20 Year Old Looking For Some Outside Opinions/advice


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Not really done this kinda thing before. But I was hoping someone could let me know the current state of my hair, and what it is on the Norwood scale? I'll post some old photos for you to compare, of course.

(EDIT: Having trouble posting the images because apparently it's spam..)

Alright, so I found a workaround, I just have to waffle a load of text and then insert a link somewhere so it doesn't appear as spam.

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Armando Jose

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Don't worry for your hair, mantain it and be happy. Most people in this forum dream with a hair like yours


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I appreciate you taking the time to reply Armando, what do you think of the front angle? does it look strange, I'm normally not too bothered about my hair other than the front, it looks really V like there.

Armando Jose

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It is possible that your hairline is natural, normally there is a slight recesion in this area in the 16-20 years period. Have you cases of alopecia in your family?


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Yeah, on one of the pictures you can see my fathers hairline. My brother had the kind of balding thats all on top at once but he shared a different father. Both my maternal and paternal grandfathers had a full head of hair. We are known to have V shaped hairlines and widows peaks though


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I like the word normal. I was always fearing because my hairline wasn't completely straight or not diffused it was signs of going bald. Thank you very much :)


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Alright, I came to notice something earlier. My hairline has receded a tad, maximum 1.5cm I'm thinking. I noticed that I have some standalone hairs that haven't quite fell out from where my 'juvenile hairline' was, and it was much straighter.

I took some photos in November. I should say that the thin straggily bits I previously had at the front have been razored, just so it looks cleaner and less 'thinning' I didnt mind a little more forehead as long as I looked tidy, as it were.


These were before I tidied up.


And this is after, just in case you want to tell me I messed up badly. :p ANYWAY, I'm getting off topic, according to the small black hairs that are way further down, my original hairline was much more like this.


Is this normal between 16-21? I'm worried I'm going way past my intended years. I know it's different for everyone, I just want to know if i'm drawing the short straw. Here, this might help too, a comically awkward passport photo from when I was 16 matched with an even more comical imitation of perspective and angle. Sorry for dragging this on.


Armando Jose

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Most people here dream with a hair like yours, and if you start with hair meds withouth a good reason,.... you'll start a complicated journey.

Be careful.


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TBH I think it's kind of irrelevant what anyone else dreams of. If you're noticing your hair line changing, there's a possibility it's going to continue into some form of substantial hairloss. It may also stop as mine did when I reached 21. Your options at this point are to monitor it carefully over a couple of months and reassess or go to a dermatologist now and check for signs of miniaturization. In the event that you were experiencing a form of hairloss you'd be able to get onto a treatment early and maintain all that you have now for probably the next decade.

I'd be a bit on the fence about it now too. But if your hair means as much to you as mine does, I'd be at that dermatologist asap just in case. Good luck man


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TBH I think it's kind of irrelevant what anyone else dreams of. If you're noticing your hair line changing, there's a possibility it's going to continue into some form of substantial hairloss. It may also stop as mine did when I reached 21. Your options at this point are to monitor it carefully over a couple of months and reassess or go to a dermatologist now and check for signs of miniaturization. In the event that you were experiencing a form of hairloss you'd be able to get onto a treatment early and maintain all that you have now for probably the next decade.

I'd be a bit on the fence about it now too. But if your hair means as much to you as mine does, I'd be at that dermatologist asap just in case. Good luck man

Hello! I'm back at the age of 22, I still check on the imgur graph I made for this forum. I believe my paranoia derived from my hairline receding into a mature hairline, and my insecurities came from feeling the smooth areas of where my juvenile hairline was, plus being used to taking/seeing photos in flattering lighting and angles. You can see when I was 17 in the original post it was starting to curve into a mature hairline, similar to my fathers who seems to follow the same pattern. Considering both my grandfathers had full heads of hair.

Anyhow, when i was 21 I had some fun and shaved all my hair off, for funsies. I ended up really enjoying it and kept the look for a while, before realising my hair isn't really going anywhere and grew it back for a bit.

Here! https://imgur.com/a/tgNc4UD

I think it's going into a Leo hairline or whatever. But at this point i had such positive feedback to being bald. (I've shaved it shorter than the photos provided. I even played a cruel joke on my girlfriend on valentines 2017 by shaving just the front off first and taking a photo saying "happy valentines day." ). At this point i'm quite comfortable with losing the hair. It was quite a good idea to buzz it off and keep it incredibly short for a while. It stops being a problem and you grow comfortable without it, aesthetics aside. :)

Either way, I thought i'd report in and say yes, my hairline had matured, or if it is receded, it's slowed down now. It's also worth mentioning for people in a similar position that not only does a maturing hairline scare you into thinking its all going off, but sometimes it can be just down to taking flattering angles of yourself, and then seeing unflattering photos and being quite scared into thinking it's all happening now. When in reality you just got used to yourself being so perfect from one angle/lighting hahaha.

Ooh also Co-Ops cctv cameras, seeing the back of your head on one of them high contrast cameras on the screens made me think i had a massive bald spot, when in reality it was just my crown. l o l

Thanks for dealing with me the last couple years by the way!

Hope you're all enjoying the summer. :)

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