6 months on propecia and still shedding


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just hit 6 month mark on monday...dont feel the shedding ever stopped.

might have slowed down for a while but has flared up again, if it ever slowed down.

when i shower and run my hands through my har atleast 7 hairs come out...and can repeat that quite a few times before it stops.

makes me nervous even though it can take up to 8 months before you see results.

no question it's thinner now than it was 6 months ago.


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ive been on it for 2 1/2 months or so, and I think I am in the same boat. It is definitely thinner than when I first started. WHen i first started i noticd an increase and shedding but now it seems normal as in before propecia, which is still a high amount of shedding for my standards. I only seem to shed from on top, not from the sides.


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springs said:
just hit 6 month mark on monday...dont feel the shedding ever stopped.

might have slowed down for a while but has flared up again, if it ever slowed down.

when i shower and run my hands through my har atleast 7 hairs come out...and can repeat that quite a few times before it stops.

makes me nervous even though it can take up to 8 months before you see results.

no question it's thinner now than it was 6 months ago.

First 12 month is like a rollercoaster, hang in there, things will only get better


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nohair you starting to lose in a specific area?

my entire front seems to be thinning out...with a split working its way back


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i'm experiencing the same thing... 7 months on finasteride and no improvement. will go for an fue on the 29th. starting with 2000 grafts on crown and vertex area


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where u going in for the fue?? thinking i might want to research some nyc dr.s soon. Fue is the individual one and not the strip right?

are you still thinning/falling out? or has the shedding stopped?


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ive been on it for just about a month and so far its done nothing but make my hairline go back even farther. this is pissing me off and giving me so much anxiety that i have to take 2 f*****g adivan to calm down. i get about 25 hairs on my hand everytime i take a shower. when the f*** does this stop!?!?!?!?!?!?!


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25 hairs is normal. The shower and combing remove more hairs becuase they provide more of a pulling action. Also 1 month is not long enough to see anything. Those hairs that you lost were going to fall out anyway. Wait til after 3 months, the length of a telogen phase, until you start blaming a treatment for causing your hair to get worse.

If you shed hairs early then either they are hairs you would have lost, or they are telogen hairs that fell out beacasue the treatment is working and new hair is growing in its place. OK there is a chance of Telogen Effluvium caused by the treatment, but that is shedding clumps upon clumps of hair not a measly 25-50 gairs.


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I've been on propecia for almost exactly 3 months.. This sucks, my 33yr old bro doesnt even have a sign of male pattern baldness, Although comparing pics of him since highschool, his hair has gotten thinner.


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yeah I'm on month 5 and I'm clearly worse off than I was at the beginning. My thinning was barely noticxeable at all, and now it is obvious. fuqin sucks big time.


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I'm in month nine myself, I shed like 150-175 hairs each day, it was much less the first few months untill month five...

I don't understand...
The shedding is the big problem (also before starting treatment), what can I use to reduce daily fallout?

for now my hair is not yet worse then before I started the Propecia., but that's because I experienced some thickening the first five months.

I'm a diffuse thinner


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I've been on finasteride since mid January and I just went through my first real shed, it was pretty horrible. It lasted over a month (actually, I think i'm still shedding but it's not as severe as it was) in which time my hairline absolutly shot back to where my male pattern baldness is clearly visible. It looks like the rest of my hairs *might* be thickening (though I can't really tell because I started using conditioner) but I doubt the ground I lost in my temples is going to come back.

This might touch a couple of nerves but whatever, this is the internet. I don't think Merck was entirely honest about their propecia trial results. I've already heard the clisque' on this website about how you only see bad results posted here because the other people, for whom propecia has worked, have no need to be on here posting, nor do they have a need to complain. But the sheer volume of people reporting side effects (mostly sexual) and amount of people experiencing sheds with little or no recovery makes me think otherwise.

I don't know. Maybe after i'm on this sh*t for a year and I somehow experience some huge surge of regrowth i'll change my opinion. But i've been surfing this site now for nearly a year, I've seen people start propecia and others get off of it. The number of people with complaints about the drug (be it side effects or continual hair loss), in my opinion, greatly outweighs those who respond in any significant way to the treatment.

No need to flame. I'm not claiming to be any medical professional.


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Well I think the sheds that don't recover are just male pattern baldness sheds and for those people finasteride just doesn't help.

I mean if it doesn't work for 15% or whatever the number is, doesn't it seem likely that they could be the ones posting all the horror stories?


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Yeah, that's a good point and perhaps they are male pattern baldness related sheds, not due to finasteride. But my argument wasnt so much that finasteride was causing the hairloss, just that, in a lot of cases on this site, it didnt seem to be helping. I have no doubt that propecia, in many individuals, does greatly slow the onset of male pattern baldness. However, I believe that Merck's claim that "9 out of 10 men treated with propecia improved or maintained hair" is perhaps misleading, if not false. And that the study statistics they quoted for people who suffered/suffer side effects were not accurate.

I'll admit that the only source for my opinions is what i've read from other posters on this site and that such information is by no means comparable to any scientific study. However, it's hard for me to believe that it's always that 1 out of 10th person who comes on here and complains about continual hairloss. Moreover, I doubt that it's that 2% of people that complain about the sexual side effects they've experienced whilst on propecia. While it is possible (and rediculously ironic) that this small percentile of people congregate to HairLossTalk.com and complain about their side effects or lack of regrowth and maintenence on propecia, I don't think it's very likely.


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Hey guys whats up. I've been on propecia for about 6 months now and am definitely noticing some shedding. This shedding seems to be happening all over my head but is probably more noticeable around the crown and the front. My hair also seems to be getting finer and sometimes my scalp feels really dry. I've read enough on this forum to know that shedding is pretty common, and I plan on giving propecia at least a year.

I have a couple of questions for those of you who have experienced shedding. Did it ever get to the point where you noticed a very big difference in the density of your hair, or were you just noticing an increased amount of hair when you showered.

Did any of you experience your hair feeling finer and somewhat unhealthy during the shedding period?

Finally, I took propecia for about 3 months when I was 22 than took about 9 months off and started again. I've been on it for 6 months now and am 23 years old. Would taking it for a while, stopping, than getting back on it have an adverse effects?

Thank you.



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coming up on 8 months

sat and counted 50+ hairs falling out while running my hands through my head at my desk. doesnt look any thicker now.


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FWIW when I took generic cipla brand proscar from a popular website I never stopped any shedding after 3 or 4 months. When I've used the real US proscar and dr reddy brand proscar from this site I just started using pharmacygeoff.com I've seen shedding stop/drastically slow almost immediately. No cleaning out the drain after I take a shower in the morning. I don't know about regrowth or future shedding since I've not been taking it very long. YMMV good luck to ya