20 year old diffuse thinning, Need adivce/will start today with treatment


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Hello all,

I am 20 years old and my hair is thinning badly! It all started some years ago when i experienced pain and itch on my scalp. I went to some doctors and the conclusion was seborrheic dermatitis. I got a lot of different meds but nothing was really effective. When I was 18 I started to notice that my hair was thinning. I went to different dermatologists in different hospitals and all of them said'' oh you are balding, nothing to do about it''. Now 2 years later it is getting really bad and i want to do something about it. I hope it is not too late.

I will start with finasteride and I already use Ketoconazole shampoo and I just started with Rogaine foam.


- Finasteride (Finpecia), I will start today and will begin with 0,5mg daily for 2 weeks and after the 2 weeks with 1 mg daily
- Rogaine foam, Once a day (before going to bed)
- Ketoconazole shampoo (Brand actavis) 3 times a week, I am using this because its free (doctors prescription) but when i read the document i got some concerns about this. The document provided with the shampoo states for side effects: ''It can thin hair and change the hair structure''. So is it good to use this or can i better use Nizoral shampoo?

What do you guys think is there still hope?

Pictures (29-01-2014): My hair is really short now because i shaved my head a month ago but i didn't like it. You can see its really bad thinning everywhere and you can see the red spots from the seborrheic dermatitis.

Photo 29-01-14 16 19 20.jpgPhoto 29-01-14 16 19 14.jpgPhoto 29-01-14 16 19 10.jpgPhoto 29-01-14 16 19 07.jpgPhoto 29-01-14 16 15 34.jpg


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I went to different dermatologists in different hospitals and all of them said'' oh you are balding, nothing to do about it''.

Agh... This makes me so angry! You should sue those ****ers for medical negligence, they diagnosed you and gave you false information which led you to believe there was nothing that could be done about it, and thus not act on prevention of a hereditory disease that is preventable!. I'm pretty sure that counts as professional negligence. Look up Tort law and tort of negligence. Doctors need to be held accountable for the misinformation and destructive advice they hand out... If a doctor told you that you had cancer and there's nothing you can do about it, leading you to just accept it, then you'd sue right? Well why not hairloss?

It's not too late, but as always prevention is easier than regrowth, you would have seen better results if your doctors had given you the correct advice 2 years ago. Get on the big three and hopefully you'll see some good results.

Seriously though... So many incompetent doctors, surgeons and dermatologists out there... How do these people make it through med school?


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get shampoo with zinc pyrithione and it should go in a week. i had the same thing for more than 2 years, lost like 50% of hair all over scalp, sheeding decrased from 100,200 hair a day to 10-20, still no new regrowth.


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Small update: My hair is doing a lot better since i posted this. I still use the keto shampoo, minoxidil and I take finasteride 0,25 mg a day. My hair is thicker, it is covering my scalp and i can see regrowth. I quited once with minoxidil and finasteride but since July i'm really consequent with my regime and it pays off!

I dont have any sides, although sometimes i worry a bit about gyno but im not sure. I will keep track of it.

If some people would like to see photos of my current situation, just ask and i'll post them later.

Very happy so far :)


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Hi Traangas,
I'd be interested to see the pictures. You have/had a similar loss patter to me, although I think I caught mine earlier. I'm just over a month into finasteride and desperately hoping mine will thicken up asap


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Sorry for the wait. These pictures are from today without styling products. You can see it looks a lot better, still some thin spots but we're working on that :)

After like 5 months i saw thickening.


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Dude, awesome! Your hair loss pattern is very similar to mine, except you started your treatment after losing even more hair than me. Thank you for the hope! Keep fighting the good fight.


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Dude, awesome! Your hair loss pattern is very similar to mine, except you started your treatment after losing even more hair than me. Thank you for the hope! Keep fighting the good fight.

Thanks man! How is your treatment going?


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Good work man...! I guess you had Chronic Telogen Effluvium.. maybe male pattern baldness in traces... can you verify your diagnosis..?


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Good work man...! I guess you had Chronic Telogen Effluvium.. maybe male pattern baldness in traces... can you verify your diagnosis..?

Dermatologists said it was male pattern baldness and seborrheic dermatitis. My hairloss came together with seborrheic dermatitis, red spots and a heavy itch. So the Keto shampoo is very important for me. Without it the seborrheic dermatitis will break out again.


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Im quiting with the finasteride. Im pretty sure its giving me gyno even the 0,25mg every other day, and i dont want that. Was a good run but unfortunately I can't win this fight.


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I believe whatever he is taking is working from his last update. Should check it out because you were getting great results.

Appreciate your help but to be honest i dont want to take even more medicines which do mess with my hormones.
Tomorrow ill read about other options maybe a topical thing. Besides that ill lower my finasteride dose to 0,25mg every third day for a couple of weeks and then see what happens.

Its very disappointing after seeing such good results but i don't want to destroy my body. Dealing with balding is though but i guess there are more important things in my life. In the end it will probably make me stronger and ill learn to live with it.

Will keep you guys posted and feel free to give me some tips! Thanks.