31 year old needs advice


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Hi all.
I have being balding since I was 16.
But is has got quite bad in the last 3 years.
I am very bald at the front, and quite bald on top ,
but it in the middle it isn't too bad.
but the sides aren't balding and the back isn't balding either.
I am wondering if anyone knows of any good hair transplant Clinics in Manchester UK.
Or anywhere else in the UK?
I am wondering how much is a typical hair transplant?
and does anyone know how much would it be if I just leave the front and just do the top
as i'm not really all that bothered about the front as I have a huge forehead anyway.
Any help is appreciated as I really do want a hair transplant. But want to go to a good clinic
I can put up pictures of my baldness if anyone is interested, to see if they can tell
how much i'd need to pay at a clinic?
Kind Regards


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I don't know any clinics, but you should get on finasteride asap, get as much gains as you can out of it before a hair transplant and to make sure it works before the hair transplant, you'll need to be agood finasteride responder for long term hair transplant success.


Try massage and supplements of biotin, zinc copper etc, see my thread. Can only not help, but you don´t loose anything.