9 month results - Finpecia and Rogaine foam.

Charming Man

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Quite surprised at result to be honest.

I take finpecia first thing in the morning with a light protein shake (about 10g of protein) and a cup of tea.

Rogaine is applied once daily after I've showered and blow dried my hair.

I thought I was having side affects initially in the form of headaches and sluggishness but I think I was just generally unwell at the time. I originally took finpecia at evening meal times but changed it to first thing in the morning. This corresponded with a positive change in how I was feeling. Could be a coincidence but thought I'd mention it incase anyone has had the same experience.

The photo's are taken at 0 months, 3 months and 9 months.


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    hair before.JPG
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  • hair after.jpg
    hair after.jpg
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  • hair recent.JPG
    hair recent.JPG
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I made a post but it didn't go through. This is just a test post, maybe my post is under moderation.

Edit: Okay, like I said before:

"Those are great results man. Even though they are slightly different angles, you could still tell a big difference between pic #1 and pic #3. Keep it up, it can only get better, just stay consistent.


Experienced Member
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Your results are fantastic! Congratulations man! I feel better seeing you respond so well. If you don't mind, how long have you been suffering from this? Also are you taking the lower end, middle, or higher end of finasteride? I ask because I'm taking a low low dose and wonder if I should increase. Thanks

Charming Man

New Member
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Your results are fantastic! Congratulations man! I feel better seeing you respond so well. If you don't mind, how long have you been suffering from this? Also are you taking the lower end, middle, or higher end of finasteride? I ask because I'm taking a low low dose and wonder if I should increase. Thanks

Thanks for the comments.

I'm 39 in a couple of months and have been noticeably losing my hair since I was 30. Have been using nanofibres to conceal it for the past 5 years but, as you can see, things were getting to the point where I would soon have to shave it all off.

For some reason, I thought the medicines were a bit of a con or I'd have started them sooner.

With nanofibres, my hair looks almost decent now, but I'd like to have the hairline lowered. Considering a transplant at some point in the future.

Currently on 1 mg Finpecia. I apply rogaine first to the frontal area and rub it in, then apply more to the crown.

Good luck !