2025's story with pictures. 24y old with receding hairline


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Hello guys! I'm a 24 year old guy from the US and I've been fighting male pattern baldness for about 3 years now.

The journey started back in my senior year of college, where I noticed some of my temple hairs were losing their color and thinning a bit. There's no history of male pattern baldness in my family except for my dad who's about a NW4 but he rocks it pretty good. I knew from an early age that I might inherit his baldness so I was prepared both mentally and product-wise when the day finally came.

I never thought the reason for my receding temples were bad food, smoking or alcohol. I immediately realized male pattern baldness were knocking on my door. I weighed my options for a couple of weeks but preatty easily made the decision to jump on Proscar, which I already had in stock. Proscar did nothing for my temples (they were barely noticeable at this point though) but it helped me maintain what I already had and maybe thickened it up a bit. After 1,5 year on only Proscar I decided to start using Rogaine 5 percent. The Rogaine actually restored my hairline to the really low one I'm used to, even though it was not as thick as it used to be. 1,5 years later and here I am with you guys, sharing my story. My frontal hairline is thin, but Rogaine and Proscar is maintaining it pretty well. The only thing that has gotten worse is the front middle part that is slowly dissappearing, leaving a hole in the front of my hairline which looks a bit fcked up. I am not embarassed or afraid of male pattern baldness, I just don't like it.

I've done my research when it comes to hair transplantation, and I am sure that is the road I will go down eventually, especially since we have lots of great doctors in the area where I currently live. I'm not going to rush into something though.

I would like to know what you guys think I should do here...I know I'm probably heading for a NW4 pattern, there's no point denying that, but how long will it take? How long should I wait until I get my first transplant? I'm 24 now, soon to be 25.

My initial plan was to maintain with meds until 30, but I'm starting to think I'll get my first one at around 28 and then another one at say, 40?

Here's a couple of pictures of the situation, please note that when I go for a short cut and push my hair a bit forward it looks pretty good. The rest of my hair is as thick as it has ever been, it's the front that's thinning out.

It looks a bit greasy cuz I've applied Rogaine right before taking these photos.

from left:





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I'm not considering surgery as of right now but in 2-3 years my hairline will probably be a lot worse than it is right now. You gotta remember I've been keeping it at bay for a couple of years already, it wont last forever. If i'd quit finasteride and min tomorrow i'd be a NW3 in like 4 months for sure...which is kinda scary but true.