a good dosage under 1mg of propecia, and how to cut it


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hey, I take 1mg of propecia, brand name stuff. I think I want to take it down a small notch. See how my libido reacts. Whats a good recomended dosage? What is a good way to cut the propecia? Thanks as always.


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1mg every other day.

Pill cutters are a load of crap, they never work very well, especially on a small pill like proscar.

I use a surgical scalpel which you can buy at most art/craft shops.


If you are right handed:

Take your scalpel blade (no need to buy the handle) in your right hand

place it on the pill where you would like to cut

put your left index finger (the one next to your thumb) on the back of the blade

and with this finger (index on the the left hand) slowly push down,

the pill will split, and nothing will shoot off as the soft fleshy 'finger print' area of your left index finger will grip the pill.


Flat edged '11' surgical scalpel blade

I use a SWANN MORTON 11 or 10A blade, many will work, try not to get one with a rounded or curved blade, 11 and 10A have flat/straight blades.


For the dexterous only:

How to chop Proscar into equal quarters.


You can also buy digital scales cheaply that are accurate down to 1/1000th of a gram, and are not too expensive, these should help you divide your Proscar with increasing accuracy. :)

Good Luck


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Well, I use a pill cutter that has an extremely sharp blade and it works great. I've used it to cut Proscar into 6ths. This is the one I use: http://www.drugstore.com/products/prod. ... LST-0-SRCH

Besides online, you can get it at CVS, Eckerd, etc. I find it best to hold the cutter in my hand and push with some force to ensure a swift cut. It cuts the Proscar like butter if you do it correctly.



Senior Member
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Try every other day. Still if you want to cut it up a razor blade does just fine.


Established Member
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hotlegs, ha ha, thanks for your comprehensive post, although I'm using the brand name propecia. For some reason my pharmacist sells it to me for my insurance price of 10 dollars. I don't argue. :)
Also, if I do it every other day, that will be like I'm taking .5mg. I was hoping not to make such a jump. Will every 3rd day do anything? Does it take effect on the libido within a day, or is it the level of finasteride in your system over longer periods? Thanks again, as always.