A Common Discussion: Is Pfs Placebo/hype?


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I admit that when I first started taking finasteride, I believed most of the PFS talk was all a sham. After seeing many responses and out lash from apparent ex-users, I figured I'd get a collective response as I do not believe I have any friends that are taking Finasteride.


I guess my first question would be, do you actually think PFS is an issue?

If so, do you think the extent is as bad as the naysayers, say, or is it just blown out of proportion?

Picture Disclaimer: If it's just blown out of proportion, why do people waste their time of day to constantly bash Finasteride, Propecia, Proscar, etc? What's even funnier is this guy's Youtube and his holistic videos/views.


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Look to doctors and studies, don't rely on anecdotal sh*t you read on the net.

You can find plenty of fear mongering surrounding LASEK eye surgery and yet I know it to be a very safe surgery having done it myself and knowing a good few others who have had it done successfully.

But that's not to say that complications don't happen. They do. And can be devastating.

My point is that pfs certainly exists, but the impression you get from these sources is false. It's very rare and you'd be better off forming your opinion based on studies, stats and professionals.


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Look to doctors and studies, don't rely on anecdotal sh*t you read on the net.

You can find plenty of fear mongering surrounding LASEK eye surgery and yet I know it to be a very safe surgery having done it myself and knowing a good few others who have had it done successfully.

But that's not to say that complications don't happen. They do. And can be devastating.

My point is that pfs certainly exists, but the impression you get from these sources is false. It's very rare and you'd be better off forming your opinion based on studies, stats and professionals.

I completely agree with your statement, I'm actually in the comments quoting studies that I have found. It just bugged me to see many naysayers and being without friends that are also taking finasteride(that I know of) I figured it'd be good to ask openly with others in this forum.

ahmed wolf

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I admit that when I first started taking finasteride, I believed most of the PFS talk was all a sham. After seeing many responses and out lash from apparent ex-users, I figured I'd get a collective response as I do not believe I have any friends that are taking Finasteride.


I guess my first question would be, do you actually think PFS is an issue?

If so, do you think the extent is as bad as the naysayers, say, or is it just blown out of proportion?

Picture Disclaimer: If it's just blown out of proportion, why do people waste their time of day to constantly bash Finasteride, Propecia, Proscar, etc? What's even funnier is this guy's Youtube and his holistic videos/views.
how long u have been on finasteride did u got sides?
the word pfs came to surfers in 2009 or2008 from my check on the internet ph.com was a yahoo group and now the site is dead even my post still pinding to be approved
sides are real that's what the trials showed everyone get them in some sort of way cuz inhibiting a male androgen for long time is wrong
are they permanent? no one knows u get ppl taking one pill claiming they are fucked or still not feeling them selfs for months some of them years i am one of them i took 3 pilss got sides stoped I recoverd meanly no still fear of my future or i will "crash"some day still fear if I wake up with out wood i will fell ohh I crashed
in the other hand u got guys taking the drug for years some dont get side at all some get sides but they say f*** it and still taking whats funny is some of them drop the drug and boom they are back to there pre finasteride so in my point of view mentally is cuze of pfs cuz common sense and medical trail claims u will be back normal after stopping but most of us no cuz we keep reading about the dude got fucked from couple of pills or that dude that his dick shrunk from one pill or that dude that killed him self after 10 years cuz he "crashed" even if he took finasteride for a week so all of these stories will f*** u up even if taking a suger pill thats what happened to me i was fine the first week but my mentality crashed cuz i saw that my symptoms are called pfs a unknown sickness from taking a pill that's what slow down mt recovery


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how long u have been on finasteride did u got sides?
the word pfs came to surfers in 2009 or2008 from my check on the internet ph.com was a yahoo group and now the site is dead even my post still pinding to be approved
sides are real that's what the trials showed everyone get them in some sort of way cuz inhibiting a male androgen for long time is wrong
are they permanent? no one knows u get ppl taking one pill claiming they are fucked or still not feeling them selfs for months some of them years i am one of them i took 3 pilss got sides stoped I recoverd meanly no still fear of my future or i will "crash"some day still fear if I wake up with out wood i will fell ohh I crashed
in the other hand u got guys taking the drug for years some dont get side at all some get sides but they say f*** it and still taking whats funny is some of them drop the drug and boom they are back to there pre finasteride so in my point of view mentally is cuze of pfs cuz common sense and medical trail claims u will be back normal after stopping but most of us no cuz we keep reading about the dude got fucked from couple of pills or that dude that his dick shrunk from one pill or that dude that killed him self after 10 years cuz he "crashed" even if he took finasteride for a week so all of these stories will f*** u up even if taking a suger pill thats what happened to me i was fine the first week but my mentality crashed cuz i saw that my symptoms are called pfs a unknown sickness from taking a pill that's what slow down mt recovery

I haven't had any sides, I was just curious.

g.i joey

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I think people who start on this drug with really low testosterone levels are the ones who get screwed, their body overproduces testosterone when inhibiting DHT and it probably exhausts the endocrine system. Thats just my theory, no real evidence.

But i think PFS has been hyped up to be something bigger than it really is. Do i believe its real? 100%, although the amount of people who get it i think maybe only a quarter of them have real pfs, probably even less tbh.

Imagine severely balding, being depressed hopeless and swallowing a pill that you're convinced will destroy you, you take it a couple days and feel testicle pain, then you come on a forum and read someone had testicle pain, brain fog, ED, mushrooms growing out of their ears, anxiety kicks in and now your dick is shriveled up cause your so nervous of the outcome the drug will have on you. So you spend the next days being paranoid of your c*** while being depressed, no kidding these people struggle to get a boner, would you be getting full on erections if someone told you you were going to die in a week? (harsh comparison but it makes sense to me) people, especially depressed people expect the worst and convince themselves what they read online is happening to them, once you get stuck in that train of thought id imagine its really hard to get out of it.

ahmed wolf

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I think people who start on this drug with really low testosterone levels are the ones who get screwed, their body overproduces testosterone when inhibiting DHT and it probably exhausts the endocrine system. Thats just my theory, no real evidence.

But i think PFS has been hyped up to be something bigger than it really is. Do i believe its real? 100%, although the amount of people who get it i think maybe only a quarter of them have real pfs, probably even less tbh.

Imagine severely balding, being depressed hopeless and swallowing a pill that you're convinced will destroy you, you take it a couple days and feel testicle pain, then you come on a forum and read someone had testicle pain, brain fog, ED, mushrooms growing out of their ears, anxiety kicks in and now your dick is shriveled up cause your so nervous of the outcome the drug will have on you. So you spend the next days being paranoid of your c*** while being depressed, no kidding these people struggle to get a boner, would you be getting full on erections if someone told you you were going to die in a week? (harsh comparison but it makes sense to me) people, especially depressed people expect the worst and convince themselves what they read online is happening to them, once you get stuck in that train of thought id imagine its really hard to get out of it.
yap that's what happened to me thanx to the horror stories lol i f*** up myself lool