30% Minoxidil cream

Side Show Bob

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There has been some discussion about this recently on other forums.

Apparently this stuff is available from Community Drugs. com, but it isn't listed. It's a special order and you need a prescription from your doctor for it.

My question is...has anyone tried the 30% concentration? What results have you had, front and crown. Any info would be appreciated.



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I dunno about the upped-dosages of minoxidil. They seem dangerous to me for the skin.


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I’d be willing to give it a try but I don’t want to be the first. I can’t even find it on that website, then again it’s late & I want to go to bed. 30% minoxidil wow! How much does it cost? Can they hook you up with a medical consult over the phone or, via mail like the way Dr. Lee does it? Like I said, it sounds interesting but I don’t want to be the first to try.

Aplunk1, you’re right, it sounds like it’ll turn the scalp into hamburger with irritation. If anyone has ever had problems with scalp irritation this is not for them!


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Ah, it's wonderful: Ye Olde Minoxidil Numbers Game. All you have to do to get guys interested in your topical minoxidil product is to dump more minoxidil into it to get that all-important "concentration percentage number" up, whether there's a scientific rationale for it or not. Sigh.....



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A pharmacist can probably make even greater minoxidil concentrations if you pay him/her to.

The point is... it's just probably not safe to use it.


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Oh, I think it probably IS safe, for the simple reason that it's probably not going to be absorbed to any significant extent.

I can't believe you guys take this kind of crap seriously. Somebody throws together some stupid high-potency minoxidil suspension just because people wet their pants when they see that number on an advertising blurb, and you assume that it's actually going to WORK in the same way that Rogaine does. There's much more to it than just that little number, however. Don't be so gullible.



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If you really wanted that high of a concentration (although I agree it wouldn't do much good), couldn't you make your own with dermovan and minoxidil tabs? Or does minoxidil not dissolve in cream base like that?


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Is this cream the same stuff that just got passed through the FDA?


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nervx said:
Is this cream the same stuff that just got passed through the FDA?

Actually, that is a foam-based product financed by Pfizer, and I think I read the minoxidil concentration is about 5%.


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Like Bryan briefly mentioned, the scalp can only absorb so much minoxidil, so over a certain percentage it becomes a bit of a waste. Or something along those lines

Red Rose

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Yeah, 2% minoxidil is just as good.

We live in a World these days, however, where "bigger is better".

Side Show Bob

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I don't agree. I've always thought that the problem with Minoxidil was that it wasn't strong enough. I didn't see real gains with it until I incorporated it into Oz Brew. I've regrown a good percentage of my frontal hairline with it.

I posted this info about the 30% because I hadn't heard of it being available in that strength before and because the original poster who reported about it, said he had regrown most of his crown area with it. He had used it once a day for several years without any side effects.

I was hoping a few more people had used it and I was curious to get their results and thoughts. I know many people will dismiss it simply because they can't handle the sides. Absorbtion rates and effectiveness varies from person to person.


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Side Show Bob said:
I don't agree. I've always thought that the problem with Minoxidil was that it wasn't strong enough.

Do you realize that "strong enough" could be taken a number of different ways?

Side Show Bob said:
I didn't see real gains with it until I incorporated it into Oz Brew. I've regrown a good percentage of my frontal hairline with it.

Topical minoxidil therapy appears to involve both LOCAL and SYSTEMIC components. If "Oz Brew" worked well for you, it may well be because of greater systemic absorption, which is irrelevent to the concentration percentage.



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Bryan said:
Topical minoxidil therapy appears to involve both LOCAL and SYSTEMIC components. If "Oz Brew" worked well for you, it may well be because of greater systemic absorption, which is irrelevent to the concentration percentage.

Whatever the case may be, I’d still be willing to give it a try if I could trust the product to be a true 30% & not some horse sh*t scam. Has anyone else ever ordered from Community Drugs?


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alfonso2501 said:
Bryan said:
Topical minoxidil therapy appears to involve both LOCAL and SYSTEMIC components. If "Oz Brew" worked well for you, it may well be because of greater systemic absorption, which is irrelevent to the concentration percentage.

Whatever the case may be, I’d still be willing to give it a try if I could trust the product to be a true 30% & not some horse $#iT scam. Has anyone else ever ordered from Community Drugs?

I order my Avodart from them. A bit pricey, but legitimate.


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Bryan said:
Oh, I think it probably IS safe, for the simple reason that it's probably not going to be absorbed to any significant extent.

I can't believe you guys take this kind of crap seriously. Somebody throws together some stupid high-potency minoxidil suspension just because people wet their pants when they see that number on an advertising blurb, and you assume that it's actually going to WORK in the same way that Rogaine does. There's much more to it than just that little number, however. Don't be so gullible.


Bryan, i've been out of the loop on the minoxidil updosing debate, but have been using a 15% concentration. Overall, has there been any evidence that a 15% concentration is more effective than the proven 5%?


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Dr Lee swore the efficacy of minoxidil is percentage-related, i don't know if thats correct, but i am using his 15%, not yet known if it works.