5% 3 times a day


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Has anyone done this?
If people are using 12.5% twice a day, then 5% 3 times a day should be ok?

Finish line

Established Member
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why not just create a bubble helmet, provide yourself a snorkel for air, and just fill it with Rogain?


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Finish line said:
why not just create a bubble helmet, provide yourself a snorkel for air, and just fill it with Rogain?

That is funny as hell dude

Seriously though, do you know where I can get one of those helmets? :punk:


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Using excess rogaine like that will certainly leed toside affects. To much rogaine will make you feel quite fatigued and dizzy.


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KielMcK said:
Using excess rogaine like that will certainly leed toside affects. To much rogaine will make you feel quite fatigued and dizzy.

Actually, there is a very credible study which measured the systemic absorption of minoxidil after applying Rogaine MULTIPLE times per day, and I'm talking about as many as six or seven or even eight times a day. They found that after a certain rather modest number of applications (like maybe three or so), there was no further systemic absorption of the drug. The researchers concluded that the skin/scalp gets "saturated" with it at that point, with no further absorption.


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I was doing ozbrew up to 4x per day. Didn't hurt none.


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I used to use a bottle of 5% liquid rogaine a week a few years back and within 4 months got quite sick. Couldn't stay awake and my whole world was dizzy... i thought i had a stroke.


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I upped my dosage of rogaine. at the time i was using foam in front and liquid in the back after about 30 mins when the foam was dry i re-applied liquid all over, i did this for a month. From this experiement i experience heavy shedding (im not sure if it was just a normal shed, because i never experienced a heavy shed since i started rogaine, the first big shed occurred when i upped the dosage). anyways currently im just using foam and i have significanlty lowered the amout i use. Im a diffuse thinner so i use foam all over the top and a 4 month supply last 3.5 months instead of 2 and now my shedding has decrease incredibly

- i wake up in the morning and rough up my hair now i lose 0-2 hairs instead of 8-10,
- in the shower i see 8-10 hairs instead of 15-20,
after 30mins of applying rogaine foam i brush my hair to so its not stiff and looks wet due to
- rogaine foam now only 8-10 hairs fall as oppose to 15-20 and
- at night when i comb my hair staight so i can apply foam i lose 1-2 hairs as oppose to 10-15.

I know ur not suppose to count hairs that shed but the way i see it is: lets say you lose 100 hairs a day. as each hair fall its replaced by a new one and lets say it will be termial not miniaturized. hair dosnt grow 2in over night it takes months therefore the race of your hair catching up will never win unless of course you are regrowing more hairs then you shed. This is y i count my hairs.

also i just wanted to add the way you apply rogaine makes a huge difference in its effectiveness. it must reach the scalp and you must massage it in this is another approach i started and noticed lower shedding.