooked docs out there that would take financial advantage of your emotional situation. Read these forums long enough and you'll soon see what I mean. It appears you joined this forum several years ago, read some of the other ones too.

I wish you the best resolve with the meds. One last thing. As hard as it is psychologically speaking, you hairloss is not perceived by others to be as bad as you might think it to be. We can be our own worst critic. Try to do other things and positive healthy activities that will help get your focus off your hair.


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That's sound advice right there.

You might opt for a transplant later in the future, once any loss (if you have more) is stabilized.

I know, you want hair now!

Things get better, my friend, especially after using proven treatments.

Give it some rest, save up some money. By the time you're 30, a lot better methods of surgery and treatments will be readily available.

Last blade

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Well my dad is 49 and he is a norwood 6,although his brother,my uncle, is 52 and a norwood 1.Apparently the gene comes from your mothers side though doesnt it,unfortunately i dont know anything about my mums dad.

Iv also been on minoxidil for 2 years.Propecia definately does not work for me,that rules out the most effective hairloss med.Without propecia do you really have a chance of beating what clearly is in my case agressive male pattern baldness?

I wouldnt care to such an extent if i was 29 and not 19.You may argue that hair isnt that important etc etc but what it comes down to at this age is the fact that i can basically forget about women for the next 10yrs.I can honestly tell you from my own personal experience that girls are not exactly enamoured with a teen guy with a norwood 2.The thing that kills me is that with a hat on,im back to my old self and everything is for just a little while all right in the world.All of that amazing personallity stuff is from what iv seen a pile of bullshit.

Iv kinda strayed from the point but basically where do i turn now?Is one of these expensive farell lies the only card i have left to play?


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How long were you on Propecia for?

Did you know that the side eventually go away? Why don't you stick with Propecia, Minoxidil, and Nizoral shampoo? You will certainly see results.

Are you using 2% minoxidil or 5% minoxidil?

Have you considered using topical spiroactalone (an antiandrogen) or revivogen?

If you have your heart set on not using Propecia, have you considered Dutasteride? It has amazing regrowth properties, which are proven. http://www.dutasteride.org This has all the information on it.

I don't think you've tried enough treatments. You must find what works for you, or accept your fate.

As for the male pattern baldness gene, it can come from either side of your family. It's not necessarily the mother's side.

Last blade

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i was on propecia for 18mnths,i posted about it in the general forum,i began to develop gyno when i was on it.

spironolactone is not going to grow my hair back realisticaly,i have ordered it but the best it will do is slow it down.

Dutasteride is not an option,i mean who takes dutasteride and if propecia didnt work for me why would i want to take another hormone bender to get me all screwed up with no hair benfits.

I will accept my balding,this is inevitable.However i cannot cross this bridge now.Iv tried so hard to do it,thats why i just shaved my head.However i look terrible,i do not recognise myself.

Its hard to believe that in 2006,there are no really effective remedies.hair transplant's seem to be a total paradox-the people who need them most cant have them.


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Hey, just wanted to give you some feedback. I am 21, so I am in the same boat as you. NW3 and rising. I have been on the finasteride and minoxidil and it looks like it didn't put a dent in the male pattern baldness. As of now, I just shave my head. The buzzer without any addons. You don't really have a choice if it's getting bad. I plan on seeing where my male pattern baldness takes me and possibly get a transplant further down the line. I hit the gym now and I feel great. You just gotta accept it. No matter what choice you go with be sure to do extensive research to make sure you won't regret it down to line. Good luck.


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briancl said:
Hey, just wanted to give you some feedback. I am 21, so I am in the same boat as you. NW3 and rising. I have been on the finasteride and minoxidil and it looks like it didn't put a dent in the male pattern baldness. As of now, I just shave my head. The buzzer without any addons. You don't really have a choice if it's getting bad. I plan on seeing where my male pattern baldness takes me and possibly get a transplant further down the line. I hit the gym now and I feel great. You just gotta accept it. No matter what choice you go with be sure to do extensive research to make sure you won't regret it down to line. Good luck.

good advise man.


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But the problem is that the rest of your hair is thin.

You would have a dense hairline and a thin anterior. You'd look like a tool.

By the way, I don't think you're more than a Norwood 2. Transplants are only for people who have progressed from 3 and beyond.

michael barry

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Last blade,
What gillenator told you was correct. You will proboably go bald, and if you started in your teens........you'll proboably be bald by your mid-30's.

If Hair Multiplication (or haircloning) comes along in 5 years (Intercyclex and Anderans projections) perhaps you can get your hair back. But if you cut up your scalp with 500 grafts.......that may not work for you. Head buzzing and shaving are very accepted now. Youre lucky to be losing it post-Michael Jordan, Vin Diesel, etc......In the 80's, nobody head shaved or buzzed. It was combover city, and it sucked.

The moderator of this forum uses topical revivogen once a day, and sprio twice. A dose about every 8 hours I'd guess. Its worked for him as far as "holding the line".

Thing about getting surgery this early is this.....on horshoe bald guys, transplants are VERY thin......not like what you see in an infomercial. Your donor area will be unaturally thin too, and people will notice and say "what the phuck is up with the back of that dude's head". Trust me on this......guys who start losing in their teens usually go Dr. Phil/Dick Cheney level bald. Think if they tried to transplant.

Last blade

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yeah i accept the fact that i will probably be norwood 6 within 10 yrs.i didnt even know i was thining on top untill i shaved my head,i thought that propecia had maintainned my hair there but it clearly hasnt.

My point is,if i had a hairline that was more solid and my hair was longer,you would not notice the thining.

If this result is acheivable with FUE.minimally invasive,and i dont have any horrendus scaring then why not go for it?

Apparently youth is wasted on the young.In my current position i look middle aged,all iwant is the opportunity to be a regular 19yr old.I will have the 1 surgery and see how it works out,if im bald in 10yrs well f*** it ,i would have been bald long before that had i not taken action


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I think you should rethink the transplant route. It is too early to know what is going to happen. We just started our male pattern baldness and look how bad it already got. There's no point in hanging onto something that isn't there anymore. The last thing we'd want to do is make ourselves feel even shittier than we already do. It's not our fault we were born with these genetics. It makes me feel better accepting that fact. If we had our hair we'd be out living a much better life. Just accept it and move on. It's okay to think about it, but nothing will make your hair the way it once was.


I really wish you the best in finding some med(s) that will work for you and only by the process of elimination will you know what will work and what will not. Talk to more docs and continue your research.


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last blade... be happy that your head is small. it looks very acceptable the way you keep it.


Last blade

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the hair transplant is probably a knee jerk reaction.Its just as you well know,if you cant have good hair then anything else will not do.

i have made several concrete observations though which you all also probably are aware of.The first is that you definately do look better with hair.If you are noticeably balding women do undoubtedly react different at the outset to you.The second is,based on todays treatments,that you are unlikely to have the hair you used to have,ie the hair you always wanted.

That said though,i refuse to accept the baldness.As humans,we should by definition have hair on our heads.Caught in the interim i feel the only option in my present situation is to keep fighting on and try to keep what i have.The funny thing with hairloss is that you go through periods were you say "i dont give a f***,i look like sh*t anyway,so what if i im totally bald"Ive definately learned to fight that apathy.Even if the cure isnt for another 20 years im getting it regardless.

The fact is we are not the only ones,moreover if you feel hairloss has made you ugly,would it not be worse if you were born ugly by default.Keep fighting,we'll all get there in the end

Its only a matter of time.


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Last blade said:
the hair transplant is probably a knee jerk reaction.Its just as you well know,if you cant have good hair then anything else will not do.

i have made several concrete observations though which you all also probably are aware of.The first is that you definately do look better with hair.If you are noticeably balding women do undoubtedly react different at the outset to you.The second is,based on todays treatments,that you are unlikely to have the hair you used to have,ie the hair you always wanted.

That said though,i refuse to accept the baldness.As humans,we should by definition have hair on our heads.Caught in the interim i feel the only option in my present situation is to keep fighting on and try to keep what i have.The funny thing with hairloss is that you go through periods were you say "i dont give a f***,i look like $#iT anyway,so what if i im totally bald"Ive definately learned to fight that apathy.Even if the cure isnt for another 20 years im getting it regardless.

The fact is we are not the only ones,moreover if you feel hairloss has made you ugly,would it not be worse if you were born ugly by default.Keep fighting,we'll all get there in the end

Its only a matter of time.

You are one f*****g great guy. I see this.

I was 19 last year, and man, I wish I had the attitude you had.

Note to everyone, you should definitely keep an optimistic attitude like this if you want to get through things.

I'll stop being a hipocrite now, and try to lead by example.

Thanks, Last Blade.