2nd go around for finasteride or low dose accutane?


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I tried finasteride about 5 years ago before i discovered these forums and quit soon after bc of sides. I use nizoral 2-3 times a week and minoxidil about once a day, and have been using a laser helmet since last july. My hair seems to be continuing to slowly but steadily thin out.

Im considering getting a prescription for finasteride< cutting them into fifths, taking them EOD, or possibly getting on some very low dose accutane. Im leaning towards the finasteride idea.

Has anyone else had sides from finasteride and had success avoiding sides and getting some results with a very low dose.

any advice is appreciated,

Im 26 and my hair is getting to the point where I gotta take some risks.

G k

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I started on .5mg finasteride. Had too strong of sides.

I went down to .25, sides were a lot better but still bothersome.

I am now at .16(1/6th tablet), and the sides are non existent.

In my case, .16mg is just as effective against hairloss as .5mg, with less sides.

I wouldn't of thought using .16mg but I saw a great success story here:

I am so glad I ran into this guy, because I wouldn't of been insightful enough to think that .16mg would actually work. But it works the same as .5mg, for me.

I am of the opinion they make this medicine far too strong for what its used for. Its causes a storm with your hormones.

I also eat a ton of brocolli because it helps burn off excess estrogen, which helps with many of the Propecia sides. (you will find that many of hte people devastated from propecia sides on propeciahelp.com are now using brocolli to try and get better. I believe it to be a good preventative tool against sides as well).

Hope this helps.


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that does help, thank you very much. I'll make updates if and when i start doing the low dose treatment.