23 M and freaking out. Am I losing hair? HELP!


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I was about to unleash a wave of killing sarcasm but I will spare you as this is your first post.

I cannot see loss. Any head of hair with the "appropriate" styling will reveal skin below.

You jumped on propecia and considering avodart.

I will not comment on that.


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Dude, your hair looks mega thick to me and your crown looks fine. If you really are worried maybe you should go see your doctor. Even if you are losing i'm pretty sure you'll be able to keep everything with a small dose of finasteride a day.


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I have to disagree with SE-freak here, when you part your hair you should see yet more hair beneath, often thicker hair, even if you shave your head there should be a secondary back up layer of hair that will hide the scalp, you should never be able to see your scalp, never ever. Even though Avodart carries relatively high rates of side effects and is linked with extended frontal sheds I would not hesitate to go for a double dose or even a triple dose (?) you are already at a very late stage of this malady and you have little time to waste.

Good Luck.


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Radio said:
I have to disagree with SE-freak here, when you part your hair you should see yet more hair beneath, often thicker hair, even if you shave your head there should be a secondary back up layer of hair that will hide the scalp, you should never be able to see your scalp, never ever. Even though Avodart carries relatively high rates of side effects and is linked with extended frontal sheds I would not hesitate to go for a double dose or even a triple dose (?) you are already at a very late stage of this malady and you have little time to waste.

Good Luck.

I am trying to be polite and you grab the bite out of my mouth. Right? :)

Not in accordance with your "noble" avatar, I must stress.


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There is nothing noble about my mother.


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It doesn't look to me like you have problem. As said before, any hair combed in a certain way can make it look like you're balding. It looks fine to me.

It is also normal to lose hair and see hair etc. in the shower. God you should see the clunks of hair my ex girlfriend left behind. And she had massively thick hair and was definitely not going bald! In fact, the more hair you have, the more will probably naturally "shed" as part of a normal growth cycle. I heard it said somewhere that people lose about 200 hairs a day.

It's also especially normal for hair to have a teeny "bald" spot at the back there. That's the crown and most people's hair sort of swirls away from that area. Your hair looks normal and not balding.

Get off the drugs mate, they're just screwing with your hormones. However, keep up the Nizoral usage, especially if you have dandruff. If - and I DON'T think this is the case - but just IF you are actually starting to go bald, Nizoral alone will help at such an early stage. Having said that, you're not going bald. So quit worrying & smile! :)


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You have thick hair. No signs of male pattern baldness visible in these pics.
There is nobody in this world who can part their hair the way you have in the pics and not see any scalp. Some scalp will show in all people with full heads of hair, though it will vary slightly from person to person.
But just check that area. Do all the hairs there on the crown grow as long as the surrounding ones? Are they as thick and black as the surrounding ones? If yes (as I suspect they are), then take a chill pill.


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Ive decided that for now ill continue with my treatment as most seem to agree with its efficiency.

I did what u said arjun and im not sure but I think that the answer to your suggestions are yes but im just not sure.


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whaa....? Didn't you read the replies!?

Why would you screw around with your hormones for no reason?

Why come on here asking for advice and then when you get it, just ignore it all?

...or are you one of these weird guys with thick hair that comes on here and makes 800 posts and takes all these hair loss drugs for some sort of imaginary baldness? (and there's heaps of them!) I swear there's a baldness version of anorexia.

Okay, maybe continue the Nizoral just for a general healthy scalp. But why on earth would you continue taking finasteride? I actually am going bald and I've decided to go off it. It can't be good for you.


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Mate DHT does more in your body than just make people go bald. In fact it does more in the human body then anyone even knows about. Nobody knows what you're screwing with by taking it.

Finasteride definitely lowers sex drive, stops hard erections, causes watery seamen, decreased amounts of seamen, etc. etc. DHT seems to be an important ingredient in a healthy sex life. And that's just for starters.

Most people on these forums are willing to subsitute that for their hair (which I find crazy) or they are just lucky enough not to get these side effects (bastards).

You are not going bald at all and have no reason to be screwing around in God's kitchen. BUT if you insist...then good luck.

samiam said:
ikaponthus said:
whaa....? Didn't you read the replies!?

Why would you screw around with your hormones for no reason?

Why come on here asking for advice and then when you get it, just ignore it all?

...or are you one of these weird guys with thick hair that comes on here and makes 800 posts and takes all these hair loss drugs for some sort of imaginary baldness? (and there's heaps of them!) I swear there's a baldness version of anorexia.

Okay, maybe continue the Nizoral just for a general healthy scalp. But why on earth would you continue taking finasteride? I actually am going bald and I've decided to go off it. It can't be good for you.

because most stated that its good and it mostly blocks the dht thats mostly in hair and not all dht like avodart. Thats it.
I do appreciate the comments and its helped me calm down loads.

also what about diet? I dont have a good diet(Japan- lower protein, higher carbs) and I know this but ive tried to compensate by having lots of fish, fish oils and Double Strength Multi Vitamins every day.
Is diet really a known hairloss factor?