a few questions about my regiment / situation


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I've had slow, slight reccession for the past 5 years on my temples putting me at a Norwood 2. My hair is naturally thin/fine. Aside form the culdesac, the rest of my head is fine.

In the mornings i have always woken up with oily hair as i sweat at night, so i decided adding nizoral 2% twice a week could help fight / clear up my scalp from oils/sebum. I workout and am active regularly, eat well and take vitamines.

So i have 4 questions:

1) for my shampoing routine keeping in mind i wake up with oily hair, and after a shower i blowdry before styling, should i be using conditioner after every wash (other than nizoral days), or using conditioner only once a week, or not at all?

2) i'm not big on taking medications, so i'm hesitant to take finasteride/min.. but should i bite the bullet and start? can it hurt? would it help thicken the naturally fine/thin hair i have now?

3) would knowing my testosternone levels help? would going to a dermatologist and getting test done help? or would a dermatologist just say 'normal culdesac recession, if you want you can go on finasteride to stop it, but other than that you are a normal 28 year old'? how would i find a good hair dermatologist/specialist and not the random one my GP would send me to?

4) is there any product i could apply to my culdesac areas where the hairs are receeding that would help? and would short hair be less stresful on a receeding hairline than longer (tom brady) length hair?

Thanks a lot guys!!
