870_12Ga's Story- (Hairloss all around me..)


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I registered before, but its been so long since I've been back I forgot all my info. When I first went on this site I discovered Propecia and Rogaine. Now that Im back, and older I've noticed those around me losing their hair as well. The most heart breaking is seeing my mother starting to have thin hair (60), and even my sister (24). It really made me feel lucky and at the same time sorry for my mom/sister, thinking at least I could shave my head or buzz it and keep it short and deal with it.

I started Propecia and Rogaine Foam about a year ago. While the dome on my head is getting larger slowly, Im not sure how long I should continue these treatments before I throw in the towel. I am unsure if Propecia and Rogaine has slowed my hairloss but as I have no comparison on how it would of reacted without those products. I pay $180 3/months for Propecia and $50/4 months for Rogaine. Both at Costco.

I re-registered because that little thin patch that wasn't that big of a concern has now turned into a 3'' dia thinning patch that is starting to take a toll on my self esteem. All those around me at work have full heads of hair. In a company of about 500....about 5-10 are bald and have thinning hair. Most employees are women (60-75%), and we all range in age from 18-50+

Lately I've starting at everyone's hair...how thick/thin it is, how much its receeding, etc. Even when I watch basketball...all I can see when Manu Ginobili plays is his bald spot!

The funny thing is, I remember thinking as a teenager, what type of hairstyle I would have as an adult because I had spikes at the time....I guess I don't have to worry about that!

Hope to get back on tract...and see if there has been any new discoveries so I can maintain what I have left!

Thank you and good luck to everyone