20 Years Old Have I Hope Of Regaining? Relflex Hypoandrogenicity?


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Hi all,

20 years old and I’ve been experiencing what seems to be male pattern baldness for about a year and a half. I started on propecia 2 and a half months ago as well as biotin vitamins and sea kelp, and have just this week added rogaine to my regime.

It’s safe to say my receding hairline and diffuse thinning at the front of my scalp has got worse in the past 2 months but I understand this may be because of a ‘shed’ and often think it would probably of got worse anyway.

However, I do worry I may be experiencing reflex hypoandrogenicity ( if that’s how you spell it ) just of very recent I have experienced an increase in libido, I’ve also been feeling my skin to see if it’s oily but honestly I’m not sure if it’s any worse than normal or I’m just in my head.

Anyhow, I’m having a blood test on my testosterone levels in a week, if I find my DHT levels are way above the average males am I right in presuming this is what I am experiencing? If so obviously, like anyone else would I would want to stop taking the drug if that’s the case. If anyone could clarify this for me I would massively appreciate it. It’s a struggle in the UK as I don’t feel there’s easy access to dermatologists and my GP is as clueless as I am when it come male pattern baldness, very much feel like I’m on my own taking meds without any real advice other than the internet as to what might happen.

Any help would be much appreciated, any similar success stories from where I’m currently at?

Pictures attached for those curious. I hope to be updating with my progress on this forum so it may help those in a similar situation.


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Over the past couple weeks my hair has thinned considerably all over my scalp in areas that have never been effected by male pattern baldness - the only time I’ve had hair this thin is when I have requested my barber to thin it, however then I had a choice now I don’t. Really hoping I’m just riding out the intial propecia shed and that my hair will return back to its previously thicker state.

I had a blood test recently and get my results in a week - I’m hoping for my DHT levels to come in relative low, however, I’m not sure if this covers my reflex hypoandrogen worries.

Also the hairs in ‘shedding’ are the thinnest I’ve ever seen fall from my head, could this be a good sign?


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Are you using minoxidil. And if so are you applying all over? I find myself in a similar position on finasteride. The thinning on my scalp went from the hairline to the forelock to the mid scalp to the vertex. It’s now thinning all over versus only at the temples when I started.


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Sorry I can’t help I’m in England aswell and on finesteride your hairloss doesn’took to bad in the picture hopefully it doesn’t progress to fast good luck


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Are you using minoxidil. And if so are you applying all over? I find myself in a similar position on finasteride. The thinning on my scalp went from the hairline to the forelock to the mid scalp to the vertex. It’s now thinning all over versus only at the temples when I started.

I am using the minoxidil twice a day along and just behind my hairline. I have been using it for just less than a month so have found no real changes with regards that, like all treatments I almost feel as if it may be making it worse than better. I will keep you updated if things change. How long have you been experiencing hair loss? And are you on finasteride?


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I am using the minoxidil twice a day along and just behind my hairline. I have been using it for just less than a month so have found no real changes with regards that, like all treatments I almost feel as if it may be making it worse than better. I will keep you updated if things change. How long have you been experiencing hair loss? And are you on finasteride?
Hair loss started in May at left temple but it was aggressive. By July my right temple had receded rapidly as well. Jumped on finasteride plus minoxidil on the temples and on July 1. Six weeks later my hairline started going and added minoxidil there too. By the 4th month the thinning advanced to forelock and mid scalp. Now it’s thinning everywhere. I’ve lost a ton of density. Oddly my left temple seems to continue to rapidly recede while the right has slowed down. I feel like the finasteride definitely impacted me poorly but I don’t think I have any choice but to continue now. Whether it continues or recovers is anyone’s guess but it doesn’t show any signs of improving. All I wanted to do was to slow the rapid onset of loss at the temples and now I’m dealing with a situation which is far worse in a few short months.


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I am using the minoxidil twice a day along and just behind my hairline. I have been using it for just less than a month so have found no real changes with regards that, like all treatments I almost feel as if it may be making it worse than better. I will keep you updated if things change. How long have you been experiencing hair loss? And are you on finasteride?
I’m concerned I have the reflex hyperandrogenicity I’ve read about in this forum. It’s suppised to be pretty rare but it seems like it happens more frequently than you’d think. Of course my dermatologist never heard of any such thing. Drs are worthless in my opinion. You get more valuable information here imo. I just ordered the derminator pen which could take a couple of months to be delivered. By that time I’m afraid I’ll be desperate enough to add that.


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I’m concerned I have the reflex hyperandrogenicity I’ve read about in this forum. It’s suppised to be pretty rare but it seems like it happens more frequently than you’d think. Of course my dermatologist never heard of any such thing. Drs are worthless in my opinion. You get more valuable information here imo. I just ordered the derminator pen which could take a couple of months to be delivered. By that time I’m afraid I’ll be desperate enough to add that.
Well you said that your hair loss was aggressive before you even started finasteride so I doubt it was that. My hair loss started just like yours. First the left temple, then the right, then everywhere else. Say that I jumped on fina 4 months ago when my hairline was still very thick and then notice it going too maybe I would have blamed it on finasteride since my sides and now even my back have thinned out.
Did minoxidil help a bit for regrowth?


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Well you said that your hair loss was aggressive before you even started finasteride so I doubt it was that. My hair loss started just like yours. First the left temple, then the right, then everywhere else. Say that I jumped on fina 4 months ago when my hairline was still very thick and then notice it going too maybe I would have blamed it on finasteride since my sides and now even my back have thinned out.
Did minoxidil help a bit for regrowth?
The hair loss was aggressive but it was only at the temples and was over the course of a few months. starting finasteride seems to have exacerbated the loss over a far greater area of the scalp in a much quicker time span. I don’t think I’ve seen any regrowth from minoxidil but i think it may have helped stabilize the hairline somewhat. What I don’t understand is that my left temple continues to be hit hard and that’s where I’m applying it the most. Its getting to the point where it’s no longer the temple but actually the side of my mid scalp. I never wanted to be a full time user of minoxidil but now I’m torn between stopping completely (with the theory that it’s destroying the left side), cutting to once per day, or going full out twice a day all over the scalp. Here’s a picture of the temple in May when I first noticed some receding. And the other is this week.


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The hair loss was aggressive but it was only at the temples and was over the course of a few months. starting finasteride seems to have exacerbated the loss over a far greater area of the scalp in a much quicker time span. I don’t think I’ve seen any regrowth from minoxidil but i think it may have helped stabilize the hairline somewhat. What I don’t understand is that my left temple continues to be hit hard and that’s where I’m applying it the most. Its getting to the point where it’s no longer the temple but actually the side of my mid scalp. I never wanted to be a full time user of minoxidil but now I’m torn between stopping completely (with the theory that it’s destroying the left side), cutting to once per day, or going full out twice a day all over the scalp. Here’s a picture of the temple in May when I first noticed some receding. And the other is this week.

This is the exact same situation as myself - previously I only had a slight receding hairline on my left temple and some diffuse thinning at the centre and just behind the middle of my hairline. After being on finasteride for 2 and half months the whole top of my scalp has thinned CONSIDERABLY. Reflex hypoandrogenicty is a really scary thought, I’ve read the tell tale signs of this are increased libido and oily skin? I wouldn’t really say finasteride has effected my libido for the better or the worse however I do get an oily scalp after a day or two but I always presumed your hair needs to natural oils, that’s why shampooing every day is really bad for your hairs health? It’s a shame we don’t have a crystal ball to see into the future.


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This is the exact same situation as myself - previously I only had a slight receding hairline on my left temple and some diffuse thinning at the centre and just behind the middle of my hairline. After being on finasteride for 2 and half months the whole top of my scalp has thinned CONSIDERABLY. Reflex hypoandrogenicty is a really scary thought, I’ve read the tell tale signs of this are increased libido and oily skin? I wouldn’t really say finasteride has effected my libido for the better or the worse however I do get an oily scalp after a day or two but I always presumed your hair needs to natural oils, that’s why shampooing every day is really bad for your hairs health? It’s a shame we don’t have a crystal ball to see into the future.
Wow. Same here. No change to libido one way or another. Definitely not a crazy increase like you hear from some. I haven’t noticed my scalp become more oily either. If anything it feels pretty dry and my hair is definitely more brittle than it’s ever been.

As far as thinning across the entire scalp you are like the 3rd or 4th person I’ve been in contact over the last 2 weeks that have had a similar experience in the same approximate time frame. On this forum you’ll find every opinion from “RH doesn’t exist because it’s scientificly impossible” to “it happens quite often and is due to an up regulation in androgen receptors”. You’ll see some people urge you to push on because it’s “normal” and you’ll be fine and others who’ll tell you they gave it 2 years and never recovered.

I wish I had an answer one way or another. I feel pretty certain if I stop taking the medication then I’m doomed even though it might slow down (emphasis on might). If I continue then I might continue to experience this rapid thinning all over OR I could recover completely given more time. It really sucks because I put a couple of months thought into this before I started and weighed all the risks. I never would have expected to be where I am now just 6 months later. And yes a crystal ball would help.


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Wow. Same here. No change to libido one way or another. Definitely not a crazy increase like you hear from some. I haven’t noticed my scalp become more oily either. If anything it feels pretty dry and my hair is definitely more brittle than it’s ever been.

As far as thinning across the entire scalp you are like the 3rd or 4th person I’ve been in contact over the last 2 weeks that have had a similar experience in the same approximate time frame. On this forum you’ll find every opinion from “RH doesn’t exist because it’s scientificly impossible” to “it happens quite often and is due to an up regulation in androgen receptors”. You’ll see some people urge you to push on because it’s “normal” and you’ll be fine and others who’ll tell you they gave it 2 years and never recovered.

I wish I had an answer one way or another. I feel pretty certain if I stop taking the medication then I’m doomed even though it might slow down (emphasis on might). If I continue then I might continue to experience this rapid thinning all over OR I could recover completely given more time. It really sucks because I put a couple of months thought into this before I started and weighed all the risks. I never would have expected to be where I am now just 6 months later. And yes a crystal ball would help.

I know I’ve read all sorts on this forum looking for answers on RH, some of it may just be fear mongering but it’s impossible to tell. I will post again with an update after my blood test results come in.


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Wow. Same here. No change to libido one way or another. Definitely not a crazy increase like you hear from some. I haven’t noticed my scalp become more oily either. If anything it feels pretty dry and my hair is definitely more brittle than it’s ever been.

As far as thinning across the entire scalp you are like the 3rd or 4th person I’ve been in contact over the last 2 weeks that have had a similar experience in the same approximate time frame. On this forum you’ll find every opinion from “RH doesn’t exist because it’s scientificly impossible” to “it happens quite often and is due to an up regulation in androgen receptors”. You’ll see some people urge you to push on because it’s “normal” and you’ll be fine and others who’ll tell you they gave it 2 years and never recovered.

I wish I had an answer one way or another. I feel pretty certain if I stop taking the medication then I’m doomed even though it might slow down (emphasis on might). If I continue then I might continue to experience this rapid thinning all over OR I could recover completely given more time. It really sucks because I put a couple of months thought into this before I started and weighed all the risks. I never would have expected to be where I am now just 6 months later. And yes a crystal ball would help.

Still waiting on my blood test results - and still feel as if my hair is progressively getting thinner and I’m right next to the 3 month mark on propecia now! What about yourself ?


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Still waiting on my blood test results - and still feel as if my hair is progressively getting thinner and I’m right next to the 3 month mark on propecia now! What about yourself ?

Next week will be 6 months for me. I’m not sure yet but it is possible that I’ve stabilized or at least slowed down. I’ve felt this way a couple of times previously only to get worse so I’m tempering my expectations somewhat. I still feel like I might be losing ground at the hairline especially but the overall progression across the scalp from month 5 to 6 doesn’t seem to be nearly as drastic as month 3 to 4 or 4 to 5. Again, except for the hairline which is very slowly receding I haven’t seen any major changes in a few weeks. I also got my hair cut a week ago (about an inch off) and I was expecting to see more of the top and crown but I don’t. Not sure if it’s the way she cut it (she knows what she’s doing) but I was pleasantly surprised. Anyway right now I’m cautiously optimistic. I also modified my minoxidil routine to Pm only during work days (5 days a week) because I felt like I was inadvertently spreading the minoxidil over my scalp during styling in the morning (I have a long commute and I don’t have time to let it dry completely). I’ve ordered a derma pen but it’s not due to arrive for a couple of months. My plan is to use it at the hairline and temples to see if I get any response. I also think the Christmas holiday was a very needed distraction for me as I was much too busy to worry about my hair loss every day. Time will tell if I’ve turned the corner or not. Thanks for checking in and please keep me posted on your progression. Hopefully it slows down soon.


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Next week will be 6 months for me. I’m not sure yet but it is possible that I’ve stabilized or at least slowed down. I’ve felt this way a couple of times previously only to get worse so I’m tempering my expectations somewhat. I still feel like I might be losing ground at the hairline especially but the overall progression across the scalp from month 5 to 6 doesn’t seem to be nearly as drastic as month 3 to 4 or 4 to 5. Again, except for the hairline which is very slowly receding I haven’t seen any major changes in a few weeks. I also got my hair cut a week ago (about an inch off) and I was expecting to see more of the top and crown but I don’t. Not sure if it’s the way she cut it (she knows what she’s doing) but I was pleasantly surprised. Anyway right now I’m cautiously optimistic. I also modified my minoxidil routine to Pm only during work days (5 days a week) because I felt like I was inadvertently spreading the minoxidil over my scalp during styling in the morning (I have a long commute and I don’t have time to let it dry completely). I’ve ordered a derma pen but it’s not due to arrive for a couple of months. My plan is to use it at the hairline and temples to see if I get any response. I also think the Christmas holiday was a very needed distraction for me as I was much too busy to worry about my hair loss every day. Time will tell if I’ve turned the corner or not. Thanks for checking in and please keep me posted on your progression. Hopefully it slows down soon.
I use a derma pen when applying minoxidil on the hairline! Whether it helps with absorbtion or not I do not not know. I’m confident I’m still miniaturising tbh the hairs I’m shedding now are thinner than ever and seem to be tapering towards the root which is exactly what minaturisation is so I don’t have the highest of hopes at the moment. I just hope if I do come off the drug unsuccessfully a lot of the hairs I’ve shedded grow back even if they are thinner than before.


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I use a derma pen when applying minoxidil on the hairline! Whether it helps with absorbtion or not I do not not know. I’m confident I’m still miniaturising tbh the hairs I’m shedding now are thinner than ever and seem to be tapering towards the root which is exactly what minaturisation is so I don’t have the highest of hopes at the moment. I just hope if I do come off the drug unsuccessfully a lot of the hairs I’ve shedded grow back even if they are thinner than before.
My hair is tapering toward the root all over as well which has me a bit freaked out. I feel like the hormonal change from the drug caused an initial shock to my entire scalp. But my hope is that things start to normalize and thicken back up.