21 Years And I Need Advice About My Hair


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I am 21 years old and I'm trying to figure out how bad my hair loss is right now. I know there are those on this site worse than me but this is something I've been fairly obsessed about for a year now. I'd have gone to a dermatologist by now if I didn't live in Des Moines, IA (the closest thing we have is a hair transplant clinic that doesn't even offer miniaturization mapping). As far as I know from studying the Norwood chart, I may be a Norwood 2 but like I said, I don't know. People I have asked have told me that I have nothing to worry about Please give me idea of where I'm at?

I have always had a high hairline even as a child. As you will see, my forhead is absolutely massive. I haven't seen my dad since I was six but from what my mom tells me, my grand-dad had a full hairline even in his 60s and my dad had one when he was my age. I'm not sure based on my mother's side as her father died in a fishing boat accident when she was an infant. I have no definite family history to work with. But I do know that I have thick hair.

I will attach a variety of photos that will try to capture my current situation. I have longer hair but I am showing pictures of it wet (slicked back), pulled back, and as it normally looks.

Thank you all so much for your help. This is something that has been eating at me for a long time.


The bald spot in the second pic isn't thinning on my crown. It's a scar from when I was 3 after a kid threw one of those toy wooden blocks at me.


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It looks like you have receded in the temples. Your hairline on your temples is also very weak which is typically a sign of male pattern baldness. The good news is there no other noticeable loss anywhere else. If you want to take preventive measures now, my suggestion is to purchase regenepure DR shampoo. I also suggest dropping all shampoos and conditioners that contain sulfates. After that, it's just monitoring your hair loss and take it from there.