6 1/2 months on Propecia/Rogaine...


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Hey guys, its been awhile since I posted due to some problems with my computer but Im back to update my hair loss situation.

Well, I promised I would have pics up by now but I still didnt get my scanner. Im going to have to get someone else to help me get them on the board as soon as possible.

After swollowing Propecia and dabbing my head with Rogaine for the last 180 days or so, I can more accuratly judge my progress. I have diffuse thinning, that runs like an inverted "v" on the top of my head. Standing in the sun or bright light revealed my scalp easily and I had a few jokes thrown my way because of the loss.

The fifth month into Propecia and Rogaine was like riding the peak of the wave. Lots of people appraoched me and commented on the improvement of my hair thickness. I was very impressed with how little hair I was losing, which was close to nothing, no matter how hard I rubbed my head in the shower.

Now, at the 6 1/2 month mark Im noticing alot of hair loss in the shower. I try not to let it freak me out and just tell myself that its a shed and that stronger/better hair will grow in its place. It helps to stay calm and postive. When my hair is wet I can tell that it has imporved, without question. Standing in suns rays I can still see my scalp at certain angles but the crown is starting to fill in, up the sides and towards the center of my head. The woman that cuts my hair has also mentioned that my hair is getting better and better.

Whats most important however, is my rising confidance level and how much less I think about hair loss. Its been such a load off my mind that I started going out alot more often now. Ive been back out there dating the women I wouldnt have approached 6 months ago, so I am definatly happy about that.

I had the typical ball ache as a side effect and did motice that my acne on my body gets bad, depending on the dose of Propecia I take. (I have been trying different doses over the last few months) I do have some fat around my nips but Im not sure if its from gaining some weight or slight gyno. I never had a sore chest. No erection problems to report and ejacualte is the same as always. My libido is lower than "normal".

Thats it. Sorry for the long post and ill try to have pics up next week. Good luck to everyone, stay positive!