A Few Thoughts I’ve Been Having, Have A Read And Reply Or Not


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I’ll get straight into it, I believe in the past five years hair transplants have got rid of any type of stigma it had which is obviously great for us ( Wayne Rooney comes to mind ) I come from a rough part of England and even the unexpected are making the pilgrimage to turkey for hair transplants. All great news, the more experience the surgeons gain the better my ( our ) hair transplants will be when the time comes.

Secondly, when I first started noticing my hair loss, I’m sure they was a lot of stuff indicating treatments will be out soon, 6 years later absolutely nothing not even a sniff, which is worrying. Threads laughing at the SOMETHING WILL BE OUT IN THE NEXT FIVE YEARS is something I understand now, which says it all really.
Thoughts ?


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That's a good point. In 10 years Turkish hair transplant surgeons will have a lot of experience which will (hopefully) improve the work they do. In 10 years I still see the big 3 being the only FDA approved hair loss medications. I'm betting my money on a new effective FDA approved treatment in 20 years.


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What I feel about new treatment is that you have to start somewhere. Yes hair transplants have been around for a while now but, is the last five years the stigma and popularity as gone the roof which will not only increase the standard of hair transplants but the next step onto other treatments.
Conscious social awareness is key here, every male is aware of treatments and what they need to do, no longer are they sticking to their fate of a bald head which could not be said for world males 10-15 years ago.