24 Years Just Started With Finasteride


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Hey guys! I will make a wall of text now, but i really hope people will read this and give me advices!

Like many men, im starting to see that i am getting thinner in my hair. Its not really that bad right now, so i am happy with how it is. I just want the hairloss to stop! I just started with Finasteride Actavis :) reason why i am on Finasteride is that i know my dad started to lose hair in his late 20's. And i am starting to see more hair on my pillow and when i touch my hair i can see some hair in my hand.

I've been on Finasteride for about 1 week now and i dont feel anything except i might have less semen. (May be placebo)... But i am still getting ejaculation so its good. I am just afraid that Finasteride wont have any effect on my (stop my hairloss) but people say it will take atleast 1-3 months to see results, but right now i still feel i lose some hair on my head (when i shower/watch my pillow).

I started to use Nizoral 2% shampoo (ketoconazole) twice a week, just did my first one yesterday. I heared this shampoo is one of the "three" big products to use. I dont really want to start on Minixiodil because of shedding and i feel that i have enough hair right now!

Any of you guys recommend a shampoo that I can use every day? Which is good for the hair/scalp? Right now i bought Ducray Anaphase from the pharmacy. I read some reviews on it on amazon and people are really recommending it. But i am afraid that i am losing more hair right now then i used to do, or maybe its just something i am worring more about now so it feels like it... Atleast when i am massaging the shampoo in my hair i feel like i can see some hair in my hand. What do you guys think about this? Is there another shampoo I should use? I just need one that is nice to my scalp/hair, i dont need a shampoo that gives me more hairgrowth (in this case, maybe less?!). As I said i am already happy with my hair. Just want to keep it like this.

This is pretty much my story. I really really hope the Finasteride will help me, but I guess i just need more patience? 1 week is not really enough to say if it works or not?


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Finasteride can be very slow to see results and they're gradual so you may feel like it's doing nothing. You'll have to be very patient. If you're happy with the baseline level, I wouldn't use minoxidil with finasteride right now. Ascertain how finasteride is working for you and then add minoxidil down the line (6-12m) if you've found that finasteride is only maintaining and not regrowing recently lost areas. In most cases people notice a little regrowth on finasteride too, but at the very least, you should maintain what you have for some time to come.

I believe finasteride can cause an initial shed which might be what you're noticing. I would imagine it's like clearing out the weaker hairs to regrow them stronger. Forget about the side effects though. Everyone I know on finasteride (and you'd be surprised how many guys are on it) have had very minor to no side effects even after several years. I feel like the more you try to observe side effects, the more likely you are to actually have them. I am not saying the risk isn't there, but worry about it IF it happens.


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Finasteride can be very slow to see results and they're gradual so you may feel like it's doing nothing. You'll have to be very patient. If you're happy with the baseline level, I wouldn't use minoxidil with finasteride right now. Ascertain how finasteride is working for you and then add minoxidil down the line (6-12m) if you've found that finasteride is only maintaining and not regrowing recently lost areas. In most cases people notice a little regrowth on finasteride too, but at the very least, you should maintain what you have for some time to come.

I believe finasteride can cause an initial shed which might be what you're noticing. I would imagine it's like clearing out the weaker hairs to regrow them stronger. Forget about the side effects though. Everyone I know on finasteride (and you'd be surprised how many guys are on it) have had very minor to no side effects even after several years. I feel like the more you try to observe side effects, the more likely you are to actually have them. I am not saying the risk isn't there, but worry about it IF it happens.

Thanks Kris89! I will use Finasteride for a very much longer time, even if I dont see results right now I do believe it will help. Its cheap to use and there is, as you are saying, very few side-effects. Well, i have high hairlines, but i to be honest i am satisified with it. Its no problem for me, as long as i am not losing any more hair of it.

Do you recommend a shampoo that is nice for my hair while i am slowing the hairloss?


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Thanks Kris89! I will use Finasteride for a very much longer time, even if I dont see results right now I do believe it will help. Its cheap to use and there is, as you are saying, very few side-effects. Well, i have high hairlines, but i to be honest i am satisified with it. Its no problem for me, as long as i am not losing any more hair of it.

Do you recommend a shampoo that is nice for my hair while i am slowing the hairloss?

Nizoral 2-3 times a week.


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Yeah i will do that, but i also need a "normal" shampoo I can use every day. Doesnt it matter which one that is?

Not really, but I do not think using shampoo every day is a good idea in general. Especially with nizoral which is a quite harsh to hair.


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Thanks Kris89! I will use Finasteride for a very much longer time, even if I dont see results right now I do believe it will help. Its cheap to use and there is, as you are saying, very few side-effects. Well, i have high hairlines, but i to be honest i am satisified with it. Its no problem for me, as long as i am not losing any more hair of it.

Do you recommend a shampoo that is nice for my hair while i am slowing the hairloss?

If you're satisfied with what you have now I think you will be very pleased with the results of your treatment:)

I prefer Regenepure DR to Nizoral personally. But you can get whichever.
I wash every second day with Regenepure and use one of those expensive biotin ones on the other days. So far so good.


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If you're satisfied with what you have now I think you will be very pleased with the results of your treatment:)

I prefer Regenepure DR to Nizoral personally. But you can get whichever.
I wash every second day with Regenepure and use one of those expensive biotin ones on the other days. So far so good.

Yeah im kinda satisfied with my hair right now, couldnt ask for more haha! I really dont want to take the trouble and time to do minixodil twice a day for the rest of my life... I can keep up with Finasteride since it does not require alot of time. Yeah i am using Fungoral (norwegian) its the same as Nizoral. Twice a week, maybe use it more often?

Is the Regenepure gonna replace the Nizoral?


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Yeah im kinda satisfied with my hair right now, couldnt ask for more haha! I really dont want to take the trouble and time to do minixodil twice a day for the rest of my life... I can keep up with Finasteride since it does not require alot of time. Yeah i am using Fungoral (norwegian) its the same as Nizoral. Twice a week, maybe use it more often?

Is the Regenepure gonna replace the Nizoral?

It's still up in the air whether Nizoral will be replaced by Regenepure DR as the go to shampoo. Regenepure has less harsh chemicals than Nizoral and contains things like caffeine and emu oil. On the other hand it contains 1% keto as opposed to the 2% in SOME Nizoral. But if I'm not mistaken there was a study showing 1% just as effective as 2%? I don't really remember. I've been using regenepure for awhile and I can't see myself switching.


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It's still up in the air whether Nizoral will be replaced by Regenepure DR as the go to shampoo. Regenepure has less harsh chemicals than Nizoral and contains things like caffeine and emu oil. On the other hand it contains 1% keto as opposed to the 2% in SOME Nizoral. But if I'm not mistaken there was a study showing 1% just as effective as 2%? I don't really remember. I've been using regenepure for awhile and I can't see myself switching.

I guess i will try it some day!