A Day Without Hats (or concealers)...


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Went out for dinner and drinks last night without a cap or a concealer and felt pretty confident about it.

Not as confident as I would have three years ago with a full head of hair and razor-sharp hairline, but definitely more confident than I have been in a long while.

Hair even stood up pretty well under the harsh lights in the bar's bathroom. A good sign.

I definitely owe part of it to Aveda Hair Thickening Shampoo & Conditioner. Great stuff.

I've tried to maintain a positive attitude the whole way through treatments (even during a horrible shed), and I really believe attitude plays a big part.

I'm almost eager to get to January to take new photos. I took some in September and swore I wouldn't take any more until January, so I'm going to stick to that.

lil weezy

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i been wearing a hat to work ever since april, well since i started...iim to the point where my confidence will kik back in as always and say fuuck it.