3rd Shed after a year on minoxidil and ket.


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Hey guys!

i'm using Kirkland minoxidil 5% twice a day + Keto for a exactly a year now.
i had my first shed right after a month of usage, and then after ~3 months of usage i had really much regrow.

here is a topic a started back then:

i was really happy with the results, then about february i had a second smaler shed but around april most of it grew back a little bit less then after the first shed but it was pretty ok and stayed that way.

now, one year later i have a 3rd shed it's about the same time when i had my first shed but it is really bad! i lost a lot of hair in the last 3 weeks and im wondering if this is "normal" or the medication just stopped working for me?
has anyone experienced something similar?

thanks for replies and advices!


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just wanted to post an update:

the shed that started in mid september went on, the whole time. i kept takeing pics from time to time the last one on the 23.November

then recently (like 10 days or a week ago) the shed stoppt totally, i dont count the hairs but it was a drastic difference from before, its like no hair in the tube at all right now.

i took a pic today, i think there is a improvement i hope it will go on.
i will post an update around the end of december :)


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hi guys, as promised i just wanted to show an update from today :)
i think there is definitly an imrpovment going on in the last days


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just another update, i think it recoverd pretty well, the hair on this pic is also a bit greasy washed it looks also a little better :)


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So for the last ~4 weeks i'm having a MAJOR shed :/

After the hair got better from the 3rd shed(which was from sep - nov) it startet to fall out like crazy arround mid april...I hope i recover somewhat well from this 4th shed, if not ill quit the treatment and just go with the buzzcut.


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I would, but it's not that easy here in Austria :/
and ordering some internetcrap is in that case not the right thing to do
still, i'll check with my doctor.
but i think you can get only propecia here which is way to expensive for me.
like 55€ (which is like 65-70$?) for a one Month suply


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Update(Had Sheds a Year into minoxidil, Started finasteride ~3,5M ago)

so today i was at the drugstore to see how the prices are really on finasteride. she said 30 pills cost whichever brand between 15-25€ - which is really cheap and i found it hard to belive but ok!

on monday ill go to my dermatologist and i hope she will prescribe it to me :shock:


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so, i finally got a appointment with my dermatologist!
it's this friday and i hope it want be like "yeah finasteride is dangerous, you still have some hair, come back when i lost everythin".

any advises?


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So, today I startet finasteride. let's see what happens :)

I somewhat feel very positive about it, cuz i have ALOT of small, thin, blond hairs on my scalp and hope to see them turning back to thick and black hair with the combination of minoxidil+finasteride+nizoral :)

My hair right now looks pretty much like this:

but the thinning has progressed a little bit to the front of my head :thumbdown2:


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So just a short Update!

I'm now for ~3,5 Month on finasteride (+Ket%Min) and i'm glad i started taking it! But first things first!


The First week I had the Ballache. It wasn't a unbearable pain but I could feel a uncomfortable tautening.

I did have a hard time getting an erection at first but I'm really certain that it was more of a psychological issue. I had this fear "man what if finasteride fucks me up blabla" but after a couple of morningwoods I knew everything is fine - and today there are no problems at all. In fact I started finasteride because of an One-nightstand, where I've been so drunk I couldn't get it up, it was so frustrating and I thought to myself "f*** it, if it happens without finasteride its better to be on it". Lucky me I had some other chances like that while on finasteride and everything worked out great :whistle:


So after 2 Months I noticed some little Improvement! Not because I could see a lot of new hairs grow but the hair loss seemed slowed down and because I believe the "old"-new hair had a chance to stay there longer! So I had an overall feel of improvement!

Then I had a week or two where the loss seemed to improve again and they also seemed a bit thinner then the weeks before.

right now I believe the hair is at the same position like it was 2 Months into finasteride. and I see a lot of new small hairs which i hope to get thicker in the next 6 Months!

The Pic is arround 2 Months into finasteride, it kind of looks again like that after a minor setback ~2,5 Monts into it!


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So now I'm 4 months on finasteride and i think this is starting to become a successes story!

here's a pic from today! my hair ist still not really full, but i got some pretty good coverage compared to 3 or more months ago!


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Hey norman,

Thanks for updating the thread continously, even though the thread has had little activity.

Your hair really has improved, I'm crossing my fingers it will continue this way. Has your hair improved further since your last update?

I started taking finasteride today, and also am experiencing mild pain in my left ball and thigh - this came just about 30 minutes after my first dosage. I am taking 1.25mg though, because my doctor prescribed me 5mg of some generic brand.


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i have a success thread going: viewtopic.php?f=30&t=69752&st=0&sk=t&sd=a

on the 2nd page of that thread there is a pic of my hair when it was really really bad, so that the improvement should be pretty obvious :)

I'm now in my ~6 Month of finasteride and the thing is I loose really little hair right now, like almost nothing. When I comb my hair tightly back with a comb I can see a lot of thin and short hairs popping out trough the rest of the hair all over the scalp. but like I said they are like 1cm long and have very little pigmentation, although i think they are the reason why my hair looks a lot better. eventually when they go to another cycle or two they will become thicker and more pigmented - at least thats what you read up how finasteride works in restoring your hair.

I will definitely post an other pic of my hair at the and of January in the success thread :)