A Beginner


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For about 4 years I have noticed my hair slowly thinning around the crown. Only now do I feel it is beginning to become noticeable when my hair is dry.

Approx 1 month ago I started the following regime,

1.2mg of Proscar a day
Flaxseed Oil Tablet morning and night
1 Mens Multivitamin
Washing hair with Head and Shoulders shampoo morning and night

I don't believe my hairloss has gotten any worse, and in fact, I think it has gotten a little better (don't notice as much hair falling out while showering)

Should I add minoxidol?
If proscar stops hairloss and my hair thickens a bit then I would be happy. But I am not sure if this will happen. If I want to thicken some should I also add minoxidol to my regime? From what I have heard the earlier you get in with these products the better the chance of regrowing will be.

Minoxidol Conclusion
I have concluded that my opinion on minoxidol may not be based on a fair analysis. I assume that a majority of people who visit this site are probably not happy with their hair situation. Probably their are alot of people who use products like Rogaine and have success, which is why they don't bother visiting this site. Would this be a fair assumption?

The only real concern I have with minoxidol is the number of people who identify bad shedding as a result. For alot of these people the shedding does not appear to stop. I don't want to make my situation worse or speed up my hair loss.

What do people think about this? Should you just start off with proscar and see what happens or are you best just going the big 3 from the start (particularly if you want to regrow some hair)?

Thanks for your replies.


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Should I start minoxidil

Guys should I wait 4-6 months and see what affect Proscar and Nizoral have before starting Rogaine? I am thinning on the crown, but I don't have a slick spot yet.

What would your experience sugguest?


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i would suggest starting minoxidil. It works well in the crown.... Also yes people who are having success with rogain and other products dont post as much as others. Go for the minoxidil....


if proscar stops your hair loss then minoxidil would work just as well in 12 months. if you start it now you won't ever know if minoxidil is giving you regrowth or if it's from the proscar. once you start the minoxidil and see regrowth you are basically committed to it for your life if you want to keep the hair that it regrew.