A fabolous conundrum need a decicive decision on what to do

but What about Today

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Hi, I have been losing my hair since I was 14 because of trichotillmania, I'm 22yrs old now. I'll explain my story later I just need help right quick on a purchase which 5AR inhibitor. My goal is to restore my hairline, I really lost it bad in the last year or so I feel like I might have a chance to get some back. I do have naturally curly hair so that's good. I haven't done any finasteride or dutasteride and things are getting really bad right now so I need to make a purchase/decision by the end of the week or so.

Now here's where the conundrum is. Of course when I pick one I'm gonna have to use that for a good minute. I would just go with dutas but I have long hair, about 10 inches or more cause of the disorder I have/had made me weary of a hair cut. I heard of a bad shed with dutas so in a way I'm trying to dodge the shed and keep my long curly hair. I heard you need to build your body up to dosage or you could get a shock to your system that could cause a bad shed. So that's why I'm kinda feeling like starting with finasteride, or dutasteride at the lowest dosage.

I want to eventually lead into using MDF Advanced, I can just tell them what percentage I want them to make. So the more I research the more I hear different sides. Some people say to take finasteride first to see if you get sides, but just because you get sides from one doesn't mean you necessarily gonna get one from dutas because they are two different drugs, its just if you do get sides from dutas you would be screwed for a longer time period. I have took flutamide from sinere called flutagel for a month and didn't have any sides, again just because I didnt get side from flut doesn't mean I wont from finasteride or dutasteride it just means I'm ok with dht blocking. I still acknowledge sides can come at any time. I think this loading style is best to avoid horrid sides, tremendous shed, and yeah so I think its the safe route. I just cant decide which one to choose.

my undecided plans

: Start finasteride 1.25 take the four month supply from inhouse fully and see how it is then lead it into the lowest dosage of dutasteride 1mg and do that for 4 months or so then up it with 0.5 mg MDF Advanced.

: Start dutasteride lowest dosage of 1mg for 4 months or so then raise it up alil till I get up to 0.5 mg with MDF Advanced.

If I switched from finasteride to dutasteride would I lose the gains from finasteride? If finasteride and dutasteride action to regrowing hair is by blocking dht then switching to dutasteride wouldn't hurt your gains since it keeps blocking dht. Just as long as you don't shock your system and get a shed thats why I'm gonna start with the lowest dosage.
I guess what I'm asking is should I start with 1.25 of finasteride for a bit then switch to dutasteride, or should I start the lowest dosage of dutasteride 1mg before I lead up to 0.5 mg of dutasteride?


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You need psychiatric help. Your hair loss is caused by you pulling hair out, not by follicles susceptible to androgens like DHT. Affecting your hormonal balance will not help you. You are only subjecting yourself to the possible side effects.

If anything, someone not suffering from androgenic alopecia who takes 5a reductase inhibitors, thus lowering his DHT levels, or try to block or interfere with androgen receptors with flutamide/spironolactone/ru etc. will possibly have weaker hairs, since DHT actually promotes thicker and coarser hair in normal, non-Androgenetic Alopecia follicles.

The only type of drug you should consider are growth enchancers, i.e. Minoxidil. Even so, that type of drug will not battle the real reason for your hair loss, which is that you suffer from an impulse control disorder.

Good luck!


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p__ said:
If anything, someone not suffering from androgenic alopecia who takes 5a reductase inhibitors, thus lowering his DHT levels, or try to block or interfere with androgen receptors with flutamide/spironolactone/ru etc. will possibly have weaker hairs, since DHT actually promotes thicker and coarser hair in normal, non-Androgenetic Alopecia follicles.

You serious? If so that could explain why some peoples hair turns to sh*t when they take finasteride if they had no real balding before hand.


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I assume he has male pattern baldness as well, or the post becomes significantly more worrying. He's been posting this all over the place, and I see from his post history he's slowly convinced himself that MDF Advanced is the ultimate hair loss solution. It's very bizarre to arrive at the conclusion that you should slowly work yourself up with finasteride, then dutasteride, then the all-powerful MDF Advanced, though.

I still think this kind of ridiculous overthinking of treatment is nuts even for guys who actually have male pattern baldness. The stuff you read on hair loss forums...

but What about Today

Established Member
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well I cant respond specifically to each post right now because I gotta go to work but when I get back I will asap, I dont feel like me putting one sentence response would be right

Yeah like I said earlier I'll tell my story later but heres some more 411 on my situation. I finally found out I had trichotillmania about 3 years ago when I was about 19. He prescribe lexapro which I did but I couldn't really afford it then and I thought didn't need it so I quite that rather quickly. Mind you that I did not know I had trichotillmania till I was nineteen so I just re convinced myself whenever I pulled my hair that it wasn't good and thus I stopped with time rather quickly I might add.
The trich Doctor recommended minoxidil for my hairloss so I did that for alil bit and natural treatments, saw palmetto etc. Went to a Bosley hair clinic here in Houston which was basically worthless. My dad was balding and my brother was really balding at 22 or 23, at my age. So I do obviously have male pattern baldness. I want to regrow hair on my hairline as much as I possibly can that's all but it is pretty bad since I been hit hard by male pattern baldness so I do need to make a decision. thank you for your time brb

somone uk

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well i would start on 1.25mg finasteride and keep at it for 6 months
it's good to use both finasteride and minoxidil at the same time

if trichotillmania is no longer a problem then it's shouldn't need treating but as far as not being able to afford lexapro there are cheaper generics (but i am not sure how available they are) or failing that citralopram is in theory a more expensive drug that does almost the same thing but it is much more available in generics


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Axl_Rose said:
If so that could explain why some peoples hair turns to sh*t when they take finasteride if they had no real balding before hand.
It is a theoretical effect but I think it is safe to assume that it is minor in normal cases and I wouldn't worry about it in general. But I think it was worth mentioning in the context of this specific thread, however. I'm trying to get "but What about Today" to stop and think a little about the treatments he's considering and to be informed about their mode of action.

but What about Today said:
He prescribe lexapro which I did but I couldn't really afford it then and I thought didn't need it so I quite that rather quickly.
How do you know you didn't need it? It would seem foolish to disregard the advice of your doctor, especially if you didn't even give it enough time.

but What about Today said:
saw palmetto etc.
Apart from not being scientifically proven to work in vivo, having an unknown side effect profile and dose response, if it indeed works, it works through the same vector as other 5AR inhibitors and will thus not have any positive effects on your hair if you don't suffer from male pattern baldness. Also, there is no reason to believe it would have fewer side effects than finasteride for a given level of effect, since the side effects of finasteride are a direct result of the effects of the drug, namely reducing the amount of DHT by inhibiting 5AR. But I'm digressing.

but What about Today said:
My dad was balding and my brother was really balding at 22 or 23, at my age. So I do obviously have male pattern baldness.
No it is not obvious. It does not mean you must have male pattern baldness.

I'm not sure I fully understood your post. Do you currently actively suffer from trichotillomania, i.e. do you still pull out hair? Have you tried habit reversal training (HRT)? Are you currently seeing a psychiatrist/psychologist/counselor?