23 Years Old Receding Or Mature Hairline


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Hi, I am 23 years old and I started looking at my hairline a lot lately and I'm wondering if it's is receding or only maturing.

Thank you for your answers

dr dhananjay

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Yes, its receding hairline looking at your picture.

As a dermatologist I wanted to say a few facts to know receding hairline:
1. It is mostly seen in males can get receding hairlines after puberty but in the late 30s it is seen mostly.
2. Doing PULL test you can determine receding hairline.
3. It can affect due to heredity also.
4. The hairline starts moving towards backwards and on the crown area, the hair starts thinning out.
5. The V shape hairline is called "Window Peak"
6. The first step of going baldness is receding hairline.
7. Treatment is doing hair transplant on those sides (bald area), with proper medications.
8. Medications like Finasteride and Minoxidil can help in controlling hair fall.
9. Both these medications are USA FDA approved.
10. A healthy conversation with your dermatologist is suggested to be a good start.

I hope, it will help you to understand about receding hairline in details. For more information, let me you.


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Thank you everyone I will go see a doctor soon. I am really bummed out because there is no history of hairloss in my familly and loosing my hair while my 52 years old dad has all his hair makes it even more depressing if that makes any sense