23 with Crohns and Hair Loss - Please Help - Pics Inside


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Hi everyone,

I have a quite a long story, but I'll make it short.

I was diagnosed with Crohns disease just after my 21st birthday.
It ruined my whole life and what I had plans to be and do with my life.
I had a nice, thick NW1 hairline that I've had for years at this time.

I lost my job due to this disease and moved in with my parents.
I had surgery 2 months after I was diagnosed.
I had 8 inches of my large intestines removed.

I had a great hairline and thick hair when I went to the hospital.
The nurses even commented on how nice it looked.

I stayed in the hospital for 8 days to recover and be monitored.
No sign of hair loss still.

I was released to go home and rest until completely healed.
About a month after surgery I was waking up with hair all over my pillow and bed.
I thought it was from being sick and would grow back.


I'm now recovered from surgery fully, its been almost 2 years, but my hair is worse than ever and getting worse.

*I'm anemic, but taking iron daily.
*I was malnourished for about a year, but eating healthier now.

I tried minoxidil for 3 months but I didn't see any change and the dandruff was too much to handle.

I went to a Dermatologist 2 weeks ago and asked for a prescription for Propecia, but she said she wouldn't give it to me because "it has fallen out of favor due to its link to causing cancer and the long term side effects."

So I decided to risk it cause I'd rather have hair and just deal with any sides I get.

I'm now taking 1mg Finpecia from Inhouse daily.

I have small miniaturized hair all along my old nw1 hairline and even some that grow but have no color to them.
Here's a few pics...
I tried my best to get the miniaturized hair but its hard.

Any recommendations?





Thanks to everyone who is willing to help or share.
I'm depressed as it is and this makes things so much worse.
I have absolutely no self confidence anymore.
I used to talk to girls all the time and now I find myself avoiding them.



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Hey man

I would to know this too as i'm in a similar situation to you, i had pouch surgery (full removal of large intestine) in 2006 for Ulcerative Colitis, had extremely thick hair right until a month or so after surgery, however it has been very slow loss since then, but i'm now seriously thinning at the crown but the front is still strong.

I live in hope and maybe wishful thinking that i may be deficient in something since the major surgery and that's what's causing the hair loss...

However, i think the reality for me is the fact that i'm just suffering from male pattern baldness..

Stick with the finasteride and see if you can get any decent answers bro!


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I think you should give rogaine foam a chance, it's not greasy, usually don't produce dandruff (which is not really dandruff, just dried minoxidil residue) and dries a lot faster than the liquid. I think it could give you good results in your frontal and crown, for me along with finasteride has worked wonders, you can see some pics in my thread in the success stories forum if you want to have a look.


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Thanks guys, I have been looking all over for anyone else with Crohns or Colitis that has this much loss so quickly.
I have decided to give the foam a shot and see what happens.
Maybe do foam in the morning and liquid before bed.

Have you tried anything?
Has anything helped regrow?

I haven't seen your thread yet but once in on a computer and not my phone, I'll take a look.
How long have you been on finasteride?
I'm losing hair really fast and I've been on for about a month.
I know shedding is normal from what I hear but I'm just curious as to your experience was with it.

Thanks guys


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I have been seeing my doctor and have mentioned that I am taking finasteride and she had no problem with it.
I am on Remicade once every 2 months through an IV.
I know it can cause hair loss but mine is a mild dose as of now.

I've been taking finasteride for 29 days as of now, and have my next month supply on the way.
I have had no sides as of yet and only feel tired.
I don't know if that's from finasteride or stress so I'm not counting that as a side as of yet.

I've checked other forums but nobody has a real answer as to what helped them.
Some say switching medicines, but I cant since I have a bad case and need the Remicade.
I'll ask around more though.
I do take about 5 ferrous sulfate pills daily to get my iron.
I know that's really overkill but I want to make sure my body is absorbing it.

Thanks for your encouraging words.
I get nervous about taking finasteride sometimes, but seeing as how I've made it a month without sides, I'm going to keep taking it.
My health is definitely my first priority, but my hair is a very close 2nd. I don't feel myself without it anymore. Like most of us here will say....
I've ordered a 6 month supply of Kirkland foam minoxidil that I'll be using in the morning after I shower. I have some liquid left that I'll use at night.
I'll order some nizoral shampoo once I get paid again.
I'm really hoping for the best.
I never thought I'd go bald, and i never thought it could happen so quick.

Thanks for the replies guys.


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Thanks guys, I have been looking all over for anyone else with Crohns or Colitis that has this much loss so quickly.
I have decided to give the foam a shot and see what happens.
Maybe do foam in the morning and liquid before bed.

Have you tried anything?
Has anything helped regrow?

I haven't seen your thread yet but once in on a computer and not my phone, I'll take a look.
How long have you been on finasteride?
I'm losing hair really fast and I've been on for about a month.
I know shedding is normal from what I hear but I'm just curious as to your experience was with it.

Thanks guys

I have been on finasteride since mid october, minoxidil since september. And yes, shedding is normal, I had my first shed a couple of weeks on minoxidil and that went on for 2-3 weeks, it's scary but you have to ride it out and the results will usually follow. I had another little shed 3-4 weeks ago but this one only lasted about 5-6 days, same with another one I went through this past week.