23,thinking about hair transplant (FUE)


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Hi everyone,

this is two pictures from today.

i was start balding at 17,never really think it so serious and i was using toppik from time to time.
at 21 it becomes very noticable and i was start to put toppik all over my head so i start finasteride too.
i was taking finasteride over one year and i didnt help + side effects.

now im starting the big 3 but i dont want to maintain my situation,i want to regrow!
i know that there isnt a cure that can regrow full strong head but hair transplant.

my hair in the back of my head is very strong and densy.

what do you think should i do?
should i give up and just shave my head?


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My hairdresser said to me after a year "I don't know what you did to your hair but it looks better"

But I didn't notice any improvement at all!

So there isn't going to be something that give me full head? Everything is a crap that should only mantain?


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finasteride + Min... How long can you use it? 30 years? I think in losemyhead's position, it's reasonable to do hair transplant..


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My hairdresser said to me after a year "I don't know what you did to your hair but it looks better"

But I didn't notice any improvement at all!

So there isn't going to be something that give me full head? Everything is a crap that should only mantain?

Personally I think that people understimate the strength of current treatments. Look, I have had bald areas in my temples for 15 years. I used 2-5% minoxidil, but it didn't have any significant effect on regrowth. I would normally think that the lost hair would never grow back. But suddenly, with the combination of stronger minoxidil, finasteride and dermastamp, I 'm regrowing tens of lost hairs to a cosmetically acceptable level. The hairs were not "dead". They only waited for a more effective treatment.