3.5 months update on finasteride/nizoral


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Here I am about 3 and a half months into treatment.

Heres where I started:

Norwood 2, starting to thin in the frontal area but not detectable to even myself sometimes. temples seemed to have receded back as far as they want for now, which isnt far at all and the thinning is now working towards the middle on both sides, so the frontal areas closest to the temples are the thinning and thin-ness decreases in magnitude as you get closer to the center of the front of my head. No problems anywhere else whatsoever, crown, etc. Hair still looks good, still style-able.

I began taking 1/6ths of proscar and using nizoral 3 times a week on August 2nd. I increased it to 1/5ths of proscar on Sept. 2nd because I was having so much trouble cutting it into sixths and found it easier to do fifths. Have continued 1/5ths of proscar and nizoral ever since.

Where I am now:

Within the last few weeks I had a sharp increase in shedding. Used to only shed 1 or 2 hairs a day as my hairloss is very gradual. Now I'm losing 5-10 when I dry my hair outta the shower. A few if I run my hands through it enough times. Probably 20 total in a day. No, its not too bad, I know, but the shedding increased sharply so I'm guessing its some sort of degree of a shed. I am optimistic about it and if I can just retain what I had at the beginning of treatment I'd be plenty happy. My hair looks worse than it ever has but I'm willing to ride it out and hoping for the best.

I'd love to hear some commentary or questions, feel free.

Peace yall.


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The way sheds vary between us is amazing to me. I lose over 150 in the shower alone every day, which is far more than most people on here report. However, this has been going on for about 2 years and I'm still in decent shape. So I don't get it.

To lose only 5 or 10, or even 20...wow. I'd be frolicking with joy.

You're analyzing your hairline the same way I am, pretty much. In my case, the whole thing is transparent under light, but the right side more so, and the right temple is definitely thinning. I'm quite nervous, since I'm about two weeks away from having been on generic finasteride for 6 months. I'm still waiting for something to change. Apart from the transparency, I'm still a Norwood 2 like you, though the right side is slightly higher than the left.

I'm curious why you ever cut Proscar into sixths. Why start smaller?


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Jaygee said:
The way sheds vary between us is amazing to me. I lose over 150 in the shower alone every day, which is far more than most people on here report. However, this has been going on for about 2 years and I'm still in decent shape. So I don't get it.

To lose only 5 or 10, or even 20...wow. I'd be frolicking with joy.

You're analyzing your hairline the same way I am, pretty much. In my case, the whole thing is transparent under light, but the right side more so, and the right temple is definitely thinning. I'm quite nervous, since I'm about two weeks away from having been on generic finasteride for 6 months. I'm still waiting for something to change. Apart from the transparency, I'm still a Norwood 2 like you, though the right side is slightly higher than the left.

I'm curious why you ever cut Proscar into sixths. Why start smaller?

Almost everyone has it worse on one temple than the other, I've found that to be pretty normal.

To answer your question about why I started at 6ths...

I didn't intend to up the doseage unless I wasn't getting results but after I had mis-cut 2 or 3 pills when trying to cut them into 6ths I determined 5ths were easier. If you mis-cut the pills then you have to cut tinier pieces off of already tiny pieces to compensate and it just gets too hard. 5ths are just easier. I don't see any harm in it though.

Hope you start to improve soon.


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Hmm what kind of beer is in your regimen? Have the results been encouraging? ---> :hairy:


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Also to add, I forgot side effects thus far...

Sexual Drive has been fluctuating, at the beginning it intensly increased and then dropped and now it seems to have leveled off. No E.D. or ejaculation problems ever, just sex drive issues.

My facial hair has continued to grow at a much faster rate than before. This could also be attributed to the fact that I'm just barely 20 and my facial hair is still a b**ch patchy and has not reached its full potential yet. Either way it is somethin I have noticed.

The acne is what is killing me. I have generally clear skin but I've seen increased acne ever since about half a month into treatment. It sucks. Now not only do I have to worry about my hair but I have to take incredibly tedious care of my skin.

KevinWondering said:
Hmm what kind of beer is in your regimen? Have the results been encouraging? ---> :hairy:

Haha well sticking to the "as often as I can afford it" method, generally bud light or natty light. I'm in college...at least its not milwaukee's best. Although every now and then I will dip to the Pabst Blue Ribbon...its just so damn cheap.
I feel as if any regrowth can be attributed largely to the beer drinking. I'm currently undergoing intense research into the matter using myself as the guinea pig. I'll let you know how things pan out.

Peace y'all.