A Grass Field Compared to A Head of Hair


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I just want to know if others agree with me that they are similar and different in the following ways.

Similar in that:

1. Hair shafts and grass blades grow on some kind of foundation i.e. roots and follicles.

2. The soil and scalp skin must me fertile and suitable for growth.

3. Things such as corroded soil or DHT can impede their growth and cause them to die, miniaturize, etc.

Different in that:

1. Grass just needs water and sunlight to grow, whereas hair follicles need nutrients as well as a steroid or androgen to grow (not sure about the last bit).

2. Hairs shed more often than grass blades do.

Any thoughts are highly appreciated.


Senior Member
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When i see a patch of dying grass that's growing in at the edge of a sidewalk or something, i automatically think of temple miniaturization.

crazy sh*t.


Established Member
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Ahaha yeah

ryan r

Established Member
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LOL barfcafan


Experienced Member
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wtf . this guy is looped. Follow those guys in the coats vigaku..oh and no walking on the grass.


Established Member
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You know you are thinking to much about hairloss when you start comparing it to a grass field for absolutely no reason.

Seriously dude, go outside and get some sunlight or something...


Established Member
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Your thoughts on the topic was what's asked for (and relevant), but I do admit I obsess about this a lot. It's no surprise, though. I want to look the best I can, and a disease such as male pattern baldness (I hope no one minds if I call it that) will affect my looks drastically. I'm worrying because I'm young, obviously. No 20 year old would just be passive about this unless if he A. is still attractive bald or B. doesn't give a sh*t either way.

I want to be attractive to my honey, too.