3 months on finasteride


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Been on finasteride 3 months. Started 1.25mg daily and switched to 2.5 a month ago and my hairloss is either the same rate or worse. I may actually be losing more hair on my sides than on top if that is believable. My question is do I really have to wait a year? Because the same thing happened with minoxidil, I just started losing hair faster for 7 months until I stopped, but by then it was too late. Can the same thing happen with finasteride? :(


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from what ive heard your current hair loss is probably just regular hairloss progressing as it takes some time for finasteride to start having an affect on you. I'd say keep going bro.

g.i joey

Senior Member
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.5mg man, half of a 1mg pill. You're the one who should be concerned at 2.5 but no man I doubt 5mg is any different other than probably a slight increased chance of gyno at 5mg as oppose to 1mg


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2.5mg finasteride is way too much I believe.

Yes, I read somewhere that 5mg finasteride has the same effect for hair loss as 1mg. So sticking with 1mg only is safer than taking those 5mg pills.

This is not a medical advice, though. Just what I saw several posters on a different forum say about that topic.


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My Regimen
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Do you seriously take 5mg of finasteride a day? Aren't you afraid of becoming a woman? (not trolling. It's really really high dose and I think it's dangerous)

How is a drug that hardly changes your T/E levels supposed to make you become a woman... cmon now, finasteride on its own doesn't cause feminization. at worst you could get gyno, not full blown feminization.