24 years - Temples, density and quality problem


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Hi, first of all, i'm argentinian, so I apologize for my bad English :)

I was always having large temples, but around age 21 I dropped a lot of hair, and the entries that covered thanks to the capillary volume had, are now visible ..

Now I do not usually lose so much hair, but I feel that slowly my crown and temples are larger and costs more to comb my hair. In addition, the quality of my hair is getting worse, (is like genital hair in some areas hahahaha) and very oily

My intention is to improve the quality and density of hair in areas where i still have. Is this very difficult to achieve? It will require a permanent treatment?
If it is so, how annoying is dependent hair pills forever?

Here some pictures, and I appreciate any response and treatment suggestions, thanks!

My hair status is like
Very large left temple, large right temple, low density and quality in front, medium density in crown,
and of course high density and quality in the back of the head ¬¬

peleta fron.jpgpeleta izq.jpgpeletader.jpg


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If you have male pattern baldness which I cannot conclude from those pics than you should start taking finasteride/propecia 1mg or 1.25mg daily. Nothing else is really needed. As for the quality of your hair you should probably see a hair stylist or try some shampoos or something which is non-male pattern baldness related


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My intention is to improve the quality and density of hair in areas where i still have. Is this very difficult to achieve? It will require a permanent treatment?
If it is so, how annoying is dependent hair pills forever?

If you want to at the very least hold on to the hair you have, we only have 2 things that are proven to work: Minoxidil and finasteride. It is really not that big of a deal to take finasteride everyday. My hope is that we will have a better option for treatment within a few years so I don't need to take finasteride for the rest of my life. Hopefully the new option is 100% safe...yeah I doubt it.


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Thanks for the answers, i have 2 questions.

1) If not confirmed i have male pattern baldness (although I'm pretty sure), Is not recommended to start treatment?

2) Does it matter hair length when treated?


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To error on the side of caution do yourself a favor and first get your hair status evaluated before ingesting finasteride. Once you start you are bound to it a lifetime or as long as you care to reap it's rewards. So yes, get a thorough diagnosis from a well qualified and trusted physician. Blood labs would not hurt either. We know your own body better than anyone else (we ought to anyhow) so you probably are seeing early evidence of M.P.B., but with that said, contrarily speaking ,why should you pay for something you don't need. I hope my perspective made some sense to because one of the best kept secrets about hair loss is that it can impair the hair loss patient's cognitive functionality. :) Let's hope not. All the best.


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Hi everyone, i've been for 1 year, 3 month, on Folcres (finasteride generic) and Ketoconazole Eumicel (nizoral) ... i live in Argentina and i don't have access to other brands.

I have to admit that the reason why I started the treatment, was not to obsess even more so with my hair, but to stay calm
knowing that I was doing something, and just try to forget and use my mind on something else. For this reason, I don't have detailed pictures of evolution, for which I apologize to the community that helped me so much.

To say I'm really glad I managed to forget my hair loss (now I have 26) and I have to say that i have equal or more hair than other people my age.

I'm pretty satisfied with the treatment, no side-effects, easy to apply, and the hair itself, although it did not improve dramatically,
I can feel strong, and denser in general. I could make good hairstyles, which previously could not, and I've even received compliments
like: " hey what a mane" from people who not know that i'm on treatment, (nobody know it).

I can also ensure that not worsened at all. And keep in mind I'm at an age where hair loss is very common. (in my opinion,

everyone suffer, in a greater or lesser extent, hair loss)

The most important thing I have to note is that just stopped being obsessed with my hair, and I worried about other things. Therefore I say, if you have around 20-23 years, you're sad and lacking in confidence, go buy yourself pills and shampoo,
even you don't have to tell someone what you do, you can do it in secret ...
the knowing that you're doing something will help a lot, sure you'll recover much hair, or in the worst case you stop losing!

You just must not be afraid, and you're going to grow up a lot,
Understanding that in life there is a time when you have to be the one to take care of your health,
not your parents as before.

I leave a thanks and greetings to all!, thanks for the help!

- 1mg Finasteride per/day at random schedule
- Ketoconazol every 2 or 3 days

Shedding: Randomly, but low in general
