4 months on propecia, new hair on hairline?

astral week

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I've been on propecia about 4 months now, decent results I guess; I don't shed much (usually count 5-25 hairs in shower, not bad if 100 a day is average) but I had never shed that much. That makes me think maybe I've been shedding slowly for a good 2 1/2, 3 years instead of quickly (I'm 19). Anyway, my temples have receded a bit, maybe Norwood 1.5, and I have my hair long so as of now hair loss is unnoticable. But along my actual hairline (not temples) the first "line" of hairs is about 1 inch long, but my actual hair is about 3 inches long. I don't know if they were there before or not, and 4 months is pretty early for regrowth. It actually could be a BAD sign considering that I didn't think my hairline was receding yet. Does anyone else have a first line of shorter hairs??


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I'd say your hair dresser probably cut the front a little bit shorter? A full inch of growth would have been noticed when it was still thin and short.

astral week

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well I don't recall her cutting off more of the front, it was one of those cheap haircuts where they just cut off an inch or so all over. i guess I should stop overanalyzing everything and just wait until I hit the 9-12 month marks with propecia

Far Too Young

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Or it could be the first batch of hairs poking out. I don't want to get you overly excited, but the first batch of hairs, more often than not manifests itself with a thinner texture than terminal. They can stay that way or thicken up. Regardless, I wouldn't say they're in any way a bad sign.