It's Official: Cure Exists


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Here's an interview with Dr. Gerd Lindner, one of researchers that works with Dr. Roland Lauster at Technical University of Berlin, the guys at the VERY TOP of the game for a hair loss cure. Here's a google translation from German to English:

The public and interested parties long remained hidden, that at the Technical University of Berlin, a most interesting hair model is developed that could bring the hair back in the foreseeable future.After a few weeks ago a lot of information has been spilled into the press, we want to try in an online interview with Dr. Gerd Lindner, introduce the project, but also the opportunities and the necessary steps yet. We would like to take this opportunity to thank R. Azar of the iFUE Hair Clinic Berlin, who is working with Dr. Lindner and has made contact.
Dr. Gerd Lindner Head "organ models & Imaging" at the Institute of Biotechnology at the Technical University of Berlin. The Institute, headed by Prof. Dr. Roland Lauster has, inter alia by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) a promotion for the development of " multi-organ bioreactors in chip format received. "Dr. Lindner studied biochemistry at the Free University of Berlin and has become the subject of hair growth induction worked for his doctorate at the Charité in Berlin by growth factors. After he has developed artificial skin systems for the safety testing of substances at the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment in Berlin, he was at the Department of Medical Biotechnology, TU Berlin develop a process in which, from hair follicle stem cells an artificial skin can produce. At the moment is to create a micro-hair follicles, which could potentially be used in the future for hair transplantation in hereditary hair loss.
We are pleased that Dr. Lindner would like to answer a few questions that are sure to see concrete against the background that many sufferers are urgently waiting a help with their hair loss problem.

There are a number of publications with different emphasis, however, is not easy to understand here the exact procedure. could you briefly describe the expiry of Haarfollikelzüchtung for your technology to us all:
In our method, the Haarfollikelzüchtung is the world's first and only procedure in which autologous cells engineered to körpereigene- -so special "hair germs" are assembled.
First, while the subjects / patients are a few hair follicles taken from which the required cells are isolated. This will greatly multiplied, composed under special conditions again and covered with a biological matrix / protective layer so as to form inductive hair germs. This "Neopapillen" are small, hair-producing "Mikrofollikel" build already in a position in the culture dish. We have used this method just in a scientific journal ( Journal of Biotechnology described) in more detail.
We assume that this Mikrofollikel are also in the scalp able in the future to be able to produce a new hair.

It will therefore always be necessary to remove some hair, and then replace it in the desired shape?

Yes, exactly (the small units producing our hair so) will be used as a FUE -Haartransplantation even with our method with small 0.9 mm biopsies hair follicles.However, depending on the degree of alopecia a much smaller number will have to be removed. Up to 30 biopsies are expected for 10000 hair germs must be taken, not even pinhead but are large. It's painless, leaves no visible scars and is done in a few minutes.

What is the most difficult step in the process?

The most difficult step is the preparation of the required cells, since this must be done under the microscope and it takes a lot of experience and especially for the coating with the biological matrix / protective layer. All other steps are indeed complex and expensive, because they must be performed in a clean room laboratories, but biotechnological standard.

How far are you? Does it work in animal models?

We have progressed so far with the development of this technology that preclinical animal studies and clinical trials on humans can be processed after acquisition of adequate financing in a detailed planned test program now. We are very confident that this technique is successful because at the development of hair shafts even succeed in vitro. In contrast to the human skin are here essential supporting factors such as nerve, support and blood supply does not exist yet does Mikrofollikelbildung.

Biotechnology is of course synonymous with progress on the one hand, for large safety concerns on the other side. How do you assess because from today's perspective, the safety of the procedure, a?

Security Studies Aderans (US) or Intercytex (GB) and other companies for the implantation of autologous cells in the scalp have promoted no identifiable risks to light in recent years. From our vantage point, therefore, our technology is safe, because the body's own material is used and this is not such as genetically modified. Finally, the reliability of the method is of course subject of clinical trials for our grafts under the enormous strict European ATMP (advanced therapy medicinal products) rules must be performed before a first application on the patient. If the trials are successful, the process has met the world's highest safety standards.

Let's talk about a very decisive question: You are working to make the procedure available to patients? And more importantly, how long will it take?

Course is to provide objective of our development all this treatment option available. It will be gentler than any previous process and it may also cases can be treated at which lack sufficient donor hair currently there are no methods available. For our test program we need rigorous project management at about 5 years for all of the safety and efficacy of the grafts questions to clarify solid. In the course of the program, we treat in clinical trials already a significant number of those affected. An authorization may be achieved earlier than 5 years after the start, so far, however, we are still looking for partners for the necessary funding.

Of course, it is much too early, but still a very important question: the procedure for a normal person will be affordable?

It is anticipated that the market price of admission is first is rather high. Years of development costs and the biotechnological production are the main price driver here. However, as well as the transplantation method comes in the mass application, the cost of the utilization of production facilities and the automation of manufacturing are likely to be significantly reduced.


So they can create about 10,000 hairs (follicles) from only 30. That's 4,000 grafts

But here's the WORST takeaway from this:

Like I said a few days ago in this thread, the cure exists (not a lof of people said much about it though). But reading the whole thing sheds light that they haven't got funding for taking their work into real world application (clinical trials and commercialization). Which supports my argument: NOBODY GIVES A SHIT ABOUT MENS HEALTH AND BALDNESS.

I would pray to god that their work gets the funding TODAY and trials start TOMORROW both in Japan and in Europe. In Japan for early adopters of the treatment in only a few years and Europe for mass commercialization. So... is everyone going to continue sitting on their *** and do nothing about this? How much longer should we wait for something concrete to be done about a final solution? I'd like to get treated and disappear from these forums... move on with my life. How about the rest of you guys... and girls (EvilLocks?)


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Here's an interview with Dr. Gerd Lindner, one of researchers that works with Dr. Roland Lauster at Technical University of Berlin, the guys at the VERY TOP of the game for a hair loss cure. Here's a google translation from German to English:


So they can create about 10,000 hairs (follicles) from only 30. That's 4,000 grafts

But here's the WORST takeaway from this:

Like I've said earlier, the cure exists. But reading the whole thing sheds light that they haven't got funding for taking their work into real world application (clinical trials and commercialization). Which supports my argument: NOBODY GIVES A SHIT ABOUT MENS HEALTH AND BALDNESS.

I would pray to god that their work gets the funding TODAY and trials start TOMORROW both in Japan and in Europe. In Japan for early adopters of the treatment in only a few years and Europe for mass commercialization. So... is everyone going to continue sitting on their *** and do nothing about this? How much longer should we wait for something concrete to be done about a final solution? I'd like to get treated and disappear from these forums... move on with my life. How about the rest of you guys... and girls (EvilLocks?)

Berlin Technical University

The first time scientists were actually able to grow artificial hair follicles from stem cells was in 2010. Scientists of the Berlin Technical University in Germany took animal cells and created the follicles by using those. As a result they got follicles "thinner than normal", but they were confident they could develop the right method of cloning hair from human stem cells by 2011. They estimated that the therapy would be publicly available by 2015 as they were already preparing for the clinical trials.[6] Scientists working on the project said if the treatment was finished, it would mean a cure for approximately 80 percent of those who suffer from hair loss.[7]

The university was working together with Intercylex and several other research teams, but they encountered several problems. One of them was that the multiplication process was not efficient enough. They were only able to clone one or two follicles from an extracted hair but for the process to be really efficient this number should have been around 1000. Since then there were no news that indicated the researchers were able to overcome this great obstacle.




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^ 2nd that.


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Would it have made a difference if I posted it tomorrow? The link of the article is courtesy of Karxxx in the Follicept thread found here

If you search for Gerd Lindner's name in Google Patents, the filing date of their work goes back to 2008. That means that their work has is even older than that (it didnt just magically get done just before the filing date). This also means it's been AT LEAST 7 years since of being able to produce 'micro follicles' so working out any kinks has been covered since then. Back in 2010 they already said plans human trials were already underway; for what, more microfillcles? Of course not.

Here's the patent:


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what happened after 2013?


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what happened after 2013?

Well, Desmond met with Gerd Lindner last year... but since then not much has been reported. If anyone from the Lauster team will be in Miami this year, I'm probably going to go myself.


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Well, Desmond met with Gerd Lindner last year... but since then not much has been reported. If anyone from the Lauster team will be in Miami this year, I'm probably going to go myself.

In the comments on the bottom, it's mentioned clinical trials are still a few years away.


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In the comments on the bottom, it's mentioned clinical trials are still a few years away.

Yeah, because men's health is undermined. Why is that so hard for people to believe? Do you really think that if baldness affected kids and women the way it does men we'd be so late on a cure or so slow for clinical trials? Come on man...


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Yeah, because men's health is undermined. Why is that so hard for people to believe? Do you really think that if baldness affected kids and women the way it does men we'd be so late on a cure or so slow for clinical trials? Come on man...

It affects me the same way it affects men, not physically (diffuse thinning) but definitely mentally . But I'm a minority, and most women with hair loss don't speak up, they accept it and are happy enough to wear a wig. I'm not one of those women, either is Evillocks and joan I think.
If women would be more aggressive, just like the guys on this forum, maybe things would move a little faster, maybe.


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It affects me the same way it affects men, not physically (diffuse thinning) but definitely mentally . But I'm a minority, and most women with hair loss don't speak up, they accept it and are happy enough to wear a wig. I'm not one of those women, either is Evillocks and joan I think.
If women would be more aggressive, just like the guys on this forum, maybe things would move a little faster, maybe.

No, there's simply NOT enough of you for people to really care much. Hair loss is pretty normal at old age (60+). But under 40 and with hair loss is rare... under 30 is just really unfortunate. Hair loss predominantly affects men, we're in the millions. I've yet to meet a woman that looks like this:


Until that happens, and in large numbers, people will continue to laugh at bald men, undermine the situation and ignore the cure.


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I tried that on Heralopecia (thread entitled, "Ladies, Let's Unite.") Only a few women showed interest. Unreal. Hellouser got into my head about women's health issues receiving far more attention than men's, so that's what prompted me to do so.

I know joan, I was one of the ones who showed interest. I've send emails to replicel, histogen... I was pretty disappointed to see the lack of interest. Its almost like they've all given up already.

I think you , Evillocks , me and somebody else were the only ones reacting to the thread. Kinda funny, all three of us are the only women on this forum.


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I tried that on Heralopecia (thread entitled, "Ladies, Let's Unite.") Only a few women showed interest. Unreal. Hellouser got into my head about women's health issues receiving far more attention than men's, so that's what prompted me to do so.

I see your thread:!?

I tried emailing Dr. Brett King several times on the topic of ruxolitinib and Androgenetic Alopecia after we found out it cured a guy with Alopecia Areata. I never got a response. It's amazing at how little of a shit they give about hair loss EVEN WHEN people are reaching out to them. Must be difficult for them reply to an email, right?

But none of this matters as Dr. Lauster's team basically has the holy grail.... and nobody is doing a fucking thing about it.


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I see your thread:!?

I tried emailing Dr. Brett King several times on the topic of ruxolitinib and Androgenetic Alopecia after we found out it cured a guy with Alopecia Areata. I never got a response. It's amazing at how little of a shit they give about hair loss EVEN WHEN people are reaching out to them. Must be difficult for them reply to an email, right?

But none of this matters as Dr. Lauster's team basically has the holy grail.... and nobody is doing a fucking thing about it.

But how do you know for sure the team isn't working on the cure anymore? maybe they just want to keep it quiet.


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But how do you know for sure the team isn't working on the cure anymore? maybe they just want to keep it quiet.

That will depend on how old that article is that I posted. If its recent, yeah we're fvcked. If its old... well, who knows what's happened since. I can't find a date stamp on that article though. I may need to email Dr. Lindner and ask him when that was done.

We do know that Lauster's team never stopped working after their news back in 2010. We all heard the same old shit about 'within 5 years' and seeing how its been 5 years, we know fvck all has been done to get a commercial treatment.


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That will depend on how old that article is that I posted. If its recent, yeah we're fvcked. If its old... well, who knows what's happened since. I can't find a date stamp on that article though. I may need to email Dr. Lindner and ask him when that was done.

We do know that Lauster's team never stopped working after their news back in 2010. We all heard the same old shit about 'within 5 years' and seeing how its been 5 years, we know fvck all has been done to get a commercial treatment.

The news are very recent, since it's on the front page of the website marked as "new news".

Have fun waiting until 2020...
Oh wait... I meant 2025... Actually 2030...
Sorry wrong calculation... I meant never


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I would pray to god that their work gets the funding TODAY and trials start TOMORROW both in Japan and in Europe. In Japan for early adopters of the treatment in only a few years and Europe for mass commercialization.

This is exactly what I think the way it should be: Get the method available to public to the place where can make it happen as f**king soon as f**king possible. We are wasting our precious life in this curse everyday before the cure comes. I wouldn't mind buying 10 round trip tickets to Tokyo if something there can 100% guarantee a total reversal of hair loss as long as I'm in that treatment. Thus I for sure wouldn't mind buying a single ticket to cure the f**king disease ONCE AND FOR ALL, as it seems to be like a hair transplant.

So... is everyone going to continue sitting on their *** and do nothing about this? How much longer should we wait for something concrete to be done about a final solution? I'd like to get treated and disappear from these forums... move on with my life. How about the rest of you guys... and girls (EvilLocks?)

I really hope we can do something ourselves, for WE are who demands something and WE are the consumers, just like I have said last year.
I'm thinking the possibility of helping those German doctors start their firm and buying some private shares and bonds from them to help with their finance. I'm sure the hair loss group has people of all sorts of profession needed in this procedure, or at least have the idea of how to make this sort of thing work and guarantee all the legal ****s are sound.


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That drug that goes after the wnt pathway, and Setipriprant could turn out to be pretty amazingly good. They have huge potential. Maybe not a cure but significantly better than what exists today


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If Dr. Lauster have the cure then he will have a hair on his head. These threads are pathetic. There is no cure for hair loss yet. Maybe in 2030 there will )

Lauster made hairs, but not useful for cosmethic surgery.