6 Months complete...depressed and annoyed


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Its been 6 months now, Ive been on dutasteride and can say that I am continously losing ground.

When I used to shave my head (before dutasteride), the hair seemed to be evenly distributed although after 4-5 days you could clearly see the diffuse thining patteren, which was prgressingly gettin more noticable. Now after 6 months on dutasteride, when I shave the island effect is clearly evident, the crown is becoming thin aswell, and the shedding has not ceased since day 1. I had no sheds for about 7-10 days early on this month, but it has continued since then. The hair at the front of the hairline are also clearly less denser than those towards the middle.

I dont know what to do. Has anyone had a similar expereince to me. Can someone offer any advice, or is this the end of the road?



i am Warning for dutasteride

i have destroyed my Hair 2years long with this sh*t
2Years as a Chemo



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Yeh had some gyno, but it came and went. Some sexual sides in the begining and still some still there but not enough to prevent the Bone (thankfully).


Dani_uk said:
Yeh had some gyno, but it came and went. Some sexual sides in the begining and still some still there but not enough to prevent the Bone (thankfully).

to much Estrogen
Estrogen dominance and this is bad for the Hairs

my Body get fat
and my Hair very bad



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Hey Dani

Sadly I think I am in the same boat as you...

2 good years on finasteride then started to lose ground so jumped on 0.5 dutasteride every day 3 months ago. I was encouraged by initial thickening but everyday it gets slowly worse now. The hairline has been hit especially badly I am just praying that it has kicked out all the weak hairs - ready to grow them back thicker. Apparently month 6 is the key? Lets hope you improve from now on.

Are the hairs getting thinner and weaker every day?


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I doubt that Estrogen is bad for hair.

After all, women have lots of estrogen and plenty of hair.


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Yep some of them are getting weaker and some are normal, but I can feel my crown is quite sparse now and I have that classical V shape forming.

Im just wondering, a lot of people posted somting about testosterone levels increasing in the scalp with dutasteride.

I think I should have gone to a higher dose of finasteride like 12 hours apart. I dont know what to do really. I have just started to re-apply spironolactone again and hope it stabilises the loss.


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mastery, about that initial thickening... I can't say whether you saw genuine improvement or if optimism at starting a new treatment gave you a case of wishful thinking - God knows we've all been guilty of that, more than once myself - but I can say that it's highly unlikely dutasteride produced visible results within a couple of months. Perhaps the move to dutasteride simply co-incided with an upswing stage of the finasteride period; my gradual decline whilst on finasteride was certainly punctuated by some hope-inducing upswings.

As always I'm in danger of rambling on, when all I wanted to say was try not to stress over these early-day declines. Three months, six months, it's really small beer as far as dutasteride is concerned: I didn't shed until month 5, it kept going for the next 3, and from then it took the thick end of a year just to recover to my pre-shed density - in fact slightly over a year for the front, which of course had been hit hardest by the shedding.

So unless you've got sides from the drug, just hang in there, because I know that these early losses can be recouped, even if it is a painfully slow process; if you're one of the lucky ones you may even see some additional gains.

Dani, dutasteride may be a strong substance but there's still a lag between popping that first pill and the initiation of a shed. Not sure how long precisely, and this doesn't help your situation one iota, but just saying that the first few months of loss may not have been a part of the "dutasteride shed". Also, like I said above, losses at month 6 (or even later) can be recovered. So don't go doing anything nuts like stopping the meds.

Out of interest, are you two on Avodart or a generic version?



stampede said:
I doubt that Estrogen is bad for hair.

After all, women have lots of estrogen and plenty of hair.


and i say Estrogendominance!! and not little more Estrogen!!! and that is not good
Women have Hairloss by Estrogendominance and low Progresteron

i have take this dutasteride sh*t long, in the last month bevor Quit i had constantly red hot face and hot Bodyskin
later with finasteride the same ,when i take a finasteride than the same Symptomes
finasteride 15Years and no Problems!!
this beginning under dutasteride

my Body goes fat! Face-Neck-Legs-Just the whole body
that is to much Estrogen



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Thanks Slarti.

I know what you mean - but for some reason my hair seems to react to quickly to a dose of dutasteride. It thickens up and even turns a bit darker! I know it sounds unlikely but does seem to do that.

Recently got a little thinner but has stopped shedding so much at least - only about 10 - 15 hairs a day - as opposed to 40-50 the last few months on dutasteride

I started on real dutasteride for first 2 months and have switched to Dr reddys dutas for cost reasons. Both seem to have the same effect (and rank taste!).

No real side effects that I cant cope with (bit of brian fog, vivid dreams, no probs with libido).


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askhakwani said:
Supplement your diet with biotin capsules. That would help and you can take a lot of it without getting sick or overdosing. I've known people who have had success in reversing thinning hair with biotin supplementation.

Also, if you aren't doing so already, start taking a green powder supplement daily. VerdiSyn is hard to beat for this. Perfect Food by Garden of Life is another good green powder. A tablespoon of a green powder a day in water or juice (preferably the former, without sugar) will ensure that you are getting all the B-Vitamins that you need in your diet, as well as some essential enzymes and minerals as well.

By the way, you are right to avoid meat as much as possible and to only eat organic meat once in a while (if at all). The antibiotics, hormones, and other additives injected in regular meat plays havoc on the body, and makes one fat from the hormones, among other things. Not to mention the fact that meat is also hard to break down and often goes undigested for long periods of time, especially among big meat eaters. Pork, pork sausage, and ham should especially be avoided completely, as these are very hard to digest - not even taking into account all the other problems, like the nitrates and nitrites added

oh boy :roll:


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Dogs, overall the old barnet is looking pretty good, it's only the hairline (front half-inch or so) that got left with obvious thinning - well, obvious under a bright light or in the brilliance of that large ball of fire that hangs in the sky the way bricks don't, not that noticeable under more 'normal' lighting conditions. Move back from the hairline and the density improves rapidly, to such an extent that it truly doesn't look like it ever suffered the wrath of male pattern baldness.

Motivation for switching to dutasteride was that although finasteride had for the most part closed up my bald spot, and thickened the mid-scalp area, it only slowed the rate of frontal thinning. Due to cost and the drug's (then) recent release I first tried a half dose of dutasteride (.5mg every other day), which was a small step up from finasteride but still the hairline deteriorated. So after 15 months I moved to the full dose. Fast forward two years (and one heavy shed) and my hairline was broadly the same as when I'd started (on .5mg/day), though I had eeked out some gains in the inch-and-a-half immediately behind - improvement in hair-shaft thickness rather than new hairs sprouting. What this 'bulking up' of the area just behind my hairline did was to reduce the distance one can see 'into' my hair from the front (hope that makes sense) - down from two inches in places to about the half-inch level. Speed forward another two years (i.e. to now) and my hair is unchanged, making dutasteride the king of maintenance.

So the short answer to your second question would be an unreserved yes. With bells on.



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mastery, spotting 10 - 15 hairs per day sounds well within the bounds of normal loss, so hopefully the shed has run its course. With any luck your hair will keep on with its quick response to dutasteride and produce some early results.


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thats good to hear stari, im at about 5 and 1.2 months into dutasteride, after about 10 on finasteride i switched...finasteride did do well for me, but i realized that my insurance covers dutasteride and not finasteride, so whereas finasteride is $70, dutasteride only costs me $15 bucks for brand named stuff...So far hair seems alright, but im going through a shed which is disheartening but i on finasteride i also went through a really bad shed at months 3-4 or so.

I hope it comes back as strong as it did in the latter months on finasteride or maybe even stronger, i still take finasteride every so often, maybe 3 or so days a week for the helluvit because i have so many generics left over to last me a year or two. Hopefully it works as well for me as it did for you.


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Just been reading on another forum - everyone complaining about first few months on dutasteride - then apparently after month 7 things start to turn around and by month 10 you are sailing.

Anyone else had this?

I guess this board is so negative re dutasteride because all the people who have had and are having success do not bother logging on anymore... :)



you have no problems with Bodyfat?
higher Estrogen?

hot Skin and red Face (Flushing )

This was the worst for me

with dutasteride take Arimidex???
