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Re: 20 year old, FUE good idea?

losinghairsux said:
meccs said:
Ok old post but I need to know what DermMatch color you used losinghairsux. I seems I have the same color as you (black) but I don't know if the dark brown or the black one would be best.

Hey man, I'm not often on the boards (usually when I have a bad hair day looool) but I use black. Dermatch is fantastic if your THINNING. If there is no hair there it will look ridiculous. I combine nanogen and dermmatch now actually, dermmatch stays better in case of rain and stuff (even though nanogen really doesn't come of in regular rain) but nanogen gives a thicker look.

I'm hoping that I'm going through a shedding phase right now because If it gets worse, not even concealers can help me :D. I am seriously considering a hair transplant in 3 years when I'm done with my bachelors and most likely have a good job.


Any updates? how's your thinning? halted loss?


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Re: 20 year old, FUE good idea?

so you use only hair concealers and sometimes finasteride? why not give a try to nizoral/ revita shampoo/ rogaine to your regimen?