23 year old NW3v (I think) new to forums


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Hey everyone, Ive been a wallflower here for some time and finally felt the need to post. Im 23, been losing hair since around 19-20 and just began treatment with the big 3 for the second time, although much more disciplined this time. My regimen is: finasteride 1mg/day, Minoxidil 5% twice daily, Nizoral 1% 2-3x/week. I will spare you all the "my life sucks because im balding" stories that this site is filled with, etc. I just wanted to gain some perspective on what you guys think as far as what norwood I am, how long until the efficacy of my regimen can be fairly judged, and any suggestions you might have, etc. I have attached some pix that I took this morning, hair is SLIGHTLY damp after drying and before application of minoxidil. I will take more dry ones later for comparison. I just cut my hair short and plan to take pictures every 3-6 months at the same length/lighting/camera to judge the treatments effectiveness. My goals at the moment: I would be thrilled to maintain what I have as far as the hairline and thicken everything up along the vertex/crown/hair immediately behind the hairline. I never had a low hairline, so its not like Im chasing after a 2 inch forehead or something. I would be happy to maintain and thicken for a few years or so until I am a better candidate for fue if it its still necessary. Let me know what you guys think about how long it might take to realize these goals and any personal experience would be greatly appreciated. What kind of realistic results can I expect on the hairline and frontal region? I will try to find pictures from a few years ago for comparison's sake. Thanks for taking the time to read my post.


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I think your goals are very realistic. I believe your crown will completely fill in along with some regrowth along the hairline that is if you are using your treatment religiously.


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Ok cool, I think that if the minoxidil can regrow and thicken what I have and the propecia can stop the loss I will end up with a very acceptable head of hair for the foreseeable future. Do you know if applying more minoxidil increases its effectiveness? Ive heard mixed reviews but am trying anyway. I have been applying 3-4 ml each time using foam in the mornings and the solution at night. Also what kind of time frame am I looking at to begin seeing some results or at least stability? I should have initially mentioned that I am undergoing a shed at the moment that has been going on for about 2 weeks so I am a bit thinner than I was when I started; just trying to stay positive about the shed as I heard its a good sign things are working. Also if anyone knows how to get higher minoxidil concentrations I would appreciate any info about where and if it is that much more effective. Thanks!


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Yes, minoxidil is a must! Around 6 months, your loss should stabilize. You will have the most improvement 8 months and 1.5 years. Remember these figures are very subjective.


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I would not apply more than 1 ml of minoxidil on your crown. As long as areas of your scalp get damp then it should be ok (especially if you're taking finasteride). Also, I don't know if you're applying any minoxidil on your hairline and/or the front of your hair, but you should if you aren't (1 ml). I started applying it alone (no finasteride) to my hairline once I noticed a similar pattern to yours starting (mostly thinning, and definitely receding in the temples), and hair has regrown in the middle and temples, and after a year of being on it I'm still seeing new growth. I think your goals are realistic, and I think if you apply the minoxidil on your crown and hairline twice a day and stay on the finasteride then you should be able to exceed them. I'm just judging from my personal experience. But I think your temples at least will fill in and your whole hairline will thicken. It will take some time, though - I'm getting my new hairs one tiny row at a time. It doesn't just all grow in a patch for me. My hairline is moving down ever so slightly, one row of hair at a time. But yeah. Sorry for the disorganization. I hope some of this helps! XD


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Yes, I apply like 1.5 to the crown and 1ml to both the vertex and front. I make sure not just the parts on the temples that need to regale get some but also about an inch past my hairline just as a proactive measure. Your reply is encouraging, but isn't it true that only half of men on the big 3 see growth? While the rest are simply just left where they were at when they started??


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I think the odds are better than half to see at least some very minor regrowth. Especially in the crown. :) depends what you mean though. Thickening of not completely miniaturized hairs is very probable, but from the extremely small hairs not visible by eye, it is not so common. Last mentioned are what people attribute to actual regrowth since they are not easily seen and seem to appear out of nowhere.
Good luck!


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I don't think you need 2.5ml 1.5ml would be better unless you don't care about the cost of using more


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Ok sounds good, I apply the solution more liberally since it's only like 18 bucks for 3 bottles but the foam is more expensive. Is washing hair everyday with normal shampoo (not on nizoral days) good bad or does it make a difference?

- - - Updated - - -

Also can you guys see the pix? I uploaded them w my computer but can't see them on my mobile browser..


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They are view able yes, but not on the mobile framework for me either. Need to have "desktop view" on my phone to see them.
You need a clean scalp before application. I use shampoo in the morning before i apply the foam, and I do a quick rinse under running water before night application. I rub my scalp (but not too hard) to clean it.


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how often you wash your hair isn't very important


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Hey guys just a quick question: I've been on my regimen for about 5 weeks (far too early to see any results, I know) but have not seen any signs of the characteristic "shed" that people usually experience in the first month. I thought I might have been experiencing one (wishful thinking most likely) when I posted before but I think it was just normal male pattern baldness. If anyone has any experience with these products please let me know: 1. How far along you got a shed 2. How pronounced was the shed 3. If you don't shed is that an indicator that you are one of the unlikely ones that these meds don't work for?

I know it's still early but this is around the time I would expect to see SOME changes in my hair that would indicate efficacy of the treatment. I have experienced mild sides: some puffy eyes in the am from the minoxidil, low libido/soft erection in the beginning from propecia but that has abated to far more manageable. Any help is appreciated, thanks.


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I actually don't think I've been shedding any more than I was before I started treatments 5 weeks ago. Is this an early sign that the big 3 will not work for me? It just seems most guys have a shed by this point before they start getting results. Has anyone seen a case similar to mine where someone doesn't shed but still gets results?


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not everyone sheds, some people shed and get good results, some people don't shed and get good results. don't worry about it


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Okay that's good to hear. I definitely don't mind not shedding as long as the medication works. Also I have switched to taking propecia and washing with nizoral at nighttime only as I hear that your blood serum dht levels are at their highest at night time. I am also switching my normal shampoo over to somethibg natural like African black soap that doesn't contain SLS. That's it for now, thanks for the replies guys.


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Quick update: so I hadn't had any finasteride sides until about a week ago. I was hooking up with a girl and everything worked fine but the next day onward it's like my penis is asleep! I should mention that I got tonsillitis from said female which caused me to be really sick(fever chills night sweats sore throat) so I'm not sure if the tonsillitis could be causing this or what. It just seems ironic that things could just go flat after working fine like that. I was able to "romance myself" once since but it was like pulling on cold spaghetti Does anyone know if finasteride sides can just come on so abruptly like this or if it could just be caused by my sickness and subsequent malnourishment from not being able to eat much? I have heard that they may go away after a bit but I'm concerned since I haven't had a spontaneous boner in almost a week since and I'm only 23. Maybe I'm just not as excited without a girl present? I think I am going to wait it out for my hair's sake. What kind of timeline should I expect before I know if this will continue? Also of note is before this past week I was experiencing watery semen but I can live with that. Otherwise I was able to get off as much as I wanted. Help please.


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stay on it another week or two then get off it if u still have sides

don't jack off cause your paranoid about your dick not working it will just make things worse


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zzzzz do you know this from experience? I heard it may take a couple months for sides to go away (if they do).