a few questions


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I'm 20 yrs old and very concerned, depressed re hair loss. I'm sure Propecia could work, but if you look online there are some REALLY bad stories out there, and some doctors still will not prescribe it, saying it is dubious and side effects may be over 1%, plus if
you start taking it basically you'll have to keep taking it forever to keep the results it's given you.

Because of this, I've been considering surgery but few doctors will agree to touch me since I'm young and not on Propecia. Not sure what to do, I have what I guess people called topical diffusing all over the top of the head, and something definately has to
be done.

Should I start with Propecia regardless of the fact that I sortof have a bad feeling about the drug? (the fact that my friend started taking it and couldn't get it up for a week doesn't make me any less worried).

Should I just get surgery now and wait to see what happens? Either way it sucks being one of the only 20 yr olds balding, and its time I start taking action.

Another thing: this may sound crazy, but I'm in China studying for the semester, do you think there are any reliable surgeons here? Shanghai is an extremely metropolitan city, maybe I could save a few thousand bucks...just an idea, sorry for the long post


Senior Member
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Its up to you i suppose - ive been on it for over a year now and ive noticed nothing in terms of sides but i cant say ive noticed any change in my hair either, id quit but i cant really see the alternative. I do think the people who suffer sides is maybe more in the region of 5% just from the amount of people who post here but thats only my guess. its pretty likely you wont see any whatsoever.


Established Member
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Don't get surgery - stupid idea.

If you want results try the meds, if your umming and ahhing then obviously it's not a big enough concern and you should just live with it.


Senior Member
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yeah, i agree with hellohello, especially since I already replied to a duplicate copy of this thread earlier and explained in detail how flawed that reasoning is.