5 months using prox-n hair getting worse re-order??


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I have been using prox-n 1-2x a day, its been nearly 5 months. Should i give prox-n more time or look into something else. Hasnt even slowed hair loss.... What do you guys think?


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Still a student :( No big bucks yet.... Plus im diffuse thinner would need a lot of proxiphen to cover thinning areas. Dont no if i should re-order prox-n or not


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i just ordered another 4 months supply alone with some nano shampoo and conditioner... I think its only fair to give it more time


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Goingat20 said:
i just ordered another 4 months supply alone with some nano shampoo and conditioner... I think its only fair to give it more time

OK - good luck w/ that.

When I first started treatment I also started w/ prox-n (and nano and nizoral and minoxidil plus vitamins out the wazoo) and nothing really helped until I broke down and went on finasteride.


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Goingat20 said:
i just ordered another 4 months supply alone with some nano shampoo and conditioner... I think its only fair to give it more time

Are you keeping a photographic record? Self-judgements based on just what you see in a mirror every morning are unreliable.



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yes bryan i am. I will give prox-n more time, also i hope he shampoo could provide that extra bit of nano to help out. I also got the conditioner to leave it on scalp after using shampoo... Gota get every bit of nano i can :lol:


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Excellent! :)


Goingat20 said:
yes bryan i am. I will give prox-n more time, also i hope he shampoo could provide that extra bit of nano to help out. I also got the conditioner to leave it on scalp after using shampoo... Gota get every bit of nano i can :lol:
you aren't supposed to wash the nano conditioner out? you just get out of the shower with it in there and dry your hair off?


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Bryan said:
Goingat20 said:
i just ordered another 4 months supply alone with some nano shampoo and conditioner... I think its only fair to give it more time

Are you keeping a photographic record? Self-judgements based on just what you see in a mirror every morning are unreliable.


This is so true. I know because I will think my hair looks horrible one day and great the next, alternating. Still no digital camera, though. I've just learned to no look at it, and look at my muscles instead. Now that is uplifting.

But to answer goingat20's question, I add prox-N to my topicals, so it spreads further. Since the ingredients in proxiphen don't react, I don't think the prox-N will either. I dose it so I get about 8 drops per day to the front of my head, with a little in each topical.


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can you just add some drops of prox-n to a regular minoxidil solution? it would save some time and be easier to apply.


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I just hope the minoxidil is stable at lower pH's. But I can prepare a two week supply if I want.


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i just started on prox-n and i'm skeptical. i just did a search on the success stories forum and you know how many who have posted a thread there have Prox-N as even one element of their current routine? just one