22 Years Old , Want Your Opinion And Experience About Propecia


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Hair started to fall 2 years ago when I was in a lot of stress , I saw 10-15 hair on the pillow. Today my hair doesn't fall as much (8 or less) but I can still see a little bit of thinning on my crown . I went to the derm and he confirmed my concerns, he gave me prescription for propecia . I was just about to take the first pill when I decided to do some online searching . I found some troubling side affects ( some of them on this forum) and I don't talk about the sex drive, a lot of people say that they can't think straight, suffer from brain fog and lost of short term memory.
I just want some advice, is it really that bad? How many of you had suffer from those affects?
I can deal with the affects on the sex drive but the affects on the brain is too much.


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As has been said an uncountable amount of times before: side-effects are rare, and persistent/permanent side effects extremely rare. They do, however, exist for some people.
If you care the least about your looks, hair loss will take its toll on you. While it's easy to preach "staying positive", it might be difficult. I'd say: if your genes are prone to balding, get on finasteride and don't think about it. Best of luck.


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this coming from a guy who took propecia and saved his *** for 8 years... which he said he had no side effects with.

Wrong, there was most definitely sides. Very noticeable once I quit. It's not worth it. And it most certainly did not save my ***.