A darker look in to the world of hair transplant (great website!!)


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Not too sure if this website has been mentioned before, but for all those considering getting a hair transplant this website is essential reading and gives lots of good advice (including legal) regarding pre and post surgery.

For those with a strong stomach, here's a graphic look in to strip excision - both traditional and modern techniques (which hopefully all those considering surgery should be aware of!!!)

http://www.angelfire.com/indie/hairtran ... strip.html

I haven't had time yet to have a thorough look through all the pages, but from the pages I have read all the advice seems A+.

Ps. From the looks of the guy who has created this website, what he has been through is absolutely horrific (take a look at the pics in the 'my results' & 'corrective surgery' sections.) It really emphasis the fact if your going to get a hair transplant, you NEED to go to the best of the best!

**EDIT** - just found another interesting link on the above site - http://www.bosleymedicalviolations.com/


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Cool site. I've never actually seen the graphic pictures of strip excision before. All the more reason to pick a top doctor! As with anything in life it always pays to be well informed, self educated and warry of sales people.


Experienced Member
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I read through that site a while back and it's good for you to bump back for the newbies to see


Senior Member
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hair transplant is great while you have most of your hair and you want to correct your hairline, temples and give good density for diffusers. But dont forget male pattern baldness is progressive and never stops.