2800 grafts - 4months post op - Dr Feller


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Man that was a total waste of money. At least he wasn't dissabled.WTF.


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I hope it looks better from here out. Thus far he looks worse.


This patient is only 4 months out and already shows signs of great growth. Growth times vary from patient to patient and IMO to show signs of growth at this early stage is very promising - the patient thinks so anyway!

The next few months for this patient are going to be extremely exciting!
From Dr Feller:
This is a faster growth rate than normal. This is probably due to the extra vascularity in and around that remaining tuft of hair he had in the front. Note how it was the first area to significantly thicken. He has a way to go yet, however. Look forward to the 9 month photos.
This patient has an identical twin brother who is so impressed with his bro's result at this early stage that he too is going to see Dr Feller for surgery.

In my book thats the biggest compliment you can get. :)