26 year old male looking for some advice


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Hello ,
I’m a 26 year old male who will be turning 27 later on this year. I personally feel having a good density of hair makes a lot of difference in my appearance however, My hairline has started to recede and I’m at Norwood 2. I’ll probably be Norwood 3 in a few years. I’ve been taking Scandinavian biolabs hair re-growth syrum. And hasn’t boosted my hair past Norwood 2 but I think it’s prevented me from getting to Norwood 3 (or slowed the progress down). I intend to go to Turkey or wherever to get a hair transplant. However, I’m too young to do that now. Is there anyway to get back to NW1? Would PRP be good option ? Again major work doesn’t have to be done I just would like my hairline back and although I could do that with surgery , it would be far too early and not a good idea to do it right now.


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Will it grow back my hairline ? Also the side effects aren’t great ?
Yes possibly with a derma roller and minoxidil alongside ketaconazole.


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Will it grow back my hairline ? Also the side effects aren’t great ?
You are inhibitin a 70 % of an enzyme that take part of many reactions, besides converting T to DHT . So what do you think ;) ?
Go for the topical route and read my friend. This is not a doctor consults, is a library. READ


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You are inhibitin a 70 % of an enzyme that take part of many reactions, besides converting T to DHT . So what do you think ;) ?
Go for the topical route and read my friend. This is not a doctor consults, is a library. READ
If you’re going to take patronizing tone with me , at least write with better grammar and clarity !


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Definitely try finasteride. It helped maintain my hairline and density for ten years. It also filled in areas that were thinning or receding pretty dramatically. It's easy to get and relatively cheap. The sooner you get on it, the more of your hair you may be able to save.

I'd also recommend adding daily minoxidil.


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Definitely try finasteride. It helped maintain my hairline and density for ten years. It also filled in areas that were thinning or receding pretty dramatically. It's easy to get and relatively cheap. The sooner you get on it, the more of your hair you may be able to save.

I'd also recommend adding daily minoxidil.
I currently am taking daily minoxidil. I’m using Scandinavian biolabs which is vegan.


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I currently am taking daily minoxidil. I’m using Scandinavian biolabs which is vegan.
Hahahahahahaha. Can you please explain us where to buy a carnivore version of minoxidil !!?!?!??!?!!?!? What the hell are you talking !? what part of an animal is used to combine a minoxidil lotion ? ethanol ? propilen glicol !?


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Definitely try finasteride. It helped maintain my hairline and density for ten years. It also filled in areas that were thinning or receding pretty dramatically. It's easy to get and relatively cheap. The sooner you get on it, the more of your hair you may be able to save.

I'd also recommend adding daily minoxidil.
What brand of finastride would you recommend ?


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You'll only get back to a NW1 if you're a hyperresponder to minoxidil, but even then those fully miniaturized areas are unlikely to grow terminal hairs. Finasteride will maintain and probably thicken your existing hairline, but have realistic expectations about getting back to NW1. Add in minoxidil later btw, start with finasteride. You can also give microneedling and ketoconazole a try, but it's best if you just start with finasteride for the first 6 months.

A transplant is really the only sure way to recover your hair to a NW1, and 27 is past the minimum age of getting a transplant at a reputable clinic, which from what I've seen is 23-25. But you're right, it's not a good idea to do it now because you don't know if finasteride will work for you and you'll end up with gaps behind the transplanted hairs if it doesn't. There's a 90% chance that it will work. But a good hair transplant clinic would've put you on finasteride for 6 months to a year anyways.
PS: prp won't do sh*t


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You'll only get back to a NW1 if you're a hyperresponder to minoxidil, but even then those fully miniaturized areas are unlikely to grow terminal hairs. Finasteride will maintain and probably thicken your existing hairline, but have realistic expectations about getting back to NW1. Add in minoxidil later btw, start with finasteride. You can also give microneedling and ketoconazole a try, but it's best if you just start with finasteride for the first 6 months.

A transplant is really the only sure way to recover your hair to a NW1, and 27 is past the minimum age of getting a transplant at a reputable clinic, which from what I've seen is 23-25. But you're right, it's not a good idea to do it now because you don't know if finasteride will work for you and you'll end up with gaps behind the transplanted hairs if it doesn't. There's a 90% chance that it will work. But a good hair transplant clinic would've put you on finasteride for 6 months to a year anyways.
PS: prp won't do sh*t

What do you mean when you say 27 is past the age from a good clinic? From what I’ve read 30+ is the best time to get a transplant .


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What do you mean when you say 27 is past the age from a good clinic? From what I’ve read 30+ is the best time to get a transplant .
Yeah, it's true, you can wait till your thirties, that's realistically when hairloss stabilizes and starts to decelerate. But you're already in your late 20s and if finasteride works for you, I don't expect your hairloss to get worse till you reach even your mid 30s. So it's up to you at the end of day, but just know that finasteride does work long term so there wouldn't be much reason to delay the transplant anyway (if finasteride works for you of course), because they'll put you on the drug anyways.


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Yeah, it's true, you can wait till your thirties, that's realistically when hairloss stabilizes and starts to decelerate. But you're already in your late 20s and if finasteride works for you, I don't expect your hairloss to get worse till you reach even your mid 30s. So it's up to you at the end of day, but just know that finasteride does work long term so there wouldn't be much reason to delay the transplant anyway (if finasteride works for you of course), because they'll put you on the drug anyways.
Ah I get where you’re coming from. If I’m going to take finasteride I might as well get hair surgery sooner as they’ll have me on finasteride anyway.